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Nintendo Switch

Started by Super, October 20, 2016, 07:22:50 AM

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Quote from: Spud on January 13, 2017, 09:32:39 AM
I was fairly impressed by the presentation last night and there's no region locking so I went ahead and preordered it today.
Yup, I preordered it too. Excited. Can't wait to play Breath of the Wild.


Mario isn't coming until Christmas and Zelda is the only good release game. At least you can play Skyrim in glorious 1280x720 on a 6 inch screen for 3 hours until the battery dies.

Underwhelmed by their presentation.


A friend of mine who's a freelance dev that has worked for some big names like CDPR and Disney summarized Nintendo's main problem/quirk very succinctly for me: at its core, Nintendo still considers itself a toy company rather than a video game company.

Thus their systems are generally underpowered, are slow to adapt to new technology (online play, WPA not available on their handhelds until the DS), and have at least one gimmick like connectivity with GCN, Wiimote with Wii, etc. They'll also do whatever it is that they want to do and darn the consequences, which usually means doing whatever they feel will sell well in Japan.


i preordered the neon one

super mario odyssey looks so intercourse ing good

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I think they should've just made something designed to stay at your TV that's more powerful and something similar to the current Switch.
Iwata said something about converging everything and using the same architecture, OS, etc. so they could have devices with different specs share games across platforms, but instead we're getting a weird frankenstein console/handheld that isn't particularly good at either.


I'm between getting a Switch and a Surface.

Honestly I might not get either because I'm poor and need to save money.


Quote from: Super on December 15, 2016, 05:31:44 PM
I get you. Mario 64 and Sunshine did have a lot more depth in terms of what you could do.

Thank intercourse ing god nintendo is doing something right and giving us a game like 64

15 years is a bit too long but better late than never


First look on Mario Odyssey, I was horrified. Looked like Sonic 06.
Then I see he seems to be going to a bunch of world that are unlike him in many ways.
I'm excitedish, but mainly for Breath of the Wild.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on January 18, 2017, 03:16:42 AM
First look on Mario Odyssey, I was horrified. Looked like Sonic 06.
Then I see he seems to be going to a bunch of world that are unlike him in many ways.
I'm excitedish, but mainly for Breath of the Wild.

Nintendo has a better track record though. Even if it looks weird it'll still be good probably.


not to be an ass but I've seen that IT LOOKS LIKE SONIC 06 opinion online lately and I think these people are intercourse ing dumb as poop or are just looking for the wrong things

is it because its a city with real people? Because Sonic Adventure did that too ya know so why Sonic 06?


Quote from: Zero on January 19, 2017, 05:39:11 PM
not to be an ass but I've seen that IT LOOKS LIKE SONIC 06 opinion online lately and I think these people are intercourse ing dumb as poop or are just looking for the wrong things

is it because its a city with real people? Because Sonic Adventure did that too ya know so why Sonic 06?
With realistic people.
Sonic Adventure had people, but they could pass as cartoon people. They weren't hyper-realistic. Maybe they were supposed to be, but they didn't look it. It could literally be because the graphics weren't good enough to look realistic, but it looked believable for a Sonic Universe.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on January 19, 2017, 11:48:21 PM
With realistic people.
Sonic Adventure had people, but they could pass as cartoon people. They weren't hyper-realistic. Maybe they were supposed to be, but they didn't look it. It could literally be because the graphics weren't good enough to look realistic, but it looked believable for a Sonic Universe.

I'd hardly call those people in the Odyssey trailer "hyper-realistic" man. Look at the trailer again. If the Switch was using Dreamcast tech Odyssey would have those poopty cartoony people too.


Quote from: Zero on January 21, 2017, 06:54:49 AM
I'd hardly call those people in the Odyssey trailer "hyper-realistic" man. Look at the trailer again. If the Switch was using Dreamcast tech Odyssey would have those poopty cartoony people too.
i wish mario odyssey was on the dreamcast

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Custom on January 22, 2017, 10:32:14 PM
i wish mario odyssey was on the dreamcast
I want it on the Chromecast.
