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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Shaelyn walked into the dark depths of the mine. Well, it wasn't nearly as dark as the cave leading to Oreburgh was, but it was still dark. She felt around along the walls of the cave, making sure she didn't get far enough from the entrance so that she could barely see. A slight rumble beneath her feet caused her to stop, though. Her diallated pupils jerked towards the inner depths of the cave, but saw nothing. The rumble shook the ground beneath her yet again, and Shaelyn backed herself up against the wall of the cave.

Okay... Maybe coming into this cave wasn't such a good idea... Shaelyn thought to herself. In a slight panic, she tossed her two pokeballs out, releasing Stantler and Tentacool. The two Pokemon, freshly released from their pokeballs, looked to Shaelyn in slight surprise before they, too, felt the rumble. "Guys... I don't know what's making the ground shake, but be ready for anything." she said to her Pokemon, who now looked about as scared as Shaelyn did.

Just then, the rumbles climaxed. A fracture of rocks was heard as the figure of a rock snake emerged. The force of the appearance of the large rock snake Pokemon backed Tentacool, Stantler, and Shaelyn up against the wall again. The size of the Pokemon wasn't even the worst part, Shaelyn couldn't even see it.

"I think we should leave..." Shaelyn suggested, almost immediately running for the exit. Onix reacted with the same urgence and whipped its rock tail out, hitting the area above the exit of the cave and causing rocks to fall down, "Block"ing the entrance of the cave with a formed pile of rocks, which meant Shaelyn would have to fight this creature in very limited light, whether she wanted to or not.

"All right, if we can't run, we'll have to fight." she ordered in a shakey voice. "Tentacool, Bubble Beam. Stantler, Energy Ball!"

The two Pokemon charged up their attacks. Stantler's Energy Ball caused his antlers to light up, which allowed him to see the great rock snake. Stantler hesitated for a second, but then unleashed his attack as soon as Tentacool unleashed hers. The two attacks hit dead-on, causing the Onix to fall back against the opposite wall of the cave. Of course, that wouldn't be enough to defeat this beast.


Martin got to the Pokemon center, and healed his pokemon. He then went to find Shaelyn.

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Onix growled loudly in defiance, charging at the group of three. Since Shaelyn couldn't see the creature, she could only tell that the Onix was getting closer because of the noise of its traveling getting louder. Stantler gave a whinny and let out another Energy Ball, and Tentacool defended Stantler by unleashing a Water Pulse wave. The two attacks kept the Onix at bay for only a moment, but the rock snake recoiled and charged at the three of them with a Tackle attack. Stantler and Tentacool were knocked to the side, but Shaelyn was pinned to the wall with a hard impact. She could feel a crack in her chest area, and a sudden surge of pain spread through her body. Weakened by the pain of a couple of broken ribs and plenty of bruises, Shaelyn passed out, not even able to feel Onix's tail constricting her and lifting her above the ground.

Stantler gave a defensive and anger-filled neigh, looking to Tentacool as Tentacool simultaneously looked to Stantler. Stantler unleashed a final Energy Ball attack, but this one was channeled to float right in front of his horn. Tentacool released Bubble Beam bubbles, which wound around the Energy Ball. They would combine their attacks to try and save their master.


"Noctowl, use Aerial Ace!"
Noctowl flew down with blinding speed, knocking Meowth back. It retaliated with Thunderbolt. The attack stunned Noctowl, and Meowth came in for an Iron Tail. Noctowl was taking a beating, Lux knew.
"Try a Quick Attack!"
Noctowl attacked, charging at Meowth. It tried to send Shadow Ball at Noctowl.
"Noctowl, dodge!"
Noctowl evaded the Shadow Ball and tackled Meowth.
"Now, Noctowl, use Aerial Ace once more!"
Noctowl attacked again. Meowth fought back with Swift. He kept going, the stars doing little damage. Meowth was hit hard and stunned. It was time to finish it. It got up again. Noctowl was ready and soared down to attack.


Martin found out by asking a couple people in the city, that they saw a young girl head for the mines. Martin assumed it was Shaelyn, and went to look for her.

He found the mines, but the entrance was blocked! He could hear noise in the back. Wondering what was going on, he sent out Machop. "Machop, use karate chop!" Machop leaped and struck the wall with incredible force for such a small pokemon.

The wall gave way, and Martin gasped at what he saw beyond the rubble. An Onyx was choking Shaelyn!

