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Master Rank Cute Contest Help

Started by WiinolikePS3, April 12, 2008, 06:04:30 AM

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I'm on the Master Rank, without hardly any effort at all! Yay Migrated former Master Rank champ Igglybuff with max Cuteness!

But, I can't beat Master rank on Diamond. Why?

It's not the Dancing contest. I dominate that, with only missing one or two steps, EVER.

It's not the Acting contest, as I normally end up in 1st or 2nd in that.

It's the visual. I have max cuteness, so that isn't the issue, I just can't seem to get the right accessories.

So, given the three catagories that they normally use in cute contests (Natural,  Colorful, and... ah, what was it... Defined, I think?) what is the best way to get a LOT of the accessories needed for those catagories. Amnity (sp?) Park is nice, but I often get stuff I don't need.

I have very little accessories... where can I get a lot of what I need?