Game-o-rama => General Gaming => Pokemon => Topic started by: bluaki on September 16, 2010, 02:34:30 PM

Title: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: bluaki on September 16, 2010, 02:34:30 PM
All of the new Pokemon are revealed, with Japanese names, pictures, and fully-evolved base stats. At Serebii: http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon.shtml
[spoiler=And if you want to see one big picture of them all...] (http://imgur.com/rH7s1.jpg)[/spoiler]
Or, a prettier picture of all 649 front non-animated sprite rips here (http://imgur.com/Mzdt6.png)
Discuss them all here. Let the other 5th gen thread cover everything else, like gym leaders, mechanics, region, items, etc.

We've essentially only touched one thread in this board for months. It's time to start actually organizing the new discussion.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Macawmoses on September 16, 2010, 02:57:10 PM
As everyone knows, I like two types quite a bit. Dark, and Ice.

The ice are thoroughly disappointing. The Ice Cream Pokemon looks like a phallus. The baby Polar bear has snot running out of its nose. There's a snowflake.

The darks, with the exception of the mentally retarded kid (Dark/Fighting type), are exceptional. The Power Ranger, the Hydra, the Gator, the Leopard, the Vulture, etc.

As someone who worked extensively with fossils and the like, I'm pleased by the fossil Pokemon. Both are top notch choices that are just a little out there.

The sheer number of Fighting, Dark, and Bug is an interesting change, and one I'm pleased with. If only there was just a slight boost to Fire and Electric as well. Even ghost got its dues this time around - the Ghost/Earth is cool.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 16, 2010, 03:07:31 PM
luuuuuuuv this gen so freaking much.

My team will probably be:

Lamprey (pure electric + levitate = winzorz)
Hydra (pleez don't get ubered like garchomp... although i hated garchomp)
archeopteryx (rainbow fossil bird)
candelabra or anteater (disappointed on anteater's stats, though)
seasonal deer (or grass monkey if i can get it from my friend)

The first two are DEFINITE, and I'm really hoping for the hydra, but may not be totally sure about last three
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: bluaki on September 16, 2010, 03:15:08 PM
Quote from: Mace on September 16, 2010, 02:57:10 PM
The ice are thoroughly disappointing. The Ice Cream Pokemon looks like a phallus. The baby Polar bear has snot running out of its nose. There's a snowflake.
This covers many of my strongest dislikes out of the new Pokemon. If the Polar bear baby had the snot removed, it'd be pretty cute. Definitely improved. Ice Cream as a core idea doesn't sound bad, but the second and third forms are terribly designed (baby isn't bad).

Some of my other dislikes about these:
1. Victini should be last, not first.
2. Those flying legends should be next to each other in the Pokedex. I don't like their designs at all either.
3. The fighting legends, although pretty, do not look like they should be fighting-type
4. Tadpole's face is ridiculously out-of-place.
5. Gear. Geargear. Geargeargear. I don't like the evolutions; they might've worked much better if becoming a whole machine instead of additional cogs. I believe their main purpose to exaggerate the fact that significant animation is added in these games.

Other than those, I generally like most of these new Pokemon.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Macawmoses on September 16, 2010, 03:25:21 PM
To be honest about the Gear, I was horribly worried they would look like Magneton/Dugtrio/etc. In that sense, I'm quite pleased the Gear actually change, rather than just getting thrown together. Still, your point about showcasing animation is more than valid.

The Genies being split up by the Cover-Poke didn't make any sense to me. And the Fighting Legendaries just don't cut it as Fighting.

I'd also like to say that, those niggles aside, Fighting got some good representation. A Dark/Fighting (as bad as it looks) to get rid of that pesky psychic weakness (and the fighting weakness for the dark), the power-house with the concrete blocks, Dageki/Nageki (and their trade offs), and the cat-like Kojondo are all respectable. I wouldn't be surprised to see a higher level trainer that focuses on Fighting.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: ThePowerOfOne on September 16, 2010, 03:50:06 PM
I intercourse ing love that snow cone <3333

And the Leopard is cool. It's like a more girly Absol.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 16, 2010, 03:51:41 PM
The pokemon seem a lot more balanced this time around. I didn't really see any Luvdisc or Farfetch'd while skimming through.

My favorites (Only counting final forms):
Flaming monkey
Hermit Crab
Exploded Angry Birds Pig
Ice cream (such a great idea)
Pringles Jellyfish
Ground flying man with the cool hair

Least Favorites:
Fire pig
Giant cement block roids clown
Weird ass retard
Polar Bear
Purple weasel fighting thing
Fighting legendaries
Rainbow unicorn
Girl with green hair

I think it's funny that they added so many fighting types but just about every one looks absolutely terrible. And what's up with the ninja clam being bug type?

Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on September 16, 2010, 06:02:30 PM
In random order, my thoughts.

