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The Official B&W/5th gen Discussion Thread - GAMES OUT EVERYWHERE

Started by Kayo, May 13, 2010, 05:05:53 AM

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So, which version did you get? (Or are getting)

Pokémon Black
6 (35.3%)
Pokémon White
5 (29.4%)
Pokémon Black AND Pokémon White
4 (23.5%)
Neither, and don't plan to.
0 (0%)
Haven't decided yet.
2 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 17


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on August 10, 2010, 01:08:32 PM
And what the intercourse  are you talking about "All electric rodents." There are four. Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, and Pachirisu. The little Chu's have red/orange cheeks. Raichu has yellow cheeks because his colors are flipped from Pikachu.
You forgot about two more: Plusle and Minun.


If you think Pachirisu will evolve into this flying squirrel, you are a retard. I can almost guarantee it won't. Put down as many things that can prove it will and you will still end up being wrong in the end. Just like with the Kanga/Cubone relation, though this one actually makes sense, neither will happen.
Only reason I'll give is the reason already given, though there are more that I am too lazy to put down (though another reason was implied). Electric + Rodent = Circle cheeks. Plusle & Minun also had them, though they had a +/- in the circles, they still had the circles. Though they possibly aren't rats like a lot of people think they are, they were obviously made to look similar to Pichu, so they still count.
Dude .

The Riddler

Quote from: bluaki on August 10, 2010, 04:07:15 PM
You forgot about two more: Plusle and Minun.
Eh, Plusle and Minun are Pikachu wannabes, so I'd clump them in with the Chus. Besides, they have the +/-.
Pachirisu is the only other true separate electric rodent with cheeks like that.

Quote from: JrDude φ on August 10, 2010, 04:08:22 PM
If you think Pachirisu will evolve into this flying squirrel, you are a retard. I can almost guarantee it won't. Put down as many things that can prove it will and you will still end up being wrong in the end. Just like with the Kanga/Cubone relation, though this one actually makes sense, neither will happen.
Only reason I'll give is the reason already given, though there are more that I am too lazy to put down (though another reason was implied). Electric + Rodent = Circle cheeks. Plusle & Minun also had them, though they had a +/- in the circles, they still had the circles. Though they possibly aren't rats like a lot of people think they are, they were obviously made to look similar to Pichu, so they still count.
Quote from: JrDude φ on August 08, 2010, 11:23:09 PM
Everyone noticed, just no one cared enough to post.
Or at least I hope everyone noticed, 'cause if you didn't you're a retard, I heard "flying squirrel pokemon" in here (before I saw it) and then immediately thought "Electric/Flying type" and then thought of Pachirisu without caring enough to comment on it.
Yeah, you're a hypocrite.

You can't site color differences. See Poliwag/Politoed + other pokemon.
You can't site physical differences: Look at almost any evolution of any pokemon.
You can't say the cheeks is a disproval, if anything it helps.


How is that hypocritical? I noticed that there's an electric SQUIRREL and an electric FLYING SQUIRREL, though they are obviously similar in SQUIRREL, that is the only relation they will ever have.

And your color difference example is retarded, Poliwag families are tadpoles, and if they never made Politoed green, people may have assumed it wasn't a frog and thought it was just a retarded looking Poliwrath -Fighting.
Also, tadpoles are a different color than the frog they become, squirrels and flying squirrels are the same color, AND squirrels don't ever become flying squirrels. That last part doesn't really prove much, but if they were gonna make it flying, there's no logical point in a color change.

I wasn't gonna say anything about the physical differences for the reason you pointed out.

Cheeks doesn't help, or if it does, we can say Pichu evolves into this Flying Squirrel too, they both have circle cheeks too.
Dude .

The Riddler

Quote from: JrDude φ on August 10, 2010, 04:27:29 PM
How is that hypocritical? I noticed that there's an electric SQUIRREL and an electric FLYING SQUIRREL, though they are obviously similar in SQUIRREL, that is the only relation they will ever have.

