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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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"Good job Riolu. Now get ready to dodge their attack."

"Riolu!" He said as he got his arms up ready to block.

Hm...Venus should have been ready for an attack like that. Is that even the real Venus?


Meowth dodged the attack and fired Shadow Ball. Gastrodon was stunned and Meowth jumped in with Quick Attack.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 03:54:18 PM
"Good job Riolu. Now get ready to dodge their attack."

"Riolu!" He said as he got his arms up ready to block.

Hm...Venus should have been ready for an attack like that. Is that even the real Venus?

"Now Buneary use an attack!" After I said that Buneary started running over towards Leafeon with with both of its ears glowing, could that be a fighting move? I thought.

Leafeon was then pushed up with both of Buneary's ears, apparently a Sky Uppercut. Leafeon was still up in the air, as I yelled "Quick Zaroff use an attack while Leafeon's defense is down!"


"Riolu, Force palm Leafeon toward the ground!" Zaroff shouted.

Riolu jumped out and since his arms were already up, he just had to charge up the attack. He got up to Leafeon and made the move.
"Now get Buneary to use Sky Uppercut again." Zaroff said to Phoenix.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 04:01:19 PM
"Riolu, Force palm Leafeon toward the ground!" Zaroff shouted.

Riolu jumped out and since his arms were already up, he just had to charge up the attack. He got up to Leafeon and made the move.
"Now get Buneary to use Sky Uppercut again." Zaroff said to Phoenix.
Me: "I will as long as Leafeon makes the right move."

Venus: "Don't think I am like other trainers!  Leafeon use Leaf Blade", then the grass parts of Leafeon's body glowed and got bigger, Leafeon then shot straight down at Riolu, at an angle where she could get Buneary afterwards.


Riolu was hit with a critical hit and took a lot of his stamina.

"Hang in there Riolu!" Said Zaroff.

"Rio" Said the Riolu trying to get a hold of himself.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 04:07:58 PM
Riolu was hit with a critical hit and took a lot of his stamina.

"Hang in there Riolu!" Said Zaroff.

"Rio" Said the Riolu trying to get a hold of himself.

Venus: "Ha" she said in an evil tone.

Me: "Buneary give me another one of your Sky Uppercuts!" I told the fury pokemon

Buneary then jumped up hitting Leafeon but cleary Leafeon was stronger as she struck BUneary staright into the ground.

Venus: "Leafeon use Grasswhistle!" As Leafeon starting to attack

Me: "Quick Buneary jump up into the air", but it was not as high as usual it was a lot higher. Buneary then came down squishing Leafeon, I then said in response "I guess a flying type attack works on a Leafeon well." I snickered, then thought was that Bounce?


"Riolu, just stand there and wait for an attack." Said Zaroff with confidence.

Riolu did just that but with a slight look of confusion on his face.

"Go ahead Venus, attack me." He said in a taunting tone.


Gastrodon was hit hard but it stood firm. Meowth seemed to have gone berserk, attack ing wildly, ignoring Lux. Gastrodon was just as wild. Soon both were breathing hard. Gastrodon fired Mud Bomb and Meowth fired Shadow Ball. The attacks exploded.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 04:18:06 PM
"Riolu, just stand there and wait for an attack." Said Zaroff with confidence.

Riolu did just that but with a slight look of confusion on his face.

"Go ahead Venus, attack me." He said in a taunting tone.

Venus: "Leafeon that twerp wants an attack then we will give him an attack! Now use Solar Beam!" She commanded.

"Buneary I don't know what they are plannign but surprise me with another attack!" I said in a somewhat desperate tone.

Venus: "Now send it at both of them!" She said in a swift/ harsh tone of voice.

Leafeon then shot two solar beams out of its mouth heading straight at Buneary, and Rilou.


"Endure, now!" He said.

"Riolu!" He put his arms up and braced himself for the attack.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 04:24:52 PM
"Endure, now!" He said.

"Riolu!" He put his arms up and braced himself for the attack.

In my mind I think I knew what his strategy was going to be.

"Buneary quick dodge it and finish your attack!" Both of Buneary's then turned into ice, hitting Leafeon. "I guess that was Ice Punch." I said as Buneary cut off Leafeon's attack. EVen though the attack was cut off one solar beam was still heading towards Riolu as the other one hit the wall right behind me, just scrapping some of my shirt away.


"Good, now hang in there and use...Counter!" Zaroff said with a smile.

Suddenly, Riolu seemed full of energy as he ran to the Leafeon. "Riolu!" He said and with all his might, he threw a punch right at Leafeon.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 04:32:13 PM
"Good, now hang in there and use...Counter!" Zaroff said with a smile.

Suddenly, Riolu seemed full of energy as he ran to the Leafeon. "Riolu!" He said and with all his might, he threw a punch right at Leafeon.

"Buneary help Riolu out and finish it with an Ice Punch then Bounce!!!" I yelled in excitement.

Buneary then threw an Ice Punch at Leafeon with both ears, then jumped up then fell down straight on Leafeon.

Leafeon then fainted with all of the attacks it was hit with. Venus then returned Leafeon.

"Lux you need any help?" I asked him.


Ooc// I g2g. Bye. I'll be back in about an hour.