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The days of an innocent youth...

Started by Dog Food, December 07, 2010, 04:49:03 PM

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Quote from: JrDude 益 on December 12, 2010, 12:51:34 AM
Actually they do reflect your level of thinking and your maturity. Your interests will often show your maturity, if you have Blue's Clues or Pedo bear in your sig, your maturity level is highly likely to be very low. Your level of thinking can also be shown with your interests, but I will stop my explaining since my explaining is never listened to, because due to the fact that I am JrDude, everything I say makes no sense and makes me a moron.
No, they do not. The most logical thinker on the earth could like a childish show or game, it does not reduce there maturity to that of a child.
No, I would listen to you if you ever said something that was correct, or intelligent.
You just don't, you never do. Because you are an idiot.
That's why no one listens to you.


If someone else explained this, then it would be listened to, possibly because they'd use better wording, or possibly because they wouldn't have the username JrDude.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude 益 on December 12, 2010, 01:39:52 PM
Notice the words: Often, likely.
Notice what isn't there: Always.

Also, I ignored your post because it contradicts other people's messages, yet you felt the need to say it to me, so I bothered to not give a darn.

Just because you didn't use the word "always" doesn't change the fact that what you used was a shallow strawman argument. Since you basically called others immature because of what they liked, my analysis still stands. Just because someone likes something, liking that does not make them immature. Especially considering I could call you out on your pokemon avatar, a game aimed at children.

Then of course there is the issue of you being a complete dick because others do not have fond experiences of younger years. We don't all have perfect little lives where our parents spoil us rotten and expect everything to go their way. Guess what, some of us had problems socially and it led to very bad results. Having that kind of attitude doesn't make you any better than our perceived aggressors. You're acting the same as the brainless dolts who deem themselves mature because they think they have the high ground in interests. You think you're interests are "superior" so anything you don't like must be kiddy or childish. But then again, I'm sure you never had any problems in school. So here's an idea, not all of us had such great school experiences, and a lot of it isn't our fault. I'd like to see how you react in those situations, probably not as well as a lot of us have. So Jr, kindly shut the intercourse  up until you have any idea where we're coming from.


Quote from: Nayrman on December 12, 2010, 03:26:40 PM
Just because you didn't use the word "always" doesn't change the fact that what you used was a shallow strawman argument. Since you basically called others immature because of what they liked, my analysis still stands. Just because someone likes something, liking that does not make them immature. Especially considering I could call you out on your pokemon avatar, a game aimed at children.

Then of course there is the issue of you being a complete dick because others do not have fond experiences of younger years. We don't all have perfect little lives where our parents spoil us rotten and expect everything to go their way. Guess what, some of us had problems socially and it led to very bad results. Having that kind of attitude doesn't make you any better than our perceived aggressors. You're acting the same as the brainless dolts who deem themselves mature because they think they have the high ground in interests. You think you're interests are "superior" so anything you don't like must be kiddy or childish. But then again, I'm sure you never had any problems in school. So here's an idea, not all of us had such great school experiences, and a lot of it isn't our fault. I'd like to see how you react in those situations, probably not as well as a lot of us have. So Jr, kindly shut the intercourse  up until you have any idea where we're coming from.
* Kayo applauds
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Nayrman on December 12, 2010, 03:26:40 PM
Just because you didn't use the word "always" doesn't change the fact that what you used was a shallow strawman argument. Since you basically called others immature because of what they liked, my analysis still stands. Just because someone likes something, liking that does not make them immature. Especially considering I could call you out on your pokemon avatar, a game aimed at children.

Then of course there is the issue of you being a complete dick because others do not have fond experiences of younger years. We don't all have perfect little lives where our parents spoil us rotten and expect everything to go their way. Guess what, some of us had problems socially and it led to very bad results. Having that kind of attitude doesn't make you any better than our perceived aggressors. You're acting the same as the brainless dolts who deem themselves mature because they think they have the high ground in interests. You think you're interests are "superior" so anything you don't like must be kiddy or childish. But then again, I'm sure you never had any problems in school. So here's an idea, not all of us had such great school experiences, and a lot of it isn't our fault. I'd like to see how you react in those situations, probably not as well as a lot of us have. So Jr, kindly shut the intercourse  up until you have any idea where we're coming from.
Bare my children

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Nayrman on December 12, 2010, 03:26:40 PM
Just because you didn't use the word "always" doesn't change the fact that what you used was a shallow strawman argument. Since you basically called others immature because of what they liked, my analysis still stands. Just because someone likes something, liking that does not make them immature. Especially considering I could call you out on your pokemon avatar, a game aimed at children.

Then of course there is the issue of you being a complete dick because others do not have fond experiences of younger years. We don't all have perfect little lives where our parents spoil us rotten and expect everything to go their way. Guess what, some of us had problems socially and it led to very bad results. Having that kind of attitude doesn't make you any better than our perceived aggressors. You're acting the same as the brainless dolts who deem themselves mature because they think they have the high ground in interests. You think you're interests are "superior" so anything you don't like must be kiddy or childish. But then again, I'm sure you never had any problems in school. So here's an idea, not all of us had such great school experiences, and a lot of it isn't our fault. I'd like to see how you react in those situations, probably not as well as a lot of us have. So Jr, kindly shut the intercourse  up until you have any idea where we're coming from.
It's humorous how wrong you are.
I know Pokémon is aimed at children, but why would I care if people think I'm immature? People will think I'm immature regardless of my avatar.
And my life is far from perfect, my elementary school life was just as poopty, or close to, maybe even worse than yours, but I wouldn't know, and neither would you. My parents died, and my gramma may have spoiled me in certain ways but it did nothing towards my social life, hell if it DID do anything it made my social life worse, it definitely didn't make me expect anything to go my way. I had a bully, and after my 2 best friends moved away everyone seemed to turn their back on me and bully me like the stereotype nerds on TV, and maybe I was that but I don't really care. I look back on my past, and remember the good times and ignore the bad. When my sister finished middle school and we moved to where I am now, my life was still pretty bad, my lack of social skills made me get bullied more. BAND made fun of me, BAND, those are the nerds of school, and they bullied ME. I can write a book on all of the poopty times I had in school, then have a few sequel books, then end up having more words in them than all the Harry Potter books. Not saying they'd be good books, but they'd be lengthy.

I don't think I'm mature, on the internet anyway, I am definitely not mature over the internet, but I am pretty mature in reality, believe me or not, but even if I think I'm somewhat mature, I know I'm also immature in real life too, it all depends on who I am around.
I have always thought my interests were far from superior, I used to never tell people what games I played because I thought everything I played was kiddy and childish, but I still liked the games. Now I tell people, "Oh I play kiddy games like Pokémon and Mario," then they laugh and not care, then they tell me how awesome some shooting game they play is.
Basically, I thought liking things like what I like made me immature, which has partially carried on to my thoughts now. And I know that people will assume that people are immature if they have childish interests, just because you don't and I do doesn't mean that some others, mature and immature, wouldn't agree with me.

When did I say your problems were your fault? I never said "you had a poopty past because you told the past to shat on you."

I will say again, my past was poopty like yours, maybe less/more, but I have indeed been there. If you knew me personally, you'd see I have taken those situations very well, I have learned a way to make bullies (usually) stop bullying, and I have mentioned it before but no one believes it works because I am JrDude and everything I say is stupid and idiotic. Anyway, the past is passed. It doesn't bother me that it happened because it was so long ago that it would be childish to whine about it now.

And though I feel I did a good job in this post, watch as I get flamed and watch as people ignore the thought out parts and emphasize the bad parts so they can insult me some more. Yeah, I have high expectations alright ;D
Dude .