And your color difference example is retarded, Poliwag families are tadpoles, and if they never made Politoed green, people may have assumed it wasn't a frog and thought it was just a retarded looking Poliwrath -Fighting.
Also, tadpoles are a different color than the frog they become, squirrels and flying squirrels are the same color, AND squirrels don't ever become flying squirrels. That last part doesn't really prove much, but if they were gonna make it flying, there's no logical point in a color change.

I wasn't gonna say anything about the physical differences for the reason you pointed out.

Cheeks doesn't help, or if it does, we can say Pichu evolves into this Flying Squirrel too, they both have circle cheeks too.
So being an Electric type doesn't add to it? Only the fact that they're Squirrels does?

For colors:
Ok, I'll go through a list. I'll leave out those that are justified, like Caterpie to Butterfree via Metapod.
First, those in the same generation, and I'll only do Gen1 because you'll get the intercourse ing point.:
Ratatta, Raticate. Both rats, completely different colors.
Spearow, Fearow. Fearow has none of Spearow's black.
Pikachu, Raichu. Flipped colors.
Vulpix, Ninetails. Again, different colors.
Psyduck and Golduck. HERP.
Drowzee and Hypno - Hypno has none of the blackish from Drowzee.
Exeggcute, Exeggutor - Eggs become a coconut tree?
Staryu, Starmie. I'm getting tired of explaining. You get the intercourse ing point.
Magikarp, Gyarados.
Eevee and any Eeveelution.
Dratini/Dragonair and Dragonite.

Now, cross generations:
Oddish family and Bellossom.
Tyrogue to Hitmons.
Poliwag family and Politoed.
Onix and Steelix.
Lickitung and Lickilicky.

Fuck it, I'm stopping there. If you don't get the point by now, you're beyond intercourse ing retarded.

Squirrels don't become FLYING squirrels?
Ok then.
Eggs don't become Coconut trees.
Clams don't become Oysters.
Turtles don't become Tortoises.
Caterpillars don't become Bees.
Gnats don't become Moths.

Do I REALLY need to keep going?

Before you jump in with "well they are different types." Their main type Electric, stays the same, and many pokemon gain a new type upon evolving. Togepi gets flying when it becomes Togetic. As for a cross generation reference, Horsea/Seadra - Kingdra: Water to Water/Dragon.

The cheeks do help. Both are squirrels with the cheeks. To say Pichu evolves into a squirrel is retarded.

It's hypocritical because you announced that you thought of it, and that "everyone thought of it." Then you call me retarded for thinking Pachirisu evolves into it? Where the intercourse  is your logic?

Edit: Forgot to reply to this.
This is entirely different from the Cubon/Kangaskhan thing. That was speculation based on good evidence, but would likely never come to based on it being a theory from Gen 1. This is based on solid evidence on Pokemon YET to be release. You can't discount anything.



butthurt much
I was ignoring the type similarities there 'cause I was pointing out the main similarity that is making you think they're related, the SQUIRREL. Yes electric is a reason but that wasn't on my mind.

Anyway plants are horrible examples due to the fact that it is logical for them to change colors as they grow.
Flipping colors means they are indeed related by color
If I'm not mistaken Exeggute isn't eggs, but some kind of fruit, but I could be wrong, either way, I never really thought of him to be eggs but the same fruit that Exeggutor had as heads.
Also, a lot more of your examples are horrible examples.
A lot of the examples you said have similar colors, they don't have to be exactly the same, animals as well as people have slight hair color differences when they get older, like a kid with light brown hair ends up having dark brown hair, such as Pichu to Pikachu, the only example I'm bringing to this part of the point.
And Onix, he has to be traded with some metal attached, the metal covers the whole body with Poké logic and the item disappears, the item covered his body thus the reasoning for the color change.
Want some more pointing out of your bad examples? Well gladly.
Stones have some weird effect on a Pokémon, maybe half the Pokémon who evolve with a stone end up changing colors, why? Well I don't know, but stoned Pokémon can't be a good example because it's basically unexplained magic.
I could probably think of a few more, but I'm too lazy to look hard, so I just gave the ones that came to mind easily. You do have some good examples, but not many. Possibly none, like if they're trying to use Myth logic (Like maybe in Egyptian culture royal ducks become blue when they're strong enough? [I just made that up if you're dumb enough think I believe that]), but I'm too lazy to look it up.

