Generally Speaking => Artistic Discussion => Topic started by: Zovistograt on December 13, 2007, 07:48:32 PM

Question: am I crazy for thinking of doing this?
Option 1: y votes: 0
Option 2: / votes: 3
Option 3: n votes: 0
Title: am I crazy y/n
Post by: Zovistograt on December 13, 2007, 07:48:32 PM
I found out that there's going to be a Battle of the Bands at my school sometime in the near future.  Now I only know of one definite band that exists in this school and maybe one or two others, so I thought "why not enter myself?"

Now, I don't play in a band.  The only instrument I play is my computer (a software synth).  But I think I could pull off a live electronica mix using a ton of random loops and just switching them on and off, and then using my laptop's keyboard to play some improvised melodies.  Pretty much, it would be me sitting there at my computer on a stage with possibly a strobe light or two for added effect :O

Half the people I've told this to think I'm nuts for even thinking of entering myself into a Battle of the Bands competition, but why not?  What do you think?
Title: Re: am I crazy y/n
Post by: Kaz on December 14, 2007, 12:58:43 AM
I think this emote sums up my thoughts:  :-\