Fighting types should never be on all fours, and there are 4 that look that way (possibly more if I missed something)
Birijion looks like a Sky Forme Shaymin evo.
Also, is it me? or does almost EVERYTHING have an evo/prevo? There aren't too many Single Pokés.
I do like the Pokémon holding items thingy again.
Pokémon from the same gen that basically go together should BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER, not one randomly 2 Pokés later.
Kojondo doesn't look like a fighter.
Sure, legend trios can look 90% similar, but DON'T GIVE THEM THE EXACT SAME POSE YOU RETARDS
The "Mew" of this gen looks like a little girl celebrity who is acting slutty, which is why I like it, it's a big sign of USA!
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 16, 2010, 06:15:13 PM
How am I the only one who likes the old man trio? Obviously the flying and electric ones are able to be captured before Zekrom and Reshiram, and the ground one is either national dex only or appears after you beat the elite four, explaining it's dex placement. It has a different ability than the other two so it's obviously special, it wouldn't surprise me if you needed the other two to capture it or something. As for the poses, they move so I'm sure they'll look plenty different in game.

I should probably add the megazord pokemon to my list, it's pretty awesome. It better get it's own laser move or something.

Oh, and the Mew of this gen is Victini. Singer girl is the Shaymin because she changes forms and types.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Gwen Khan on September 16, 2010, 06:27:23 PM
some of these look odd, but I kinda like the Ghost/Fire
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on September 16, 2010, 09:20:59 PM
When I consider something a "Mew," it floats, like I assume the singer girl does.

Genie trio, I did think of them moving after I typed my complaint, but they don't move much, and I assume the movements will have little to no difference from each other. And even if they are gotten in a special way, it is still preferred for them to be next to each other.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 17, 2010, 03:55:47 AM
Sounds fair enough, but I don't think it floats while in fighting form.

If you want to complain about dex placement, I think that ugly water/fighting thing is the fourth member of the four legged fighting trio. Same ability, secondary type, number of legs, and general ugliness.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Zero on September 17, 2010, 03:59:12 AM
Quote from: Cornwad on September 16, 2010, 03:51:41 PM
Exploded Angry Birds Pig
Pringles Jellyfish

...angry birds pig? And that isn't a jellyfish but w/e

Quote from: Cornwad on September 16, 2010, 03:51:41 PM

what pokemon are you talking about? The power ranger?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on September 17, 2010, 04:00:04 AM
I think it does, but I could easily be wrong.

I'd like the fighting trio if they weren't on all fours, hell the Flying trio would make a better looking Fighting trio, just change "Flying" to "Fighting" and it looks like it would make sense. Hell, make the Fighting Trio flying type too, it looks like it makes just as much sense as them being Fighting.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 17, 2010, 07:00:54 AM
I don't really get what the big deal is; why can't something with four legs be fighting? They can still fight, can't they? As long as they don't punch, it seems fine; heck, even that's not really a limit, like how Absol can Sucker Punch.

Also, I'd think a "Mew" would be more specifically defined as a small legendary with 100 for every base stat, which would specifically include Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, and Victini (although you could disqualify Shaymin if you wanted to since technically not ALL of his stats are 100, just his land-form stats are).
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Gwen Khan on September 17, 2010, 10:12:05 AM
is there a reason why the third member of the trio is after the mascots?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 17, 2010, 12:11:00 PM
Quote from: Zero on September 17, 2010, 03:59:12 AM
what pokemon are you talking about? The power ranger?

How could you get weird ass retard but not that one?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: DededeCloneChris on September 17, 2010, 02:42:28 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on September 17, 2010, 12:11:00 PM

How could you get weird ass retard but not that one?
You're confused. That looks more like a goth than an emo.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Zero on September 17, 2010, 04:49:04 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on September 17, 2010, 12:11:00 PM

How could you get weird ass retard but not that one?

Maybe because gothic lolita=/=emo. lol
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on September 17, 2010, 05:52:17 PM
When the big list of Pokemon leaked, I was excited. I loved most of the first forms that were shown.

...But these disappoint me.

As a side, the fact that the flying-electric-squirrel is so far down the list further cements for me that he's Pachirisu's evolution. Similarly, I'm sure the bull is Tauros' evolution, and that thing in there is related to Heracross.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Spud on September 17, 2010, 05:56:37 PM
I heard 5th gen Pokemon have no connection to prior gen Pokemon.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on September 17, 2010, 05:57:25 PM
Quote from: Spud on September 17, 2010, 05:56:37 PM
I heard 5th gen Pokemon have no connection to prior gen Pokemon.
It's insane to think that that Luvdisc thing has no connection to Luvdisc.

There has to be some kind of connection, even if you can't see it until the endgame.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on September 17, 2010, 06:27:14 PM
I actually had trouble thinking Super Luvdisc had no relation to Luvdisc too, but now I'm almost positive none have any relation to any past gen Pokémon. I could easily be wrong, but yeah.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on September 17, 2010, 06:32:56 PM
I guess until people get to the endgame we won't know, but I feel like they have to be connected. Maybe they need incenses to breed to get them, and items to evolve the old species to the new ones. But they gotta be connected.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on September 17, 2010, 06:34:35 PM
Maybe it was Darwin evolution and not Pokémon evolution.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Macawmoses on September 17, 2010, 07:12:42 PM
Well, I'm sort of with Jr, sort of not. It's not "Darwin", but it is Allopatric Speciation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allopatric_speciation)

To get to the point that matters, if there is an actual divide - say an animal species starts on an island and it gets torn apart (horrible example), and half of the species is on each half. They'll now each evolve in a different manner than if they were together. I don't know if Pokemon would do this (it's deep stuff), but it is plausible. Equally, if not more, plausible to the fact they could just be evolutions.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 17, 2010, 08:01:57 PM
The same guy that gave us almost all of the leaks, including this new full list I think, is the same guy who said there are no connections to previous gens. I think we can take his word for it.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 17, 2010, 09:09:01 PM
Yup, Super Luvdisc is not luvdisc related, fro tauros is not related to tauros, and flying pachirisu is not related to pachirisu. It's pretty funny if you think about it.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on September 17, 2010, 11:00:31 PM
I was actually thinking a poop load like you Mack, except I couldn't put it into words, so I made a joke that seemed similar, Darwin. I wasn't serious in the Darwin evolution thing for this.

Quote from: Nightcrawler360 on September 17, 2010, 07:00:54 AM
I don't really get what the big deal is; why can't something with four legs be fighting? They can still fight, can't they? As long as they don't punch, it seems fine; heck, even that's not really a limit, like how Absol can Sucker Punch.
I never really considered moves to be what they're doing, just a name of the move, like your example, instead of punching, it kinda head buts it or something.
And I don't 100% mean they can't be on all fours (though I am about 50-65%), but look at them, they don't look like they would be "fighting type," they just look like new versions of the Legendary Beasts. Most Fighting types look like they know karate, or like they wanna beat someone up. Sure the Rock one looks like he might wanna ram ya, but ramming also doesn't seem like a "fighting" type.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Titus Andronicus on September 18, 2010, 06:58:46 AM
#518 is a tankkkkkkkkk look at dat stats
#526 looks like a beast too, i dont even care if hes rock type
#539 should be ice fighting :(
#542 better have good attacks
#555 stats are nuts when in daruma mode
#558 is the coolest bug rock thing ever made
#561 could easily be chimeco's evolvement
#565 will be on my team no matter what
#569 is like totoro went in the trash
#584 snowconeeeee ^_______________^
#593 is a the king jellyfish ghost c:
#598 is over powered by a million
#604 electric with levitate whatttttt
#609 fire ghost is awwwwwwwwesomeeeeee
#623 ground ghost is cool too so much ghost action
#625 dark steel is the coolest typingggg
#634 is the beatles which is hilarious
all da genies is cool ive decided theyre pretty funny
#646 pokemon gray is coming
#649 is not over powered enough
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 18, 2010, 08:29:46 AM
Hmm, now that I think about it, I maaaay get the spider or zebra instead of the lamprey, maayybe.

Also, I really really hope Victini isn't uber, because I so freaking want him on my team.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 18, 2010, 10:27:33 AM
That's awesome, you can catch special hihidaruma that change to fire/psychic at <50% HP.

Apparently the last bug/steel legendary  is an ancient bug that was turned into a laser shooting robot by team whatever they have instead of Rocket.

You can see the alt form of Pringles on Serebii's Elite Four page and DAMN is it ugly!
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on September 18, 2010, 11:37:32 AM
I'm disappointed that they're not related.

Anyway. The tadpole reminds me of this.

I will have a Dotetsukotsu named Bender. No questions asked. He bends girders.

Gears evolutions are disappointing.
The Pokemon with costumes on... the two fighting types... ew.

Those three legendaries that aren't in order remind me of genies... and a Pure Flying type? Fuck yes.

Kyurem looks like this regions Palkia/Dialga.

Inb4 Meloetta rule34.

Alot of these designs are intercourse ing terrible...
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 18, 2010, 03:36:44 PM
Hihidaruma looks like it's going to be one of my favorites. It looks cool, it has great stats, and it has two forms. Nice.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 18, 2010, 04:51:24 PM
Great, Serebii has removed ALL Black & White pics due to Nintendo's random decision to freak out about a game that's already released.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 18, 2010, 05:00:03 PM
Quote from: Nightcrawler360 on September 18, 2010, 04:51:24 PM
Great, Serebii has removed ALL Black & White pics due to Nintendo's random decision to freak out about a game that's already released.
Even the pre release stuff, which is readily accessible on the official sites. Good thing we still have Pokexperto and Smogon.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Titus Andronicus on September 18, 2010, 09:14:08 PM
psypokes.com has all the attacks the pokes learn, their base stats, typing, and shiny form
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 10:35:50 AM
According to Serebii, the pure flying is in Black and the electric flying is in White. Makes sense. They're both roamers, and the weather becomes super rainy when they're nearby so you know to look for them. It reminds me of Latios and Latias.

Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 11:46:54 AM
Good grief, there are some psychotic new abilities out there. If you get the grass starter from the dream world, for example, it has Perversity, which reverses all stat changes it gets! So like, Agility lowers your speed, but the enemy's Tail Whip will raise your defenses? Also, the musketeers have a hilariously awesome (though probably not that useful) ability called Heart of Justice which boosts their power if they're hit by a Dark attack. Heart of Justice indeed.

Also, I was kinda interested in that alien pokemon, but I wasn't too fond of his speed... until I saw that his dream world ability raises his power when the enemy strikes first. And the freaking crocodile's dream world ability MAXES HIS ATTACK IF HE'S HIT BY A CRITICAL HIT. I think Tauros and Primeape are getting that ability too. I'm definitely gonna have to use the dream world...
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 11:52:16 AM
Anger Point? Primeape has had that for a while. Tropius gets an ability that allows him to have infinite berry use. I guess the trade off to dream world pokemon is that they have great abilities, but they probably aren't level 1 when you catch them so you can't ev train as early and you can't get egg moves.

Of course, then you have Seaking and Ditto's new abilities which are awesome. Also Ninetales and Politoed.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 12:46:01 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 11:52:16 AM
Anger Point? Primeape has had that for a while.

:| This is a thing I did not know. I guess I've never really used Primeape, now that I think about it...

Now, I'm kinda confused about the grass starter's ability, which reverses it's stat changes... cause, like... it can learn LEAF STORM. So, does this mean that it's SPECIAL ATTACK GETS A TWO-STAGE BOOST EVERY TIME IT USES LEAF STORM?! That seems more than a little broken... I think that maybe it only reverses the changes that other pokemon do to it, not it's own.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 12:50:04 PM
All I know is that unless I'm missing something, Ditto is now the single best lead/revenge killer in the game.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 12:52:19 PM
Hey, I just thought of something: what happens when you send out Ditto against Zoroark? Does Ditto turn into Zoroark, or the pokemon he's impersonating?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 12:58:14 PM
Quote from: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 12:52:19 PM
Hey, I just thought of something: what happens when you send out Ditto against Zoroark? Does Ditto turn into Zoroark, or the pokemon he's impersonating?
I would guess that it would look like whatever pokemon is next in your party. Zoroark looks like the next pokemon in its own party, but it keeps its stats and identity as Zoroark, the sprite is just different because of its ability. Ditto transforms into a Zoroark with Illusion, so it would probably end up looking like a different pokemon while still having the same stats and moves as the Zoroark.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 01:40:23 PM
So Ditto turns into the opponent's Zoroark... which then uses Illusion. Makes sense. It will totally screw the two players' minds, though.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Rayquarian on September 19, 2010, 02:11:04 PM
Quote from: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 01:40:23 PM
So Ditto turns into the opponent's Zoroark... which then uses Illusion. Makes sense. It will totally screw the two players' minds, though.
Of course, if your Zoroark uses Illusion, it'll change to the second pokemon in your party.  Which means Ditto would transform into your second pokemon with Zoroark's moveset and...wow.

But it also means that you know that your opponent is using Zoroark.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 02:38:50 PM
Quote from: Rayquarian on September 19, 2010, 02:11:04 PM
Of course, if your Zoroark uses Illusion, it'll change to the second pokemon in your party.  Which means Ditto would transform into your second pokemon with Zoroark's moveset and...wow.

But it also means that you know that your opponent is using Zoroark.
No, Ditto transforms into the second pokemon in Ditto's party with Zoroark's moveset I'm pretty sure.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 02:58:09 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 02:38:50 PM
No, Ditto transforms into the second pokemon in Ditto's party with Zoroark's moveset I'm pretty sure.

^- This

See, here's how it would work: Zoroark is sent onto the battle field by Player 1, and he uses Illusion to turn into the second member of Player 1's party. Then Ditto is sent out by Player 2 and transforms into Zoroark 2. Then Zoroark 2 uses Illusion, turning into the second pokemon in Player 2's party.

Of course, what happens next depends on how Ditto's transformation works: if he transforms before he's even sent on the field, then it's exactly like a Zoroark vs a Zoroark, except that the person who threw out Ditto knows what's going on. However, if Ditto is sent onto the field, THEN transforms into the second member of his party, the jig is up and both players see that something's wrong.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: DededeCloneChris on September 19, 2010, 03:35:15 PM
...Dudes, why don't we just have Ditto transform into Zoroark and that's that? Or better yet, let's wait for an official statement.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 19, 2010, 03:38:51 PM
Quote from: AuraChannelerChris on September 19, 2010, 03:35:15 PM
...Dudes, why don't we just have Ditto transform into Zoroark and that's that? Or better yet, let's wait for an official statement.
He does transform into Zoroark, which includes the ability. That's what we've been saying. You don't need an official statement to figure it out.

And does anybody know when the official artwork is normally released? Is it all posted online somewhere or what?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Rayquarian on September 19, 2010, 04:28:37 PM
Quote from: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 02:58:09 PM
^- This

See, here's how it would work: Zoroark is sent onto the battle field by Player 1, and he uses Illusion to turn into the second member of Player 1's party. Then Ditto is sent out by Player 2 and transforms into Zoroark 2. Then Zoroark 2 uses Illusion, turning into the second pokemon in Player 2's party.

