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Equinai - Galaxy at War

Started by major tom, April 25, 2008, 08:19:22 PM

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major tom

Valynder, the most powerful planet around, has caused today's greatest conflict in the sci-fi galaxy of Equinai. The year is 2271 (though that's not too relevant, our solar system isn't in this fictional universe). Valynder was once under a monarchy and as times modernized, it became a constitutional monarchy, but their king began to abuse his powers, and was hated across the planet. A rebellion occured in 2237, but unfortunately, the rebel leader Del Ayad became an evil dictator himself. The Welynder Rebellion Council (WRC) of west Valynder and the Icoles Freedom Alliance (IFA) of east Valynder joined arms and overthrew Del Ayad in 2268. However, the new nations of Welynder and Icoles, along with their allies, struggle for control of Valynder. This war continues today.

Map - colors symbolize the factions the places are part of, the dotted cities are capitals.


Valynder: The main planet, center of this conflict. The intro to this pretty much explains this. Environmentally, similar to North America and Europe in the north, and South America in the south. The capitals of Freis and Anderton are equally major cities that both nations want, so they're constantly turned into battlefields.
Tusan: Ally of Welynder. The inhabitants are mainly Tusanians, an alien race of the planet. They look much like humans, but have flat feet, dark hair, tannish-orangish skin, and average about a foot taller than humans. Tusanians are brave soldiers and have been allies of WRC rebels for twenty years. The planet's environment is similar to the meditterranean in some places, and similar to the middle east and Mongolia in other places.
Kreslo: Known as "the cold planet", Kreslo is a mountainous planetmuch like the arctic. Evidence shows that it was once round, but for yet to be discovered reasons, the other half was destroyed thousands of years ago. Its inhabitants are the Kreslons. Kreslons are like humans, but average around the same height as Tusanians, have pinkish skin, white hair, elf ears, and the men have furry shoulders. They have supported the IFA since it began fifteen years ago.
Djurote: A planet with an Australian environment. Djurote is inhabited by Djurotians, who look like humans, except their skin is reddish and their average height is five inches less than a human's. Djurote is officially neutral, though 30% of Djurote pressures alignment with Welynder, and 30% of Djurote wants to align with Icoles. Because of this, Zedeta Rebellion Council (ZRC) and the Djurote Freedom Alliance (DFA) constantly fight, both attempting to take over the uninhabited half of Djurote. Welynder and Icoles often join in on the fight, and Djurote's government has no care whether or not they lose the uninhabited half of their planet.
Xzokk: Xzokians are stereotypical green aliens. They are savage and bitter warmongers. After constantly invading other planets during the last 150 years, treaties in 2243 agreed that Xzokk would never invade other planets. They have remained isolated since, but are still aggressive to outsiders. Their planet is a huge wasteland.
Moravi: A neutral planet inhabited by all races (even a few Xzokians, though none of them are supporters of the Xzokian nation). Though the planet is covered in mountains and was once uninhabited, people of other planets built large cities in an area known as the Moravian Metropolis.  These cities eventually merged, and became a supercity called Starbay. Moravi is home to big international businesses, space pirates, bounty hunters, and a lot of the "scum of our galaxy" as some say. It has become extremely successful and has never been into conflict with another nation.
Neureva: Neureva is a planet similar to India and Tibet. This 'planet of peace' was colonized by people of all races. It remains neutral in the conflicts, and its government encourages peace across the galaxy.

The fighting in this RP is all about the weapons and the ships. You'll either fight as a pilot or fight with your guns. The technology level of the planes and guns is equal to that of Star Wars, basically. There are classes, however, that are loose, and determine how your character generally fights.

Destroyer - Destroyer pilots use powerful ships, above average in size, and big guns. They fire powerful shots and have good defenses, but aren't very agile. A good destroyer, when his attack is executed correctly, could even destroy another ship in one shot.
Speeder - A master of agility. Speeders use small, agile ships and light weapons. They're hard to hit and can easily chase down other ships, but their defenses are weak and their shots are as well.
Skymaster - The balanced class. A skymaster likes an average sized ship that's average sized, with average power and defenses and average agility. Their guns are also medium.
Rogue - Pilots of sneakiness. A rogue can easily be unnoticed, and then fire a powerful single strike at another ship. However, rogues have the disadvantage of weak shots (unless they use their powerful single strike, which is hard to execute) and weak defenses. Their gun choices are medium sizes.

We will fight through what I call missions. A scenario will be set up by me, and we the players will enter the battle. When that ends, a new mission will come up. We're either with Welynder or Icoles in this RP, you could be a soldier, a mercenary, or whatever.

Char sheet.


Name: Sgt. Anton Rhodes
Age: 31
Appearance: Shaggy neck-length black hair, his face shows signs of a moustache and a beard coming in soon. Anton wears a T-shirt or button down shirt and jeans or slacks, with his jacket and stocking cap, when he's casual. During combat, he'll wear his black and red pilot's suit and his helmet.
Class: Skymaster
Faction: Welynder
Background: Anton Rhodes grew up on Valyndyr, but his family escaped when he was 15, and moved to Moravi. Anton became a pilot and a bounty hunter when he was an adult, but at the age of 23 he went back to Valynder and joined the WRC. Anton was one of the WRC commanders in the rebel sieges of Anderton and Freis in 2267, a turning point in the rebellion that began the collapse of Ayad's rule. Anton continues to fight as a sergeant.

Join in and I'll start the first mission.