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The Ask The Person Below You A Question Thread.

Started by StarWindWizard7, August 28, 2008, 08:38:07 PM

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No I do not bother the breastas.

Are you involved at school?



Do you have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. or neither?
Dude .


ADD, I tend to space out a lot. But the vast majority of ppl my age have been "diagnosed" (pfft. just some docs who want more money) with it.

Who else has a ton of school work to do but is procrastinating?


Me! Me! Me!
I've got 3 days worth of make up work to do! YAAAAAY!

Are you tired?



Wii, because I can play MP2 on it :3

MP2 is the best in the trilogy? (If you say no, then you are no friend of the Prime games >:()




Dude .



America (It's Gotta Be The Cheese)

Eitan Kadosh

Everbody writes about America
And everybody paints America
Because from Jasper Johns to Allen Ginsberg
They are all looking for the same thing
Searching for the real America
The one that lies under the costumes and the war paint
that lies under the Seinfeld and the Springer
under the bad porn and good basketball

And I am no exception
Except that one night, late last week
I actually found it, this elusive America - in the dairy case at
Andronico's market
lurking beside the jacks and the cheddars, the goudas, swisses,
stiltons, jarlsbergs, gorgonzolas, whole parmesan, ricottas, and
myriad other imported and domestic cheeses
There - it beckoned suddenly
An immaculately wrapped unbelievably orange package of
American pasteurized process cheese food glory
God bless this country

We pasteurized
We processed
We manipulated this cheese until it suited our purposes
This was engineered cheese
This was the scientific method at work - Jonas salk Albert
Einstein Copernicus

This was smooth no lumps when melted technology at work -
the lightbulb phonograph model T radio television internet
Nike Air rolled into one
And all for 1.99

I was so moved I broke into the Pledge of Allegiance right there
and then
I bought Charleton Heston's autobiography
Became a Daughter of the American Revolution

Oh God how I long to to be wrapped in golden singles of American Cheese
Drizzled with it's salty goodness

Oh God put me in a sauna so that the cheese will melt and when
it does it will melt evenly over every square inch of my body
Rivulets of warm cheese will run down my face like tropical rain
caress my body with the lasting wetness of a mouth
Oh God
Take me

Take me dip me like fondue into your vat of silken
American cheese food products scoop it on to me like a nacho
and let it cool like a second skin oh God cheese food I will use it
for everything

For breakfest melted on my english muffin for lunch in a
sandwich with processed meat salad spread on
processed white bread for dinner obliterating my broccoli at bed
on my toothbrush so my breath will be cheesy Ameican fresh in
the morning I will gargle with it and wash my face with a
congealed vat of the stuff I keep on my skin and smear on like
I will cook my girlfriend romantic dinners in which every course
will consciously and creatively utilize and emphasize our most
holy of sacraments and when the dinner is over and we hit the
sack I will have a new lubircant - intercourse  KY!- I'll have a tube of
Velvetta for when the going gets rough
Because it's gotta be the cheese

America land of the free - it's gotta be the cheese

Home of the brave - it's gotta be the cheese

Land of possibility, opportunity and the certain unalienable rights of
manifest destiny - it's gotta be the cheese

who killed Emmit Till - it's gotta be the cheese
who trained and armed Latin American torture squads - it's gotta be the cheese
who shot J.F.K., J.R, Ewing, J.C.Penny - it's gotta be the cheese

internment camps - it's gotta be the cheese
the WWF - it's gotta be the cheese
Kurt Cobain - it's gotta be the cheese
Jerry Lewis - it's gotta be the cheese

Mom the flag and apple pie

It's gotta be the cheese

Too much cheese?
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)



It needs an update sometime...

How long do you think a person should have the same sig?
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


Forever if it's awesome. (Like mine)

Best sig on the forums: Shujinco or Montizzil?