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Started by JrDude, May 08, 2010, 01:59:54 AM

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Went to prom today (technically yesterday), my dance shoes got intercourse ed up, my feet hurt like hell, I lost my voice, I'm tired. Awesome, it was. Didn't dance with as many girls as I wanted to, mostly because I didn't feel like asking a girl to dance if she basically had sex on the dance floor (as in, girl bends over and moves to the beat, guy pelvic thrusts into her ass to the beat, sex with clothes basically). Went there and back in a limo, sang to songs I knew, made a bunch of jokes, it was fun. Danced with a few girls on the sex floor, and did some dancing with guys (like just jumping, fake punching), got tired of it, looked around for some people that I haven't seen in a while, and there was more dancing outside, and no one was clothes intercourse ing~
Danced with more girls out there, more fun.

So, did you go to prom? Do you plan to go to prom in the future?
Are you gonna/Did you basically intercourse  on the dance floor? are you gonna/did you hold her hips/his shoulders while slowly rotating? are you gonna/did you dance for real?
Taking a limo?
Dude .

Night the Lucario

Let's see here.... I'm a junior this year... and I skipped prom. Next year, I'l be a senior. Amd I'm still skipping prom. Not. Going. There arae too many people, and the vast majority of them are idiots. Not. Going. No. Way. In. Hell.
When one lives by the pen, one dies by the angry characters you misused. But it's too much fun not to!
Forsooth, I AM insane! FEAR ME, YE MORTALS, OR DESPAIR AT MY INSANITY! *insane cackling*
Ahem. Anyone have an RP? I need an outlet for my randomness. ;D
Think another thought, dream another dream, live another lie.
I'm writing poetry. Anyone have a request?
I'm Night the Lucario. Although that should be obvious. Just look at the sig. Or title and PT.


I have a good story. Prom isn't for a few weeks, but I was looking for a date. My friend said that this one girl told her that she wanted me to ask her, and I spent the day thinking of how to do it. I got everyone in the science class to hold up a white board with P R O M ? on it, and we all as a class locked her out and then I asked her. As it turns out, she was scared that nobody was going to ask her and had asked some guy she knew from out of school to go with her the night before. Oops.

But I still plan on going of course, it should be fun.

Dog Food

Prom is today for me. I'm going soon to get all dressed up, then going to a friend's house where the party bus will pick all of us up. I think there are fifteen of us in the group. My date is my boyfriend, obviously. The party is in Massachusetts, and it's supposed to by raining with thunderstorms during prom. It's bad here, too, so we'll probably have to skip the green and no going outside.

Afterwards I'll be sleeping over my friend's house with about seven other people. Then on Sunday we might go to the beach if it's nice. And then I'm planning on going to see Nightmare on Elm Street with my boyfriend. It's Mother's Day, and although I've been too busy to get my mom something, I want to do something nice for her. I might have to move Mother's Day to next Sunday because I won't be able to spend much of it with her this weekend.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Underclassmen as in Freshmen and Sophomores aren't allowed to go to the prom.  :(

Well, i got next year and the year after.  ;)


still got a couple more weeks until senior prom. but i've got my date and all that ready. i didn't really need to ask her, but i did to score extra points for prom night. filled her locker with cards saying cheesy stuff. she always opens her locker right after school to put books and poop away, then i give her a ride home. intercourse ing hilarious watching her open that locker and all the papers falling out. cant say no to something like that.

Quote from: AcerChris on May 08, 2010, 08:23:41 AM
Underclassmen as in Freshmen and Sophomores aren't allowed to go to the prom.  :(

Well, i got next year and the year after.  ;)
get an upperclassmen date.


Went to prom. The place was too crowded, and the music for the first hour sucked ass. I would of rather have had it at the school even.

Our winter dance kinda blew due to a crappy DJ, so I'm hoping next year, the dances will be good again.


Going in June.  I have a date and I think I've got seats at a table (so they won't be seating us alphabetically for not picking) and may be getting a limo.  Now I just need a tux, as the gf has a dress already.


Got my tux on eBay, felt like a badass.

Our normal prom is godawful. The setlist is literally the Top 40 plus Sandstorm, run by a guy with a laptop just sitting there. Our post prom is better though, our gym gets a bunch of inflatable obstacle courses and stuff until 3 am. I also played a lot of Magic.
Become a Failbook fan: Victory Road :3

The Game Boy Pocket.
Put it in your back pocket.
Sit down and it breaks.