On the second point, you're an idiot. "That last part doesn't really prove much, but if they were gonna make it flying, there's no logical point in a color change." I said this after pointing out that squirrels don't become flying squirrels, which means, I know they often won't use real logic for evos.

I was never gonna point out their type difference either.

Unless there's a different part of Hypocrite's definition that I am unaware of, you're confused. In this case, telling someone that it's dumb to believe it and then I believe it would be hypocritical (or vice versa), but saying it's dumb to not notice the difference and dumb to believe that they evolve into one another, isn't hypocritical.
Dude .

The Riddler

There are no words to describe how stupid you are. It gets old.
I can't even argue with you, you're so stupid.

Psyduck - Golduck
Staryu - Starmie.

Enough said.
I provided more than enough examples and you nit pick so much while ignoring even more.

Add flying, no color change? Togepi - Togetic. Sure, it keeps it's egg white, but the head changes completely in color.

"There is no logical reason for a color change." Are you kidding? This is intercourse ing POKEMON. A caterpillar goes into a cacoon and comes out a BEE. There is no logic in evolutions.

All of the evidence points that they're giving Pachirisu an evolution. They're giving other poopty Pokemon evolutions (See: Luvdisc). They're both electric squirrels with similar enough body shapes and faces. Any other body changes can be struck out as a result of the evolution method. Since Pachirisu couldn't evolve Gen4, they're gonna have to give him some new method, be it Season or new hold item. Just like any other evolution in a new generation, it does have differences, but not enough to warrant a "If you think he evolves into it, you're retarded."


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on August 10, 2010, 03:26:05 PM
RayQ, you can't be serious.

The best example I can think of for you is Chingling to Chimeco.

But there are sooooo many intercourse ing examples that disprove your statement.
Pachirisu isn't a baby pokemon. Besides the face (which also looks like Pikachu) and the fact that they are squirrel related, the two don't look close. You'd expect similar coloring, ears, or tails if it was an evo. Plus, it would be weird to have Pachirisu catchable if not even Pikachu is seen until you get the national dex. It's probably like Munna, it looks like it should be related to an already existing pokemon, but it isn't.

The Riddler

Quote from: Cornwad on August 10, 2010, 08:09:43 PM
Pachirisu isn't a baby pokemon. Besides the face (which also looks like Pikachu) and the fact that they are squirrel related, the two don't look close. You'd expect similar coloring, ears, or tails if it was an evo. Plus, it would be weird to have Pachirisu catchable if not even Pikachu is seen until you get the national dex. It's probably like Munna, it looks like it should be related to an already existing pokemon, but it isn't.
Luvdisc is getting an evo, and Luvdisc won't be seen til end game.
And you can't expect anything. Look at how different so many evolutions are.


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on August 10, 2010, 08:16:48 PM
Luvdisc is getting an evo, and Luvdisc won't be seen til end game.
And you can't expect anything. Look at how different so many evolutions are.
But while Super Luvdisc has only been seen in trailers and magazines, the flying squirrel has been seen in demos, suggesting that you catch it in the wild and before the national dex. Super Luvdisc hasn't been seen yet in game, so it probably is first seen after getting the national dex like Electivire.

It could easily be a Pachirisu evo, but I'm not getting my hopes up because it looks like its just going to be this gen's pikachu. We now have a new Zubat, Pikachu, Rattata, and Magikarp, all we need is the new Geodude.


Quote from: Cornwad on August 10, 2010, 08:25:21 PM
But while Super Luvdisc has only been seen in trailers and magazines, the flying squirrel has been seen in demos, suggesting that you catch it in the wild and before the national dex. Super Luvdisc hasn't been seen yet in game, so it probably is first seen after getting the national dex like Electivire.

It could easily be a Pachirisu evo, but I'm not getting my hopes up because it looks like its just going to be this gen's pikachu. We now have a new Zubat, Pikachu, Rattata, and Magikarp, all we need is the new Geodude.
What about Abra?


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on August 10, 2010, 06:05:20 PM
There are no words to describe how stupid you are. It gets old.
I can't even argue with you, you're so stupid.

