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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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OOC// gotta point out a major flaw. i didnt point it out when i first noticed it, but now i need to. Do you remember what time period this is supposed to be? Generations ahead. Rowan, Giovanni, the gym leaders, they would all be dead.


Seeing Nurse Joy, Lux thought of the Pokemon. He remembered what the girl had said about the wounded Pokemon she and her friends had found.


Martin was creeped out now. But looking at the ruin of the gym was enough to take his mind of of it. "I wanna go check out the ruin. Are you coming?" He asked.

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Ooc// That's right.. The previous gym leaders should be dead... Crap...
Let's just say it's the gym leaders' and such's descendants with the same name? xD We can just call them by some other name, though they will be similar people, I guess. Different character, same role.

@Joeofmars: I don't think Terra is Avion's official "second character". I think she's like Rowan, a there-when-you-need-her sort of person, though lately she seems like a second character. I don't care whether or not you make a second character, it's fine with me if you want to.


OOC/ Is Shaelyn enjoying herself, toying with the boys emotions? Is she going to mess with all our heads?


Shaelyn felt a slight tug at her heart from being rejected, in a sense, but not the rejection that typically followed something like that. She was just confused as to why he just turned away, when a blush should have resulted. After watching him walk away from her, yet again, she frowned, feeling a bit hurt.

"Nah... I think I'll go to the Pokemon Center and get us a three-bed room to sleep in for the night." Shaelyn said, beginning to walk past Martin and giving him a look that looked as though she wanted to make him feel guilty.

Ooc// Haha, yes. Shaelyn is enjoying herself. xD
She can mess with any heads she wants to. Martin is just her target practice right now, lol.


Ooc// @triforce_luigi: She's a maniac, MAAANIAC that's for sure.

She's a MAAANNN Eater!

She's just a devil woman! With evil in her eyes. Beware the devil woman! SHE'S GONNA GET YOU!

lol. No offense Fear. :)

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Ooc// No, she's not evil, she's just bored. xDD
Seriously, that's what all my characters do when they're bored.
If she fought more Pokemon battles, she'd leave Martin alone, lol.


Ic// Martin went to look at the ruins. He noticed a couple people also looking at the debris.

Just then a fat, but stong looking man walked up to Martin. "Hi sonny! Were ya lookin' for a gym battle?"

"yes I was. But i heard the place got blew up." Martin replied. Then the man said. "hohohoho! I know! It's a misfortune. Especially since I am the leader."  "What?"  Martin said quizzicaly.

Ooc// okay. It seems like that though. xD

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OOC. lol. She better not try anything on Lux. Her brain will be FRIED! Beware Devil Woman!


Shaelyn looked back at where Martin was standing, noticing a new face. She could barely see Martin past the rotund man, and she didn't even know who this man was. Oh well... What do I care? she asked herself in slight denial, nevertheless turning around and entering the Pokemon Center. As was usual, there was a line. This time, she stood in line diligently, not cutting through. Atleast she had a chance to gather her thoughts for a while.


"Yes! I, Josh Boldur, was the Gym leader. I was on vacation, hiking in the mountains. Then when I got to my cabin, I got a phone call. Apparently, MY GYM BLEW UP!!!! I was very upset... But....I can battle you elswhere, if you still want the badge." A glint appeared in the man's eye.

"I would love to!" replied Martin eagerly.

"Great! We will meet infront of the mines, tommorow at 12:00 PM." Said Josh.

I have to get ready! Better let Shaelyn know.

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Just as the line dispersed, Shaelyn reached the front desk, seeing the familiar face of one of the many Nurse Joys.

"What would you like?" Nurse Joy asked.

"I'm here to rent a room, with three beds preferably, one for me and two for my.. friends." she replied, hesitating only a slight bit on the last word.

"Ah. You're in luck, that room was just checked out recently. I'll go prepare the room for you, and have it ready by three o'clock in the afternoon." Nurse Joy explained, taking three identical-looking, laminated cards from beneath the desk's surface and handing them to Shaelyn. "These are the key cards you'll need to enter."

"Thanks Nurse Joy." Shaelyn said with a slightly happy sigh, taking the three cards and putting them in her pocket. She then walked outside, looking around yet standing still as if waiting for Martin to appear sooner or later. I'm not sure if I want to talk to him right now.. But I know I will have to eventually. she thought with another sigh, though this sigh more solemn.


Ooc// wait we can make up a whole different person to be the gym leader? if so Imma go edit my posts to say her name is Ivy :P

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Ooc// I have to go watch survivor. BRB!

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