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So, Mega Man 10. This is the discussion thread that is unofficial.

Started by SkyMyl, March 01, 2010, 11:02:14 AM

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I just bought it.

A word of advice for all interested: don't go for Ball Man first. His minibosses will rape you if you're reckless. The same rule of the X series applies here: Is there an ice boss? He's your first target.

Anyway, it's pretty good so far. A lot less trap-filled when compared to Mega Man 9, which makes it a little easier, actually. A little. I just want to point out that, if you're using the Wii Remote, pressing "B" will cycle through your weapons, similar to some ROM hacks I've seen.
The results were hilarious, as he pulled out Rush Coil in the middle of a boss fight. XD

So, discuss Mega Man 10 here, whether or not you're buying it, etc etc.


I'm not gonna get it. I'm really tired of 8-bit megaman.

Also, why is the world not destroyed yet? We have 2 Megaman 10's co-existing in the same universe

X = 10

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


If you don't give us what we want, we'll nuke you from orbit.


I'm gonna buy it as soon as I can get my hands on some Wii points. As far I'm concerned, the original Mega Man series is the only Mega Man.


Quote from: Turok on March 01, 2010, 12:29:17 PM
I'm not gonna get it. I'm really tired of 8-bit megaman.

Also, why is the world not destroyed yet? We have 2 Megaman 10's co-existing in the same universe

X = 10

No, Mega Man X is not Mega Man 10.

The X refers to the algebraic variable which can be any number, hence why Dr.Light constantly refers to Mega Man X's "limitless potential". Not the roman numeral.

It's pretty gay that XBLA has to wait until March 31st to get the game. ugh







Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!



Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Turok on March 01, 2010, 12:29:17 PM
X = 10
I used to think that, but no, they are not counting it as 10.
Otherwise there wouldn't be Mega Man X2, it would be Mega Man X1/XI, meaning 11
Dude .


I'll get it when I have the opportunity to get my Wii online. But not right now too busy.


I just beat the game's Normal Mode with Mega Man.

[spoiler=imma go Nayrman on your asses]
Weapons: More unique than Mega Man 9, in some areas. The Rebound Ball is a child's Metal Blade, only worse, the Water Shield is a destructible Jewel Satellite, Wheel Cutter is an upgraded version of the same weapon from X2, Solar Blaze is...odd, Commando Bomb is the child of Crash Bomb and Firefly Laser, Thunder Wool is near useless, Crush (?) Spike is a nerfed Concrete Shot, and Thunder Blade is a gimmicky Magma Shot without the charge.

Music: Did Capcom bring in MegaPhilX to compose the music? The only themes that stand out are the two main boss themes, Turbo Man's stage, Solar Man's stage, Chill Man, and Blade Man. Everything else is bleh, at best. Even the Wily Stage music.  MegaPhilX, the dude making Mega Man Unlimited (Previously known as MM10), has composed some awful tracks, and some rather nice ones. Those nice tracks kick the ass out of this game's music.

Difficulty: All the traps from MM9 are gone, but the actual game on normal mode is pretty easy in comparison to 9. Haven't tried Hard Mode yet, which can be unlocked by beating the game. Some of the robot masters are pretty difficult without their weaknesses (Commando, Solar, Blade, and Strike in particular.). The Wily Stages are a joke in comparison to earlier games, but the bosses can be pretty challenging. (FUCK YOU BLOCK DEVIL)

This image will describe how you will feel if you were expecting a midway decent plot.

The Challenge revamp is nice, as it replaces the old challenges with new ones in the form of stages that have an objective. Clear the objective(s) and you complete the stage. Simple as that. The old challenges are there too, once you beat the game, but there's definitely fewer now. Of course, they compensate this by only keeping the difficult challenges, such as clearing the game without taking a hit, or defeating the 8 Robot Masters with just your buster.

And now, I will attempt beating the game with Mega Man on hard. I already know Proto Man is essentially masochist mode, but at least he plays slightly better than he did in 9. Slightly.[/spoiler]


Yea Sky, I've heard it's easier and not as trap heavy.
I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Oh, and Bass is the third character and he'll play just like in Megaman and Bass.
Who didn't see that coming?


I was hoping for my loli robot maid, but no. We get the intercourse ing idiot who controls EXACTLY like he did in a Gaiden Game no one probably played.

Goddangit, Capcom. You've disappointed me.


Quote from: Striker Sky on March 01, 2010, 04:35:38 PM
I was hoping for my loli robot maid, but no. We get the intercourse ing idiot who controls EXACTLY like he did in a Gaiden Game no one probably played.

Goddangit, Capcom. You've disappointed me.
If he has his double jump, dash, and multi directional shot (which I've heard that he DOES) he's going to be pretty darn game breaking.


I'm scared to know how they would implement his dash on the Wii Remote. I hope they don't go the Mega Man Ultra 2 route and map it as double tapping the control pad.


Quote from: Striker Sky on March 01, 2010, 04:49:49 PM
I'm scared to know how they would implement his dash on the Wii Remote. I hope they don't go the Mega Man Ultra 2 route and map it as double tapping the control pad.
That's probably what it will be. either way he's going to be completely game breaking.