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The Official B&W/5th gen Discussion Thread - GAMES OUT EVERYWHERE

Started by Kayo, May 13, 2010, 05:05:53 AM

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So, which version did you get? (Or are getting)

Pokémon Black
6 (35.3%)
Pokémon White
5 (29.4%)
Pokémon Black AND Pokémon White
4 (23.5%)
Neither, and don't plan to.
0 (0%)
Haven't decided yet.
2 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 17



Kianglo is a retard, that much has been known and is more obvious now. I don't believe any of the rumors until proven, but none of them seem bizarre and do seem possible.
I don't like the whole Cobra thing though.
Dude .


Quote from: Cornwad on June 12, 2010, 05:46:56 PM
Last I checked, a minotaur is still called a minotaur in Japan, and lots of times Japanese names are in English. The new steel type is called Gear in Japan. And Tauros is Kentauros is Japan, not Kentorusu or Kentarusu. Just replace the Ken with a Mino, which makes sense because it's Greek,  not Japanese or English.

Mino does exist in Japan, becuase Wormadam is Minomadam. You can easily make the leap from Minotarosu to Minotauros.
It is Kentarosu. That's the actual translation of the japanese characters. ケンタロス is the actual spelling of the name. Let me break it down for you:
ケ - KE
ン - N
タ - TA
ロ - RO
ス - SU
They made it appear as "Kentauros" because they are pronounced the same. (An un-accented u at the end of a japanese word is barely pronounced) And it would make more sense to us Americans to know where the name comes from, because it sppearing as "Kentarosu" would just confuse us all, but seeing "Kentauros" makes us say "Oh hey, I get it." and see where the name is from.
Whether it's true or not, it is a rumor and as such will NOT be respected by this thread. I do not post anything here without a confirmation that it is true. That's a rule of this thread, not for rumors, but for actual information. And if you don't like that, get out of my thread. Whine about your rumors somewhere else, but this is not the place. This thread is for confirmed information ONLY and will remain that way.
I never said that "Mino" isn't acceptable in japanese. I even posted characters for it. ミノタルス. The first two characters there are ミ (MI) and ノ (NO).. I'm perfectly aware that Wormadam is "Minomadamu," or as you would see it, "Minomadam."

The bottom line is, it's a rumor. And I do not allow rumors here unless I have reason to believe they are real. Minotaurus, to me, and hopefully to everyone else, sounds like something a middle school-er created while doodling a design for a pokemon they want to see.
Maybe they noticed the word "Minotaur" and thought "Hey, what if Tauros evolved into something called "Mino-tauros?"

Since there is no confirmation on this, no pictures or anything, we cannot believe it was real. Hey, Mewtwo was rumored to be in Brawl, right? It was even placed into the game's coding before Lucario replaced it. It was rumored to make a return, but was proven false at the last minute. Same principle applies here. You've heard the term "Innocent until proven guilty," so in this thread all rumors are "False until proven true."

Quote from: JrDude φ on June 12, 2010, 11:44:36 PM
Kianglo is a retard, that much has been known and is more obvious now. I don't believe any of the rumors until proven, but none of them seem bizarre and do seem possible.
I don't like the whole Cobra thing though.
On what basis am I a retard? Just because I don't believe these rumors? You don't believe them either, so what does that make you?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


lol "you do not allow rumors here"? You're the original poster but that doesn't mean you control the content of the thread.

Look, we're going to talk about rumors in this thread regardless of what you say or think. It's fun to see which ones turn out to be true. Stop being an ass and killing all the fun. We don't necessarily believe them, but you can't deny that a lot of them make sense and would be badass, most notably the weather effects becoming more prominent in the games.

You allude to Brawl rumors but from what I remember, hardly, if any Brawl rumors turned out to be true, when we already have like 5 or so rumors about this game that have turned out to be true. Your "false until proven true" rule can't possibly apply when these sort of things usually are entirely subjective. It's up to the person to believe the rumor or not, not you.

tl;dr version: Chill out and join in on the fun.


So the fire baboon's ability disables all secondary effects of moves. Does this mean that moves like Double Edge and Flare Blitz won't cause recoil? Or is it just saying that moves like flamethrower can't burn?


It's be pretty awesome if it could use Outrage without getting confused, come to think of it.


Quote from: Zero on June 13, 2010, 10:35:42 AM
lol "you do not allow rumors here"? You're the original poster but that doesn't mean you control the content of the thread.
Actually, I can. This thread was for confirmed information, not rumors. You wouldn't allow an argument about whether Garchomp is uber or not in a thread you made asking for help with your Pokémon Yellow game, would you? No, and the same principle applies here.

Although, you can talk about rumors here IF AND ONLY IF you respect the fact that they are possibly false. I want NO discussion of saying something's true if it's just a rumor. In case yous till don't get it, click these spoiler boxes to see examples.
[spoiler=DO NOT do this]
"I heard a rumor that Jynx may be getting an evolution in 5th gen"
"Well, we're getting a Jynx evolution named Megajynx. So that means we'll probably get a Miltank evo too."
"Wow, I want a Megajynx! I can't wait to get one!"
Unrelated person: "There's probably not gonna be a Jynx evo, and even if there was it wouldn't be named Megajynx"
"Hey no, My friend Zack said we're getting Megajynx, so we're getting one. Why hasn't the first post been updated with Megajynx yet?"[/spoiler]
Instead, I find no problem with this:
[spoiler=this is fine, I guess]
"Hey, Jynx was rumored to get an evolution."
"Eh, I don't want that to happen. It would look ugly."
"Yeah, but what would they name it?"
"Knowing GameFreak, if they made something like that it would have an absurd name like Jynkiss"
"Yeah, but If we do get a Jynx evo, I wouldn't like that name."

"You know what would be cool? A pure flying type."
"Yeah, but we're probably not getting one."
"I heard we might. It hasn't been confirmed, so don't get your hopes up. :/"[/spoiler]
Generic and corny to say the least, but you get the idea.

Whether you believe the rumor or not, it always has a chance of not happening. Therefore, I stick to the principle that I don't believe any rumors, even if I wish some of them were true.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


So anyway, I think I've come up generally decent reasons for why each Pokemon was chosen to be revealed.

Starters and the two legendaries are obvious

-Zorua/Zoroark are in the new movie and are being pushed as the new Lucario. Their ability is good to show off what the new games can do.
-The Chinchilla is the new bidoof, people are going to be seing a lot of it so they show it first. Same goes with the pigeon, it's the new starly.
-The tapir thing is possibly the first new pre evolution
-Gear is the first new gimmick pokemon, showing that BW will still care about double battles
-The baboon shows off a cool new ability, and perhaps a new stand alone pokemon?
-The Zebra shows off a new move
-The crocodile is a new type combination in addition to having a new ability.

All we need is a new evo for an existing pokemon and we'll  be set. Based on what we've seen I think we can expect one soon.



That's what I'm hoping for. I think the first new evo last time was either Weavile or Roserade, so it could really be anything.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 04:38:39 PM
That's what I'm hoping for. I think the first new evo last time was either Weavile or Roserade, so it could really be anything.
Electivire came out pretty early too, but I don't know.

I do actually want a two-legged Tauros evolution.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Zorua on June 13, 2010, 08:52:02 AM
On what basis am I a retard? Just because I don't believe these rumors? You don't believe them either, so what does that make you?
You forget that you have other posts outside of this thread. If I only meant in this thread, I'd say something like, "Kiangolo is retarded in this thread," I meant in general, and if in general you are retarded, you are retarded everywhere, not just in one place.

Also, I thought that gear thing was all one Pokémon, meaning that if in a double battle, there could basically be 4 gear things on one side.
Dude .


I wouldn't judge the new Pokemon looks and rule them as not original. Take a look at the first generation: Ditto, Magnemite, Porygon, and others have weird looks, yet you grew with them. So please, don't complain about Pokemon having weird looks.


Hey guys, this game is obviously on the DS, confirmed and everything. I think this is so for the game. By "the game" I mean the 3rd one. I think the 3rd one is gonna be on the 3DS, just to kick the other one's ass in more ways than the past "3rd ones" could do to the ones before them.
Dude .


Quote from: Zorua on June 13, 2010, 03:18:31 PM
Actually, I can. This thread was for confirmed information, not rumors. You wouldn't allow an argument about whether Garchomp is uber or not in a thread you made asking for help with your Pokémon Yellow game, would you? No, and the same principle applies here.

Although, you can talk about rumors here IF AND ONLY IF you respect the fact that they are possibly false. I want NO discussion of saying something's true if it's just a rumor. In case yous till don't get it, click these spoiler boxes to see examples.
[spoiler=DO NOT do this]
"I heard a rumor that Jynx may be getting an evolution in 5th gen"
"Well, we're getting a Jynx evolution named Megajynx. So that means we'll probably get a Miltank evo too."
"Wow, I want a Megajynx! I can't wait to get one!"
Unrelated person: "There's probably not gonna be a Jynx evo, and even if there was it wouldn't be named Megajynx"
"Hey no, My friend Zack said we're getting Megajynx, so we're getting one. Why hasn't the first post been updated with Megajynx yet?"[/spoiler]
Instead, I find no problem with this:
[spoiler=this is fine, I guess]
"Hey, Jynx was rumored to get an evolution."
"Eh, I don't want that to happen. It would look ugly."
"Yeah, but what would they name it?"
"Knowing GameFreak, if they made something like that it would have an absurd name like Jynkiss"
"Yeah, but If we do get a Jynx evo, I wouldn't like that name."

"You know what would be cool? A pure flying type."
"Yeah, but we're probably not getting one."
"I heard we might. It hasn't been confirmed, so don't get your hopes up. :/"[/spoiler]
Generic and corny to say the least, but you get the idea.

Whether you believe the rumor or not, it always has a chance of not happening. Therefore, I stick to the principle that I don't believe any rumors, even if I wish some of them were true.

Uh, when did I ever not respect the fact that rumors are just rumors? lol seriously, come the intercourse  on.