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I'm still "here" despite not posting for about two months.

Started by RX-78-2, February 17, 2011, 07:54:43 PM

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If anyone cares, I haven't left this forum. I hate it when others leave, so I'd never do it to you guys just in case you're the same way.

I haven't posted in about two months--again--because of stupid schoolwork. (To be fair though,  I didn't have a working computer for two of those weeks and I wasn't about to use my parents' computers just 'cause.) I just don't have the time for schoolwork, videogames, TV, and four forums. I can only manage one forum right now, but I'm going to try to fit this one into my free time soon, but no promises.

I probably won't be reading any replies to this topic any time soon so... maybe later.

On a side note, I can't find Area 6 anymore. Did it shut down or something? Because I was planning on revisiting that forum too.

Anyway, see you hopefully sooner than later.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Area 6 is being rebooted, and will be back...well, I don't know exactly when. We've got plans for it.


Area 6 will be back up on February 1. Oh wait, that was over two weeks ago.

So no one knows.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Kayo on February 17, 2011, 08:46:31 PM
Area 6 will be back up on February 1. Oh wait, that was over two weeks ago.

So no one knows.
March Madness. I'd say around the 15th.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change