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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 27, 2007, 07:50:09 PM
The water damaged Combusken alot. It blew a Smokescreen at it.
due to Sapphire's Keen Eye ability, it could still make out combusken amoung the smoke.
"another water pulse Sapphire." said Avion
once again, sapphire shot a ring of water at combusken.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Combuskem was severely weakened by the Pulses. It fired Fire Spin randomly, trying to hit the Wingull.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 27, 2007, 08:00:10 PM
Combuskem was severely weakened by the Pulses. It fired Fire Spin randomly, trying to hit the Wingull.
BEJUS, thats one tough chicken.
Sapphire elegantly dodged the flames.
"ok Saph, one last water pulse"
Sapphire shot yet another water pulse at Combusken

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)

Transient Link

ooc/ wow you waited up thanks :D

ic/ "yup your all invited! Just dont forget you gotta at least try and sing once!"

he laughed

"now cmon we can head to the pokemon center together"


Combusken was knocked out. "Good job," said Maggie."You have your fourth gym badge." maggie tossed him the badge as she returned Combusken.


OOC/// What did I miss, I got punished (it always seems to be me and Fear...)


Aeon landed right by Nik, having spotted him when he entered the Pokémon Center. "Hello, there."
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 28, 2007, 05:05:33 AM
Combusken was knocked out. "Good job," said Maggie."You have your fourth gym badge." maggie tossed him the badge as she returned Combusken.
Ooc// no third ;)

Avion caught the badge.
"Yes!" said Avion happily.
Suddenly Sapphire started glowing

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Quote from: Avion-Finch on October 28, 2007, 06:24:21 AM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 28, 2007, 05:05:33 AM
Combusken was knocked out. "Good job," said Maggie."You have your fourth gym badge." maggie tossed him the badge as she returned Combusken.
Ooc// no third ;)

Avion caught the badge.
"Yes!" said Avion happily.
Suddenly Sapphire started glowing

OOC/// Well it can be your 4th badge, he doesn't know if you went to Pastoria first ;)


IC/// We started to walk towards the gym, that way we could challenge Ivy.

_Few minutes later_

"We are here!" I said excited to Lux

-Few Seconds Later-

"Ivy I challenge you to a gym battle!"

OOC/// I will control Ivy


Ivy: "I accept your challenge." She said with confidence.

Me: "Alright, then lets start."

~After the referee says all that good stuff~

Ivy: "Go Cacnea!"

Me: "Go Cyndaquil!" I yelled.

Referee: Ready? GO!

Ivy: "I'll go first. Cacnea use Ingrain!" Cacnea's legs then plumped right into the ground, and you could see that Cacnea was regaining health slowly but steadily.

Huh? Why would she use ingrain? That means she can't switch out. Oh wait! Cacnea has to stay out and can't be brought back so that is why she used it.

"Cyndaquil use Ember at Cacnea, then shot some out at the sky!" Cyndaquil obeyed what I had said and then shot tens of hundereds of little oval shaped things of fire right at Cacnea then right at teh sky.


"Okay.." Shaelyn replied, still a bit uneasy about his "karaoke" comment. She looked to Mike, then to the entrance of the mines. She gave him a smirk and a gesture with her eyes to tell her to follow her out the entrance if he wanted to go to the Pokemon Center with her.

Transient Link

ic/ he nodded
mike started walking towards the pokemon center with her(and anyones else whos there)



"Alright, let's go!" Zaroff said happily knowing what song he was going to sing.

"Rio!" Said Riolu to the Gible with a smile.


Martin followed. He wasn't excactly sure if he wanted to sing.

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