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Pokemon X and Y confirmed

Started by The Riddler, January 08, 2013, 04:14:16 AM

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I appreciate the effort Neerb but I'm well aware of the Norse inspiration. /vp/ won't shut up about it.

I'm just saying that they missed a good opportunity and its true.

Also the dark type has nothing to do with the afterlife. It's literally just "Evil" type in japan.


These are my potential Gen 6 exclusive team members. I plan to have 5 of the regular ones and one Mega, of course.

Quote from: Zero on October 08, 2013, 06:19:29 PM
Also the dark type has nothing to do with the afterlife. It's literally just "Evil" type in japan.

I guess makes sense too; evil and death are associated pretty often, and the dex makes it seem like a soul-sucking monster phoenix.


Yeah it still makes sense.

I like how most of us really like Dragalge. Sweet.

The Riddler

Quote from: Zero on October 08, 2013, 06:46:53 PM
Yeah it still makes sense.

I like how most of us really like Dragalge. Sweet.
i hate it's design. i was really disappointed that skrelp was my exclusive

but god dangit dragon/poison is cool


Quote from: Zero on October 08, 2013, 06:46:53 PM
I like how most of us really like Dragalge. Sweet.

He looks freaking amazing; the typing is just a bonus. He's the Y-exclusive sea creature, by the way; his X version parallel is Clawitzer, who admittedly is pretty awesome in his own right.

Quote from: The Riddler on October 08, 2013, 07:10:45 PM
i hate it's design. i was really disappointed that skrelp was my exclusive

but god dangit dragon/poison is cool

Well... I guess that's just the opposite of what I said now isn't it.

I know Reddit is flipping about that typing, though. Personally I don't see the big deal; it's unique, yay.


Quote from: Zero on October 08, 2013, 06:46:53 PM
I like how most of us really like Dragalge. Sweet.

there's barely 6 new pokemon worth using, of course there's going to be a lot of overlap.
~~ <3

The Riddler

relatively wide range of defense.

1/2x Electric, Fire,  Water, Bug, Fighting, Poison
1/4x Grass
2x Dragon, Ice, Ground, Psychic

weakness to fairy removed by poison type


I never decide which Pokemon to use beforehand, I like not knowing who will end up in my team when I'm playing the game. I like Braixen a lot but I've since started to like Chesnaught so I'll be picking Chespin.

Others I like and at least want to try out in my team, off the top of my head, would be:

Meowstic (female)
Spritzee (won't evolve it)
Phantump (MAYBE Trevenant)
uHHH Dragalge


Quote from: zephilicious on October 08, 2013, 07:16:54 PM
there's barely 6 new pokemon worth using, of course there's going to be a lot of overlap.

oh come on that's subjective


Quote from: Zero on October 09, 2013, 08:31:59 AM
oh come on that's subjective

There are very few of them and almost none of them will be usable post-game and several of them look under-evolved or just ugly.

It's subjective, but not by too much.


Quote from: Neerb on October 09, 2013, 09:52:33 AM
There are very few of them and almost none of them will be usable post-game and several of them look under-evolved or just ugly.

It's subjective, but not by too much.

"Almost none of them will be usable post-game"

what? Are you intercourse ing kidding me? If I can win Pokemon World Tournaments in BW2 with my Pidgeot then theres no reason you can't just use what you want. It's not like you have to use Dedenne. Shit.


Technique and Ability notes:

- Hidden Power now has a set strength of 60 BP. Type is still determined by IVs, though.
- Thunder, Blizzard, and Fire Blast have been nerfed to 110 BP.
- Weather-inducing abilities, such as Sand Stream, Snow Warning, Drizzle, and Drought, now last 5 turns instead of the entire match.
- Mega Gardevoir has an ability that changes Normal moves to Fairy type, and Aurorus has a similar ability that changes Normal moves to Ice type. It is speculated that this ability exists in other types as well. Also, Mega Gardevoir's Normal-to-Fairy ability is called "Pixilate," which is the best thing I've ever heard.
- Frost Breath, the always-crit Ice move, has been boosted from 40 BP to 60 BP.

The Riddler

Quote from: Neerb on October 09, 2013, 09:49:46 PM
Technique and Ability notes:
- Weather-inducing abilities, such as Sand Stream, Snow Warning, Drizzle, and Drought, now last 5 turns instead of the entire match.
holy poop


well weather teams finally got the nerf they deserved

but they'll still be good