Night the Lucario

You play Magic? Add me to your Yahoo, let's play a game some time!
When one lives by the pen, one dies by the angry characters you misused. But it's too much fun not to!
Forsooth, I AM insane! FEAR ME, YE MORTALS, OR DESPAIR AT MY INSANITY! *insane cackling*
Ahem. Anyone have an RP? I need an outlet for my randomness. ;D
Think another thought, dream another dream, live another lie.
I'm writing poetry. Anyone have a request?
I'm Night the Lucario. Although that should be obvious. Just look at the sig. Or title and PT.


Yes, I went to my prom which was also Friday night. Danced for a little more than half of it, I'm surprised I don't have blisters on my feet. And a lot of people were doing that silly grinding thing, but there were a few legit dancers. A lot of the people I sat with for the dinner sucked, but that was really the only sucky part. Other than I could have gone in a party limo but some people didn't inform me >:U

And I went in single and without a date, and came out with a date and going out with a girl. Details on that will be in a separate thread.


My prom isn't until next month.
But i'm broke.
and it's like 60 bucks to get in. :(

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Triforceman22 on May 08, 2010, 08:09:46 PM
My prom isn't until next month.
But i'm broke.
and it's like 60 bucks to get in. :(
ours was $90, $85 if you had ASB.
Dude .

Dog Food

Went to prom Saturday night, just got back about 20 minutes ago.

First met up with my date, took pictures, then met up at a friend's house with a bunch of other people, took more pictures and chilled. Then the party bus came and took us to The Green (basically a green field that acts like an island or a cul-de-sac between two roads) , where we met up with more friends joining our party bus and took more pictures and met up with other friends going in separate buses. The prom was in Mass, so it was about an hour drive in the party bus where we danced and listened to music.

Once there, I got some cherries from the bar and tied the stems into knots with my tongue (because it's one of my favorite past times). Then we ate dinner (the food sucked, so I didn't really eat), and I played Risk on someone's iPod with two other guys. It was my first time playing and I won. Then it was time to dance. I spent the entire time at prom dancing with my friends and my boyfriend. I only left the floor twice. Once was to get a drink with another friend (and that lasted about five seconds since right when we left a good song came on) and the second was to quickly take off my shoes before rejoining the floor.

Then came the after party. Half of our group went to one person's house, while the other half (otherwise known as the better half, which consisted of four girls and three guys), went to my best friend's house. But one guy had to leave early (and by early, I mean around 1:30 AM). We spent our time watching porn and making fun of it, s'mores, raiding fridges, hot tub, conga line in the shower, "nap time" (which is a misleading title, since no one actually slept), and various other things for fun. Surprisingly, I'm not tired yet and I feel like prom was forever ago even though it was less than 24 hours ago. I suggested that we all have a "Junior Skip Day", and I might just need the extra rest...

YEAH CLASS 2011 <3
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Kibbilin on May 09, 2010, 01:21:38 PM
Went to prom Saturday night, just got back about 20 minutes ago.

First met up with my date, took pictures, then met up at a friend's house with a bunch of other people, took more pictures and chilled. Then the party bus came and took us to The Green (basically a green field that acts like an island or a cul-de-sac between two roads) , where we met up with more friends joining our party bus and took more pictures and met up with other friends going in separate buses. The prom was in Mass, so it was about an hour drive in the party bus where we danced and listened to music.

Once there, I got some cherries from the bar and tied the stems into knots with my tongue (because it's one of my favorite past times). Then we ate dinner (the food sucked, so I didn't really eat), and I played Risk on someone's iPod with two other guys. It was my first time playing and I won. Then it was time to dance. I spent the entire time at prom dancing with my friends and my boyfriend. I only left the floor twice. Once was to get a drink with another friend (and that lasted about five seconds since right when we left a good song came on) and the second was to quickly take off my shoes before rejoining the floor.

Then came the after party. Half of our group went to one person's house, while the other half (otherwise known as the better half, which consisted of four girls and three guys), went to my best friend's house. But one guy had to leave early (and by early, I mean around 1:30 AM). We spent our time watching porn and making fun of it, s'mores, raiding fridges, hot tub, conga line in the shower, "nap time" (which is a misleading title, since no one actually slept), and various other things for fun. Surprisingly, I'm not tired yet and I feel like prom was forever ago even though it was less than 24 hours ago. I suggested that we all have a "Junior Skip Day", and I might just need the extra rest...

YEAH CLASS 2011 <3
2011, HIGH FIVE!