Of course, what happens next depends on how Ditto's transformation works: if he transforms before he's even sent on the field, then it's exactly like a Zoroark vs a Zoroark, except that the person who threw out Ditto knows what's going on. However, if Ditto is sent onto the field, THEN transforms into the second member of his party, the jig is up and both players see that something's wrong.
Isn't that what I said?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 19, 2010, 04:47:36 PM
... now that I look at it, yes, that is what you said. It just seemed a bit hard to understand at first because of your wording; when you mentioned that both Zoroark and Ditto would turn into the second pokemon in "your" party, I thought you thought they would turn into the same pokemon; I see now that you meant "your" not in that they're both "your" pokemon, but that in two separate examples they would... turn... grah, this is hard to word. The point is, yes, you were right, but we apparently misread it.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on September 20, 2010, 01:36:21 PM

They still have all the sprites, in top quality too.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 20, 2010, 05:12:27 PM
Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on September 20, 2010, 01:36:21 PM

They still have all the sprites, in top quality too.
Nice signature, and thanks for the link.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: bluaki on September 20, 2010, 05:29:44 PM
Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on September 20, 2010, 01:36:21 PM

They still have all the sprites, in top quality too.
Doesn't look like you all noticed, but my original post in this topic has had pictures of all sprites since like the time I made it.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on September 20, 2010, 05:34:15 PM
Quote from: bluaki on September 20, 2010, 05:29:44 PM
Doesn't look like you all noticed, but my original post in this topic has had pictures of all sprites since like the time I made it.
Missed that, actually. D:
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 21, 2010, 10:16:33 PM
Hehehe, you know what my friends and I realized the other day? Victini is a small, yet powerful pokemon with powerful, deadly-sounding fire attacks, such as Purgatory, which is guaranteed to burn if it hits, and Blaze Judgement, which hits every pokemon on the field. Furthermore, Victini is clearly symbolic of victory... AMERICA'S victory... as decreed by a JAPANESE video game company.

What does this mean?

Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on September 22, 2010, 03:40:15 AM
Yeah, it made me think of Winston Churchhill when the war was over when I first saw it, I think the fact that it's on Liberty Island pretty much seals the deal. That's pretty hilarious.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on September 27, 2010, 12:31:09 PM
Like some, hate some. I used to hate most of them, but now that I'm getting used to them I like more of them

I see GameFreak got crazy with unique types. It also looks like they tailored many of these pokemon to competitive battling needs. A lot of the new type combos will screw stuff up, but it's something to get used to. Here are some that stood out to me.

elemental monkeys- I don't see much of a point or a use for these, but I like the grass one. The other ones look meh to me. Baby fire monkey is Chimchar. Simply enough.
Fire starter- WHAT THE FUCK. ANOTHER FIRE FIGHTING. This is the only starter I HATE out of the three. mostly because of the type. 3/5 gens of Fire/Fight, and all in a row too.
Dangoro (lil rock thing)- this thing is adorable. <3
Meguroko and its family- I like them. The final form looks just a bit strange to me, but I will be using one of these. Maybe not on my team, but I will train one.
Iwaparesu (rock hermit crab)- I thought it was dumb at first, but a hermit crab carrying a chunk of sedimentary rock is cool in a weird way.
Zuruzukin- Dark/fight thing. cool type, but this thing is ugly.
Shinpora- I don't even know what this is.
Deathkan (sarcophagus, some call it Desukan)- Cool, though I hoped for a Rock/Ghost or maybe Steel/Ghost.
Fossils- I like these, especially the turtle.
Garbage bag thing- is intercourse ing ugly. the big one I mean. Indifferent toward the little one.
Uniran, etc are awesome
ice cream cone- cheesy to say the least. One cone evolves into a double. This isn't like Doduo-Dodrio or magnemite-Magneton. I don't like this. But meh, it's starting to grow on me a bit.
pokeball mushroom- wtf?
Burunkeru- Cool jellyfish thing, but the female... different shape, even? This is new. And the type I like. Water/Ghost.
Mamanbou- Once I found out it wasn't a Luvdisc evo I hated it.
Denchula- Bug/Electric is a nice type. The types cancel out weaknesses nicely, leaving only Fire and Rock left. Good speed, decent Sp. Atk. I'll be using this.
Gear, up to Gigigigigigear. Okay I exaggerated. It contains Gear so it's still awesome and i'm gonna be using one of these.
Shibirudon (lamprey)- I really don't see HOW this levitates, but I like how it has no weakness. I will definitely use one of these.
Hitomoshi (candle)- ADORABLE. And its final form Shandeller will without a doubt make it onto my team. One of my favorites this gen. Ghost/Fire is cool too.
Aianto- small, I expected it to be weak, but its Attack, Defense, and Speed are great. Like a new mini-scizor. Well, slightly lower HP, attack and Sp.Def, but much faster, and more physically defensive. Let's see how these two compete.
Sazando- AWESOME. Type+ability+everything. Plz don't go uber. I have a good feeling Ononokus will though. If you want an explanation I'll give you one.
Legendaries- mostly meh. Why is the third genie separated? I know. It's like Kyogre-Groudon-Rayquaza in HGSS. I think you can catch the first two before the E4 (only one, version exclusives) and after the E4 if you have both you can get the third. If I remember correctly.

Wow I said a lot.
Urgamoth- Fire/Bug is quite the type. 4x rock weakness, but i was never expecting this combination.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 27, 2010, 01:36:35 PM

Admit it, I'm not the only one who noticed the resemblance. What's more, the pokemon on the right is a pure Rock, full-on-physical pokemon, yet he can learn SOLAR BEAM; you know, the move where you absorb light energy and then shoot it back out?! I personally find it pretty fishy...

Also, the Dark/Dragon Hydra is King Ghidorah, the Fire/Bug Moth is Mothra, the Dark/Steel Power Ranger is Jet Jaguar, and I'm sure the laser-cannon bug legendary could fit as something, so now Tyrannitar Godzilla has foes to battle!!
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on September 27, 2010, 05:16:33 PM
"It absorbs sunlight with its orange colored crystal and shoots energy from its mouth"

Too bad it has an atrociously low Sp. Atk, or that would be a good Water and Ground counter.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: chaosgear on September 29, 2010, 10:08:50 AM
ban lifted?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: FruitFlow on September 29, 2010, 02:15:27 PM
The fire starter seems to have the best stats out of the other two, so I may choose it if my brother doesn't choose it first.
I like that new fighting type Roopushin, so it's definitely going to be in my team.

Also, am I the only one here that thinks Meguroko looks awkward standing up?
I mean its evolutions look more like a dinosaur than a crocodile.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on September 30, 2010, 12:21:36 PM
Quote from: chaosgear on September 29, 2010, 10:08:50 AM
ban lifted?
Who got banned?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: chaosgear on September 30, 2010, 01:00:41 PM
Quote from: Kianglo on September 30, 2010, 12:21:36 PM
Who got banned?
The ban on media from B/W? Because Nintendo said so?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on September 30, 2010, 01:15:30 PM
Quote from: chaosgear on September 30, 2010, 01:00:41 PM
The ban on media from B/W? Because Nintendo said so?

You're actually posting on this site again?  :P
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: chaosgear on September 30, 2010, 01:18:50 PM
Quote from: Neerb on September 30, 2010, 01:15:30 PM
You're actually posting on this site again?  :P
I know! I don't know what's wrong with me!  D:
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on October 01, 2010, 12:12:45 PM
Quote from: chaosgear on September 30, 2010, 01:00:41 PM
The ban on media from B/W? Because Nintendo said so?
Oh, THAT ban. Yeah, now "fair use" images can be posted. This, thankfully, includes sprites.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: chaosgear on October 04, 2010, 06:18:33 AM
Quote from: Kianglo on October 01, 2010, 12:12:45 PM
Oh, THAT ban. Yeah, now "fair use" images can be posted. This, thankfully, includes sprites.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on October 05, 2010, 10:24:29 PM
That Basurao fish or whatever it's called, if you catch it in one game and trade it to the other, does it change or stay the same?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: bluaki on October 06, 2010, 02:45:28 AM
Quote from: JrDude 益 on October 05, 2010, 10:24:29 PM
That Basurao fish or whatever it's called, if you catch it in one game and trade it to the other, does it change or stay the same?
Not only does it stay the same, but you can catch both kinds in one game. I currently own both.
In each version, one of them is very common when surfing and the other shows up every once in a while as a shadow in the water (alternate encounter method, similar to shaking grass or pile of dirt).

Strangely, they have a really low capture rate; lower than many legendaries (such as Giratina).
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on October 06, 2010, 03:42:40 AM
Weird, I caught one on my first ultra ball. I still haven't seen any of the blue ones though. It's kind of disappointing that you run into so many of them while surfing.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on October 06, 2010, 03:52:27 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on October 06, 2010, 03:42:40 AM
Weird, I caught one on my first ultra ball. I still haven't seen any of the blue ones though. It's kind of disappointing that you run into so many of them while surfing.
I think he means the alternate form is a low catch rate, not the easy to find one.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: bluaki on October 06, 2010, 04:16:20 PM
Quote from: JrDude 益 on October 06, 2010, 03:52:27 PM
I think he means the alternate form is a low catch rate, not the easy to find one.
No, form does not affect catch rate.

I had to throw 10 ultra balls for each after getting them to 1HP D:
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on October 07, 2010, 12:13:41 PM
Quote from: bluaki on October 06, 2010, 04:16:20 PM
No, form does not affect catch rate.

I had to throw 10 ultra balls for each after getting them to 1HP D:
25 catch rate, just like Skarmory and Snorlax, etc. and ugh, snorlax was always a ninny to catch D:
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on October 16, 2010, 04:53:57 PM
Not sure if all can be answered but

Hihidaruma, when he goes to Daruma mode, and you heal him, will he go back to normal mode?
If he's half dead and a battle is not happening and you look in your party, is he still in Daruma mode?

Meloetta, if you use Ancient Voice a second time, does she change back to voice form?
Does Step Form stay outside of battle?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on October 16, 2010, 05:06:31 PM
Quote from: JrDude 益 on October 16, 2010, 04:53:57 PM
If he's half dead and a battle is not happening and you look in your party, is he still in Daruma mode?
Due to the fact that there's a new icon for Daruma Mode, I would assume so.

QuoteMeloetta, if you use Ancient Voice a second time, does she change back to voice form?
Does Step Form stay outside of battle?
1. Probably
2. Probably not.

What I want to know: When Hihidaruma changes form, do the actual stats themselves (including EVs) change? Or is it just the base stats. i have a feeling it's the latter, which would really suck.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Qsmash on October 19, 2010, 07:24:40 PM
5th gen reminds me of Earthbound creatures for some reason.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: bluaki on October 20, 2010, 02:56:06 PM
Monozu: Evolves at lv50 (Jiheddo)
Jiheddo: Evolves at lv64 (Sazandora)

This thing is worth grinding to lv64? It's like the last thing I need for the Isshu dex.

I am pretty sure this is the latest evolution in all of Pokemon. Besides this, the worst I can think of are a few lv55 evolutions like Dragonite and Tyranitar
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on October 20, 2010, 03:57:31 PM
And you can catch Dragonite and Tyranitar in the wild too. At least it looks like a dark world King Ghidora.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: The Riddler on October 20, 2010, 07:33:10 PM
Quote from: bluaki on October 20, 2010, 02:56:06 PM
Monozu: Evolves at lv50 (Jiheddo)
Jiheddo: Evolves at lv64 (Sazandora)

This thing is worth grinding to lv64? It's like the last thing I need for the Isshu dex.

I am pretty sure this is the latest evolution in all of Pokemon. Besides this, the worst I can think of are a few lv55 evolutions like Dragonite and Tyranitar
It's pretty much used entirely too much on PO, so I guess it's good.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: JrDude on October 29, 2010, 12:03:34 AM
Wow, is it me? Or did B/W change a poop load of past Pokémon to have gender differences? (I know D/P changed quite a bit, but it seems B/W added even more)
And it's weird how only 3 of the new gen Pokémon have differences (and they are easily noticeable too), unless other Pokémon have differences that are so small that they haven't even found them yet.

Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on October 29, 2010, 03:37:30 AM
All of those ones had gender differences before I'm pretty sure, but it is weird that only three of the new ones have it.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on October 29, 2010, 06:23:16 PM
All the first four gens' pokemon with gender differences have had them since D/P. But yeah, even though the new changes are pretty, well, big between genders, they could have put more minor differences.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on November 22, 2010, 05:13:44 PM
I can't believe that out of all the pig puns they could have made, they went with Tepig. Whose idea was that? Snivy is ok I guess, but it isn't Smugleaf so it's bad. Oshawatt is just confusing, but so was its old name I guess.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Macawmoses on November 22, 2010, 05:17:36 PM
the new region name sucks

that is my off topic interjection
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: ThePowerOfOne on November 22, 2010, 05:28:53 PM
Snivy. Awesome.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: DededeCloneChris on November 22, 2010, 05:31:36 PM
I highly like the name Snivy, but seriously, Unova Region? It sounds like the region is about to explode in any minute.

Oshawott is almost close to saying "Osha-what?" or something.

Tepig is a little bit dumb. It's like saying "The Pig".
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on November 22, 2010, 05:41:08 PM
Oshawott reminds me of ocelot, but Oshawott doesn't look like a cat. I wonder if they're just messing around with the new region name, since it works like the UNited states OV America
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: DededeCloneChris on November 22, 2010, 05:55:13 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on November 22, 2010, 05:41:08 PM
Oshawott reminds me of ocelot, but Oshawott doesn't look like a cat. I wonder if they're just messing around with the new region name, since it works like the UNited states OV America
So, mind explaining the "V" thrown in there?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on November 22, 2010, 05:56:19 PM
Quote from: AuraChannelerChris on November 22, 2010, 05:55:13 PM
So, mind explaining the "V" thrown in there?
Because Unofa looks bad.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: DededeCloneChris on November 22, 2010, 06:00:50 PM
Quote from: Cornwad on November 22, 2010, 05:56:19 PM
Because Unofa looks bad.
Then that little anagram makes almost no sense.

Here's something that sounds like it makes more sense from another user.

Un - the first from that particular area.
Nova - could reference how it's 'new' and 'bright' compared to the previous regions. Technology is supposed to be more advanced.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on November 22, 2010, 06:13:50 PM
Quote from: AuraChannelerChris on November 22, 2010, 06:00:50 PM
Then that little anagram makes almost no sense.

Here's something that sounds like it makes more sense from another user.

Un - the first from that particular area.
Nova - could reference how it's 'new' and 'bright' compared to the previous regions. Technology is supposed to be more advanced.
But its set in America, so it makes perfect sense.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on November 22, 2010, 07:24:13 PM
WHAT. They kept all the region names the same, at least phonetically, until now. Unova? LAME. Although Unova isn't as bad as I expected.

Starter names. I HATE THEM. OH MY GOD SO MUCH. EVEN MORE THAN THE 4TH GEN STARTER NAMES except for Turtwig. which is alright as long as I don't say it out loud.

Snivy: I'd rather use that to describe the glob that comes out your nose when you sneeze sometimes. And just for prediction fun, I would laugh if one of it's evolutions was named something silly like Serplant. But Smugleaf will always be Smugleaf to me.
Tepig: Teh pig? What. I was really hoping for Pignite or Pignition. The second form should be Pignite/Pignition, and the final form should keep Emboar.
Oshawott: Wha- er, Wott? This is the only one I can stand in the least, just because i can't place the meaning. As long as it's pronounced "OH-sha-wott" not "AHH-sha-wott"

Once the second and third forms are released I will rage. Saving it until then.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on November 23, 2010, 09:51:04 AM
Snivey: combination of "Snake" and "Ivy." I like it; I knew we'd never get smugleaf, and this is a fairly good pun name. And I've totally been wanting an evolution to be "Serplant" since we first saw these starters.

Tepig: combination of "Tepid" (luke-warm) and "Pig." It's no porkroast, but I'm starting to like it, and it's certainly one of the more clever full-english pun names.

Oshawott: combination of... something. I looked it up on Dictionary.com, and apparently "Oshawa" is a Canadian city that just happens to reside on a lake, so... yeah, unless they're referring to that specifically, all I can tell is that "ott" is from "Otter." This name is bothering me the most, especially since this is the starter that I'm going to get, because not only can I not tell what it means, but it's also kind of a mouthful. Hm... maybe "Osha" refers to the "Ocean," pronounced the same but spelled differently.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Cornwad on November 23, 2010, 12:48:02 PM
I think we'll know what it is once we hear how it's pronounced. If it's Awshawott it would be the Canada place, but if its Ohshawott I think its ocean.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Mystic on November 23, 2010, 01:47:53 PM
I like the new names. I'm still going to thing of Snivy as Smugleaf probably though.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on November 23, 2010, 01:56:13 PM
I couldn't help it anymore.

Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on November 23, 2010, 07:54:03 PM
Quote from: Neerb on November 23, 2010, 09:51:04 AM
Snivey: combination of "Snake" and "Ivy." I like it; I knew we'd never get smugleaf, and this is a fairly good pun name. And I've totally been wanting an evolution to be "Serplant" since we first saw these starters.
I called Serplant. A long time ago. CALLED IT.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Zero on December 05, 2010, 05:55:15 AM
Quote from: AuraChannelerChris on November 22, 2010, 05:55:13 PM
So, mind explaining the "V" thrown in there?

lol way to derp it up bro

The V references the actual region name.

Either way, both suggestions you guys provided are pure conjecture. At least Cornwad's makes sense though. Yours is just you trying too hard.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on December 05, 2010, 11:45:50 AM
Quote from: Cornwad on November 23, 2010, 12:48:02 PM
I think we'll know what it is once we hear how it's pronounced. If it's Awshawott it would be the Canada place, but if its Ohshawott I think its ocean.
I'm leaning toward OH-shawott. They probably changed the spelling of Ocean because Oceawott really doesn't look like "OH-shawott" but more like "OH-see-uh-wott" or "AH-kee-uh-wott" or some combination of the two. If that made sense. I don't know how to explain it better.

I don't think they've ever named a pokemon after a place (as far as I know) but hey, they might still surprise me.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Magnum on December 05, 2010, 07:51:27 PM
After playing White for a while, I gotta say these guys are growing on me.

Gear is still retarded as hell.
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Neerb on December 29, 2010, 10:14:06 AM
Quote from: Magnum on December 05, 2010, 07:51:27 PM
After playing White for a while, I gotta say these guys are growing on me.

Gear is still retarded as hell.

He's called "Klink" now!  :P

Hm... I don't know why, but I've recently become more interested in Voltolos, the electro-genie. Perhaps he may replace my Zapdos when my old team gets transferred to Black... he would be better offensively, but I'd lose my light screen. Plus, Zapdos might just look cooler. Thoughts, anyone?
Title: Re: 5th gen species discussion
Post by: Kayo on December 29, 2010, 01:40:54 PM
Quote from: Neerb on December 29, 2010, 10:14:06 AM
He's called "Klink" now!  :P

Hm... I don't know why, but I've recently become more interested in Voltolos, the electro-genie. Perhaps he may replace my Zapdos when my old team gets transferred to Black... he would be better offensively, but I'd lose my light screen. Plus, Zapdos might just look cooler. Thoughts, anyone?
Voltolos's cry is awesome.