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Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy - Gameplay and Laguna

Started by The Riddler, November 19, 2010, 07:53:14 PM

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The Riddler

New Characters:
FFIV: Kain Highwind
FFVII: Tifa Lockheart
FFVIII: Laguna Loire
FFXIII: Lightning

So, Kain (FFIV), Tifa (FFVII), Vaan (FFXII), and Lightning (FFXIII) have been confirmed for Dissidia 2.


What other characters do you think will be added?

I can imagine a large female cast, since the most important second players were mostly female.
FF1-3 I'm not too concerned about.

FF5) Lenna
FF6) Celes or Locke, more likely Celes.
FF8) Rinoa - Laguna got in.
FF9) Garnet or Vivi, more likely Garnet
FF10) Yuna, almost no questions asked.


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on November 19, 2010, 07:53:14 PM
So, Kain (FFIV), Tifa (FFVII), Vaan (FFXII), and Lightning (FFXIII) have been confirmed for Dissidia 2.


What other characters do you think will be added?

I can imagine a large female cast, since the most important second players were mostly female.
FF1-3 I'm not too concerned about.

FF5) Lenna
FF6) Celes or Locke, more likely Celes.
FF8) Rinoa
FF9) Garnet or Vivi, more likely Garnet
FF10) Yuna, almost no questions asked.


And while I'm not terribly excited for the game as a whole, I do like that Lightning will be in it.


Fuck Yuna being in it. Seymour, FTW. That's all I'm asking for on this one.

Eh on Vaan though.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

The Riddler

Quote from: Magnum on November 19, 2010, 11:16:04 PM
Fuck Yuna being in it. Seymour, FTW. That's all I'm asking for on this one.

Eh on Vaan though.
Seymour would be a villain. Yuna would be the hero.


Auron will probably be in this one. Vivi is more popular than Garnet, so I'm expecting him.

What is Yuna gonna do? Heal me to death? Unless the game uses FFX-2 Yuna in which case...yeah i can see it.

The Riddler

Quote from: Zero on November 20, 2010, 10:44:03 AM
Auron will probably be in this one. Vivi is more popular than Garnet, so I'm expecting him.

What is Yuna gonna do? Heal me to death? Unless the game uses FFX-2 Yuna in which case...yeah i can see it.
She'll be a summoner. At the same time, they could use both X and X-2 Yuna, allowing her to change like Cecil.


I can see her doing X-2 for her regular form, then go summon crazy for her EX Mode.

Big question. Is FF1 getting another rep? If so, I want the pirate Bikke!

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

The Riddler

Final Fantasy 8 Character confirmed: Laguna.

Really? Him over Rinoa or one of the team? D:
Also, game play of him vs. Lightning:


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on December 19, 2010, 11:50:38 AM
Final Fantasy 8 Character confirmed: Laguna.

Really? Him over Rinoa or one of the team? D:
Also, game play of him vs. Lightning:

Yes. Because Rinoa got her power from Ultimecia, the villain. It wouldn't make sense to have, in theory, the same character.
Also, you're forgetting one.

As much as I hate the guy, and even knowing he's going to be my level up dummy, he actually looks fun.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

The Riddler

Quote from: Magnum on December 19, 2010, 12:17:55 PM
Yes. Because Rinoa got her power from Ultimecia, the villain. It wouldn't make sense to have, in theory, the same character.
Also, you're forgetting one.

As much as I hate the guy, and even knowing he's going to be my level up dummy, he actually looks fun.


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on December 19, 2010, 12:47:54 PM
I know. But what good character did FF12 have? They had to add someone.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

The Riddler

Quote from: Magnum on December 19, 2010, 01:06:13 PM
I know. But what good character did FF12 have? They had to add someone.
Ashe or Basche?
And ehhhhhhhhhhhhh about the Rinoa thing. Ultimecia might have given Rinoa her powers, but the two did exist at the same time with the powers, and Rinoa kept them after Ultimecia's defeat.  I don't see it as a stretch to have both in.


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on December 19, 2010, 01:11:33 PM
Ashe or Basche?
And ehhhhhhhhhhhhh about the Rinoa thing. Ultimecia might have given Rinoa her powers, but the two did exist at the same time with the powers, and Rinoa kept them after Ultimecia's defeat.  I don't see it as a stretch to have both in.
Yep. And Sorceress' have extraordinarily long life. Huh? Strange. I wonder who Ultimecia could truly be. They never gave her a backstory.


Oh Vesperia, never change... never change



Oh right, final trailer.

May I just say GILGAMESH!
And also, Tidus is on Chaos.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change