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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: Orgizirtee on November 17, 2007, 03:29:41 PM
Quote from: FearItself on November 17, 2007, 03:20:23 PM
Ooc// It is unfair for an attack to hit without giving the opponent the chance to dodge, deflect, fight back, etc. The other person may have had something planned ahead, and not taking that sort of fragile situation to account could anger the other person. I don't particularly like it when my own battle plans are thwarted because someone godmods and makes an attack hit without me being able to fight back.

Ic// "Flamethrower? Are you dense?" Shaelyn remarked, watching as Snorunt and Scyther were tussling. "Scyther's strength lies in Attack, not Special Attack. It would hardly do any damage to Snorunt, even if fire is its weakness. Why did you even bother teaching Scyther Flamethrower anyways?"

Tentacool, excited by the tussle, propped herself up on her tentacles, stat-boosted and ready to get involved.

"But I'll let you make the attacks you want. For now, Tentacool, help Snorunt out. Use Water Pulse on Scyther while it's focused on Snorunt." Shaelyn commanded.

Tentacool moved to her right a little, just to make sure she wouldn't hit Snorunt with the attack. She tilted her head back, and then thrust it forward, sending out pulses of water at the bug-type opponent.
Snorunt was slightly shaken by the attack, but for the exact same reason Shaelyn had given, it had only been hurt slightly. It let it's grip on the shoulder loose, and landed on the ground. It stumbled quickly and awkwardly next to Snorunt, and faced Scyther. "Snorunt, Icy Wind." Nik said.
Ooc// Wait...Snorunt went next to Snorunt?[/logic] Anyways, I just wanted to point out that mistake. ^.^;

Flying Chickens

Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on November 17, 2007, 03:32:32 PM
Quote from: Orgizirtee on November 17, 2007, 03:29:41 PM
Quote from: FearItself on November 17, 2007, 03:20:23 PM
Ooc// It is unfair for an attack to hit without giving the opponent the chance to dodge, deflect, fight back, etc. The other person may have had something planned ahead, and not taking that sort of fragile situation to account could anger the other person. I don't particularly like it when my own battle plans are thwarted because someone godmods and makes an attack hit without me being able to fight back.

Ic// "Flamethrower? Are you dense?" Shaelyn remarked, watching as Snorunt and Scyther were tussling. "Scyther's strength lies in Attack, not Special Attack. It would hardly do any damage to Snorunt, even if fire is its weakness. Why did you even bother teaching Scyther Flamethrower anyways?"

Tentacool, excited by the tussle, propped herself up on her tentacles, stat-boosted and ready to get involved.

"But I'll let you make the attacks you want. For now, Tentacool, help Snorunt out. Use Water Pulse on Scyther while it's focused on Snorunt." Shaelyn commanded.

Tentacool moved to her right a little, just to make sure she wouldn't hit Snorunt with the attack. She tilted her head back, and then thrust it forward, sending out pulses of water at the bug-type opponent.
Snorunt was slightly shaken by the attack, but for the exact same reason Shaelyn had given, it had only been hurt slightly. It let it's grip on the shoulder loose, and landed on the ground. It stumbled quickly and awkwardly next to Snorunt, and faced Scyther. "Snorunt, Icy Wind." Nik said.
Ooc// Wait...Snorunt went next to Snorunt?[/logic] Anyways, I just wanted to point out that mistake. ^.^;
Ooc\\ :P I meant Tentacool.


Sunflora fainted. Turtwig came out and tackled Luxio, stunning him. Turtwig followed up with Leaf Storm, knocking Luxio out. Noctowl was sent out and used Aerial Ace, then Wing Attack. The two attacks weakened Turtwig, who bit down on Noctowl's wing, then slammed it into the ground. Noctowl escaped with Double Team, and used Aerial Ace again, knocking it out.


Now Grovyle emerged with Leaf Blade, slamming Noctowl against the wall. Noctowl tried a Double Team, but Grovyle eradicated the clones with Bullet Seed. It began a barrage of Leaf Blade. Noctowl tried to escape, but to no avail. Grovyle was too fast for it, and it was knocked out.

Meowth emerged with Fury Swipes to counter the Leaf Blade. Grovyle, surprised by the equal attack, fell back. Meowth leapt at the chance to attack and fired Ice Beam, freezing it. It then fired Shadow Ball, shattering the ice and dealing damage. Grovyle shot Bullet Seed, which was met by Meowth's Thunderbolt. They reverted to Leaf Blade against Fury Swipes, before switching to Bullet Seed against Thunderbolt. Their equally matched attacks sent smoke into the air. Meowth fired Thunderbolt all over the foggy arena, hitting Grovyle. Grovyle retaliated by firing Bullet Seed randomly into the smoke.

When the smoke cleared, both combatants were still standing. Grovyle tried Bullet Seed again. Meowth opted for a different tact and used Ice Beam. Ice Beam overpowered the seeds. Grovyle was knocked out.

"Congratulations," said Ivy. "You've earned your second badge." With that, she tossed Lux the shiny badge, much to his delight.


Ooc// sorry for my absence, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn has been taking alot of my time, what did I miss?

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


OOC/// Lux you did have to make it that short...


Ooc/ I was lazy yesterday, and tired.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on November 18, 2007, 10:41:18 AM
Ooc/ I was lazy yesterday, and tired.

OOC/// Oh alright fine

IC/// "Congrats Lux on your win!" I said to him happily



Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on November 18, 2007, 10:45:09 AM

"Your welcome, lets head off to the Pokemon Center to heal our Pokemon."  I said, and asked Lux.


"Okay," he replied, starting to walk.


Spongebob does not approve


"Alright, let's do this!"

Ooc// lol, thy dungeon man. Got that off of Homestar Runner?


Ooc// Yes. ;D

Ic// "Alright then! Go Machop, and Blast!" Blast was already out side so he stepped forward. Machop came out of the pokeball.

Spongebob does not approve


"Okay then. Go Buneary and Riolu!" Like Blast, Riolu was already out there ready to fight. He tossed the pokeball high into the air and out came the buneary.