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Is Skies of Arcadia: Legends any good?

Started by .:DL:., December 21, 2007, 10:50:15 PM

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I might get it for the Gamecube this Christmas (since I can't find Tales of Symphonia anywhere  :-\), and I was wondering if someone who has owned or played the game can tell me how it is.

How are the graphics, gameplay, story etc.  Thanks. :)


I have both Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia, and I feel they are pretty much equal.

Graphics: ToS
Since SoA is a Dreamcast port, it's graphics resemble those of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. The models were great for the time, but are subpar to ToS. However, the game is very animated and a lot of detail went into the graphics. Both games reuse enemy models.

Gameplay: SoA
Yes, ToS has Linear Action Battle Thingy, but that is it. SoA's battle system is more traditional, but it's certainly not boring. The ship battles are grid-based like Battleship; while they are slow at times, MUCH strategy is needed when attacking and when issuing commands, you must take your opponent's personality in mind to outfox them when they try to outfox you. SoA also has more of a feel of an Adventure game in the field than ToS.

Both games have epic storylines, but SoA's storyline is quite straightfoward, and while there are plenty of turns, there are no twists.

Sound: Both
SoA's soundtrack is quite abstract. There are all sorts of tunes and a few are more dramatic than anything in ToS. However, ToS has great voice acting throughout the game, whereas SoA's voice acting is found mainly during battles.

(In my profile is a sample of music from both ToS and SoA. #1 is SoA's Final Dungeon, and #6 is ToS's Final Battle. There is also remix of ToS's Final Dungeon in #2.)

Playabilty: SoA
SoA is definitely easier to play than ToS since it is more menu based. Whether that is a good thing is up to the player.

Replay Value: ToS
ToS & SoA are both filled with sidequests and hidden challenges for the player and in both they will take a bit of time. However, ToS has New Game+, other difficulty levels, and multiplayer, which makes it much longer.

Yeah, I tried to make it fair. I would definitely buy Skies of Arcadia: Legends, but not because you can't find Tales of Symphonia. SoA is an extraordinary game in its on right, and IGN rated the games both at 8.5 (though when the original SoA was released it had a general ratings higher than those of ToS and is frequently included in Top 100 lists.)


Quote from: NINNIN6 on December 22, 2007, 09:36:34 AM
I have both Skies of Arcadia and Tales of Symphonia, and I feel they are pretty much equal.

Graphics: ToS
Since SoA is a Dreamcast port, it's graphics resemble those of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. The models were great for the time, but are subpar to ToS. However, the game is very animated and a lot of detail went into the graphics. Both games reuse enemy models.

Gameplay: SoA
Yes, ToS has Linear Action Battle Thingy, but that is it. SoA's battle system is more traditional, but it's certainly not boring. The ship battles are grid-based like Battleship; while they are slow at times, MUCH strategy is needed when attacking and when issuing commands, you must take your opponent's personality in mind to outfox them when they try to outfox you. SoA also has more of a feel of an Adventure game in the field than ToS.

Both games have epic storylines, but SoA's storyline is quite straightfoward, and while there are plenty of turns, there are no twists.

Sound: Both
SoA's soundtrack is quite abstract. There are all sorts of tunes and a few are more dramatic than anything in ToS. However, ToS has great voice acting throughout the game, whereas SoA's voice acting is found mainly during battles.

(In my profile is a sample of music from both ToS and SoA. #1 is SoA's Final Dungeon, and #6 is ToS's Final Battle. There is also remix of ToS's Final Dungeon in #2.)

Playabilty: SoA
SoA is definitely easier to play than ToS since it is more menu based. Whether that is a good thing is up to the player.

Replay Value: ToS
ToS & SoA are both filled with sidequests and hidden challenges for the player and in both they will take a bit of time. However, ToS has New Game+, other difficulty levels, and multiplayer, which makes it much longer.

Yeah, I tried to make it fair. I would definitely buy Skies of Arcadia: Legends, but not because you can't find Tales of Symphonia. SoA is an extraordinary game in its on right, and IGN rated the games both at 8.5 (though when the original SoA was released it had a general ratings higher than those of ToS and is frequently included in Top 100 lists.)

Wow, what response.  Thanks. :)

Hm.....I might try looking for ToS again today.  If I can't find it, then SoAL it is.  (BTW, I've played and beaten ToS before, I'm just looking for it again as I haven't played it in a long time.  I've never played SoA, though.)

One more question, are both games the same in difficulty, or is ToS harder?


They're both about the same. Some powerleveling is required in each game to stay competitive with enemies; ToS requires a bit more, IMO.


Quote from: PsychoYoshi on December 22, 2007, 03:22:11 PM
They're both about the same. Some powerleveling is required in each game to stay competitive with enemies; ToS requires a bit more, IMO.
I agree to some part. Powerleveling is essential, but I think that with ToS it's easier to power level since you have some amount of control over which enemies you fight. ToS can definitely be harder since you can raise the difficulty, but I'd say in normal gameplay, SoA is harder. :O Most difficulty in ToS is from the boss battles and ridiculously long dungeons, but SoA has both and quite a few brutal normal enemies; also, since SoA is menu based you have to take every hit thrown at you, whereas ToS gives you more freedom.


ToS is by far alot easier. :robotveryhappy: SoAL is so much better. :robotveryhappy: love both games though :robottongue:

That is really all I have to say, everyone else said sorta what needs to be said, I find what they said to be completely wrong though. :robottongue: :robotsurprised: :robotveryhappy: