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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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"Machop start with a focus energy! And Blast, use Swords dance!" Both of the pokemon focused their energy.

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"Riolu, quick attack on Blast. Buneary, use defence curl!" Zaroff said with the two pokemon obeying his commands.


"Blast! Dodge and use slash! Machop, use low kick!" Jumped out the way, but he wasn't fast enough, and got hit.

Machop ran forward and used low kick on the curled up buneary.

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"Good job Riolu, now use dark pulse on Blast. And Buneary, bounce up into the air and use pound on Machop once he's under you." Riolu started to get a dark aura to surround him as he got ready to unleash the attack. Buneary bounced up into the air but was skimmed by the Machop knocking it back instead of straight up. "Gah! Buneary, get out of defence curl and use an ice punch!"


"Blast, use quick attack, then follow up with a slash!!! Machop use karate chop!" Blast got up, and quickly attacked. Machop swung his arm in buneary's direction.

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The Buneary's ice punch collided with the karate chop and knocked Buneary back but not too far. Riolu was hit with the quick attack but unleashed the dark pulse as Blast lunged at him with the slash. "Quick, buneary, use pound on Machop! Riolu, use foresight."


Machop got sent back about as far as Buneary.

Blast's slash collided with the dark pulse. He got thrown back by the collision.

"Machop use karate chop again! Blast use quick attack!"

Blast got up and used quick attack again.

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"Riolu, use quick attack too. Buneary, dodge use fake tears" The Riolu also used quick attack and the Buneary sat down and started crying it all out.

Transient Link

ooc/ ok But my computer is in the shop right now im at my sisters house. I have to type a paper here so I wont be able to post much. I will still post once in my digital media class. But that is it until around wendsday.

ic/ the water pulse and icy wind combined and completely covered scyther in ice
mike laughed
"you wanna know why I taught scyther flamethrower? Watch"

all of the sudden part of the ice turned red and it started to melt. Slowly the ice melted away until a pillar of fire broke out from the icy prison. scythers head became free and it tilted its head melting the area around him releasing its body.

"see teaching pokemon different attacks can do wonders for your skills as a trainer. Scyther hold."


Martin was expecting another collision between Riolu and Blast. "Dodge and follow up with slash!" Blast quickly dodged and used slash, meanwhile machop was letting his guard down.

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"Riolu, jump up over the slash and use force palm. Buneary, you know what to do." The Riolu jumped over the slash attack and used force palm. The Buneary quickly jumped up and lunged at Machop with an ice punch.


Ooc// Sorry, I was at my grandma's house.

How many pomemon are we using?

Ic// Blast got hit by the force palm. And, machop got hit by the ice punch.

Martin was getting worried. Then, his pokedex started beeping. He looked at it. Blast learned a new attack!

It leaned pursuit!

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Transient Link

"did I leave you two shakeing in your boots?"

Flying Chickens

"No..." Nik said. He was carefully thinking out a strategy for the battle. He turned towards Shaelyn, waiting for her to say Tentacool's attack.

Transient Link

ooc/ my comps fixe yay ;D ;D

ic/ mike laughed
"then come against me."