Psyduck - Golduck
Staryu - Starmie.

Enough said.
I provided more than enough examples and you nit pick so much while ignoring even more.

Add flying, no color change? Togepi - Togetic. Sure, it keeps it's egg white, but the head changes completely in color.

"There is no logical reason for a color change." Are you kidding? This is intercourse ing POKEMON. A caterpillar goes into a cacoon and comes out a BEE. There is no logic in evolutions.

All of the evidence points that they're giving Pachirisu an evolution. They're giving other poopty Pokemon evolutions (See: Luvdisc). They're both electric squirrels with similar enough body shapes and faces. Any other body changes can be struck out as a result of the evolution method. Since Pachirisu couldn't evolve Gen4, they're gonna have to give him some new method, be it Season or new hold item. Just like any other evolution in a new generation, it does have differences, but not enough to warrant a "If you think he evolves into it, you're retarded."
You say I'm stupid? Well old news but look at you.
"Blah whine blah I can't argue with you anymore

Argue argue whine whine whine argue whine whine argue"

And you're so into your own opinion that you don't even read my whole post, and it seems more like you're arguing with the same post you already argued with rather than my new one.

Also, oh hey color, you love colors, order Sonic Colors bleh. I never said anything about the colors until you did, I know colors don't matter, but you ignored my post or just skimmed it or skipped it, IDK I wasn't there when you decided to copy your last post just to call me an idiot.
Staryu - Starmie
Here, let my get my post.
Quote from: JrDude φ on August 10, 2010, 05:52:35 PM
butthurt much
Stones have some weird effect on a Pokémon, maybe half the Pokémon who evolve with a stone end up changing colors, why? Well I don't know, but stoned Pokémon can't be a good example because it's basically unexplained magic.
If you're too dumb to see the relation, Staryu only evolves with the help of a *gasp* Water Stone.
Let me get some more of my post shall I?
Quote from: JrDude φ on August 10, 2010, 05:52:35 PM
butthurt much
You do have some good examples, but not many. Possibly none, like if they're trying to use Myth logic (Like maybe in Egyptian culture royal ducks become blue when they're strong enough? [I just made that up if you're dumb enough think I believe that]), but I'm too lazy to look it up.
(By the bolded part, I mainly meant Psyduck/Golduck)
You ignored many of my points, either because you enjoy sucking your own dick so much, or you like calling me an idiot so much that you'll ignore things I said to try and make me look stupid, even though everyone knows how stupid I already am.

And with the quote you gave, it looks even more like you ignore my posts because you're arguing so late that it took me quoting myself in order for you to notice a point you wanted to argue on. Are you possibly arguing with the same post twice like I said earlier in this message? Looks like it. I wonder if saying it twice will make it more likely for Rob to actually read it.

If you're going to argue, pay attention, don't just look at your opinion and call it right then read every other word of someone's post then call them an idiot. You will likely respond to this part, but I looked at your whole post and didn't ignore much, if anything, about it. I read your post, I responded to almost every point you made. You read every other word of my post, noticed some parts and then argued about them after calling me an idiot.

The only evidence here is simple sir: We got an electric rodent with round cheeks and a cute face in a gen. What gen am I talking about I wonder? Every gen has done it.
Dude .


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on August 10, 2010, 03:26:05 PM
RayQ, you can't be serious.

The best example I can think of for you is Chingling to Chimeco.

But there are sooooo many intercourse ing examples that disprove your statement.
Evolutions tend to have some drastic change in size, length, etc.  Chingling is a lot shorter than Chimecho, for instance.  These two squirrels are pretty similar height-wise and width-wise.

The Riddler

Didn't bother reading JrDude's. He's too stupid to argue with.
Quote from: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA on August 10, 2010, 11:46:05 PM
Evolutions tend to have some drastic change in size, length, etc.  Chingling is a lot shorter than Chimecho, for instance.  These two squirrels are pretty similar height-wise and width-wise.
Poliwhirl and Poliwrath only get a little bigger than eachother. Nothing drastic. Also angry eyes. Plenty of other examples too, can't be intercourse ed finding them though.