He quickly ordered the Machop to use karate chop once more on the onyx.....

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Meowth saw Noctowl coming. It fired an Ice Beam. Noctowl swerved out of the way and continued on. Meowth dodged Noctowl and used Slash. Noctowl was hurt but not badly.

"Noctowl, use Hidden Power!"

Orbs of light revolved around Noctowl and flew down towards Meowth.


Just as Stantler and Tentacool caught a glimpse of the Machop bursting through, they unleashed their dual attack. Recognizing the young man, Stantler knew that the Machop was there to help, and gave Tentacool a signal to tell her it was all right that the Machop was there. The Energy Ball combined with a Bubble beam whirred at Onix's head, forcing the beast backwards and forcing the Onix's tail to loosen. Shaelyn's passed-out figure fell from the air, and as soon as the tail hit the ground, she tumbled away. Being semi-conscious, she could feel what was happening to her, and moaned in pain, but she couldn't see what was going on as well as she could feel it.

T-the Onix finally fainted... she thought to herself, though her mind still a bit jumbled itself. Thinking subconsciously, Shaelyn looked to Stantler and handed him the pokeball.

Stantler tossed the pokeball from its mouth, tossing it at the Onix. The large rock snake Pokemon was captured within the pokeball by a beam of red light. The ball ticked three times, then stopped. When it did, Stantler picked the ball up again and attached it back to Shaelyn's pokeball. It felt odd capturing a fellow pokemon, but it also felt fun.

That moment of consciousness didn't last long. As Shaelyn tried to sit up, the pain from her broken ribs and very bruised chest and stomach made her pass out yet again. She was always the problematic child in her family, always getting herself into trouble. This wasn't much different from those previous times.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 05, 2007, 04:56:54 PM
Meowth saw Noctowl coming. It fired an Ice Beam. Noctowl swerved out of the way and continued on. Meowth dodged Noctowl and used Slash. Noctowl was hurt but not badly.

"Noctowl, use Hidden Power!"

Orbs of light revolved around Noctowl and flew down towards Meowth.

"Come on Lux you can do it! Go Noctowl, you have the power within you!"


Meowth was hit by the attack. It was lying prone on the ground. Lux threw the Pokeball. It hit Meowth, reducing it to a red glow, which floated into the ball. It shook three times and lay still. Lux picked it up.

"Yes! I caught Meowth!"


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 05, 2007, 05:07:26 PM
Meowth was hit by the attack. It was lying prone on the ground. Lux threw the Pokeball. It hit Meowth, reducing it to a red glow, which floated into the ball. It shook three times and lay still. Lux picked it up.

"Yes! I caught Meowth!"

"Congrats on the Meowth!" I told Lux!

"We should probably get on our way to Oreburgh now!" I said with a smile.


Relieved that the onyx was safely caught, Martin returned Machop to his pokeball. "Good job machop..." Martin sighed. He took her pokeballs to return her pokemon, then put them back on her belt. He then went to find help. He later returned with an ambulance, and he rode to the hospital in Oreburgh, looking over Shaelyn. Glad that she was safe.

Spongebob does not approve


So they went on to Oreburgh. When they arrived, the first thing Lux noticed was the ruins of the gym. It was a sad sight.

"I'm gonna go train a bit okay? I don't feel ready for the gym leader."


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 05, 2007, 05:15:02 PM
So they went on to Oreburgh. When they arrived, the first thing Lux noticed was the ruins of the gym. It was a sad sight.

"I'm gonna go train a bit okay? I don't feel ready for the gym leader."

OOC/// That was a quick trip!

IC/// As we arrived there I felt the same as Lux when we saw the gym. When I looked again I saw a notice and ran over there.

I read it aloud "The gym leader will be here tonight (10/5/07) and tommorow (10/6/07) to accept gym battles and give out badges." I said in a low voice then yelled over toowards Lux.


OOC//Sorry. Everyone was way ahead and it's been over fifty pages and we barely left Jubilife...

IC// Lux heard Pheonix and ran to him. "What is it?"


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 05, 2007, 05:24:29 PM
OOC//Sorry. Everyone was way ahead and it's been over fifty pages and we barely left Jubilife...

IC// Lux heard Pheonix and ran to him. "What is it?"

OOC/// I know we are so left behind, I blame Buizel :P

IC/// Points to the sign "Read it!"