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Official 3DS Discussion Thread

Started by Thirdkoopa, January 06, 2010, 08:50:36 AM

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I'll wait 'till price goes down, I don't have a job and my money is being spent on other things and I want it available for those things.
Dude .


After watching that Dead or Alive video, somehow, Samus could be one good fighter for that series full of busty women.


Up next: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3D!  =3

Not all DS games compatible? Feh.

As long as I can either change to a normal control setup or the rotation works well, I don't care about the slingshot thing. At least it shows they just didn't slop a port onto it.

First day purchase, pre-ordering at Best Buy because Gamestop sucks.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


$250 is better than $300, and it's certainly reasonable given how much stuff is shoved into this thing, but there's still a 1/50 chance of me getting it on release day. Maybe I'll get it for Christmas...


$250. Nice. That's what I wanted to see. Yep, I've got enough for it and a game.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


I'd get it, but I'm doing something awesome that I'd rather save my money for. It is making me much less of a video game nerd.
Dude .

Jhen Mohran

Fantastic! I can scrounge that much together in just two months, ze.

Quote from: Tupin on January 19, 2011, 09:17:28 PM
Not all DS games compatible? Feh.
Aren't they just talkin' about the games that require the use of the GBA slot, like the Guitar Hero games?



Bottom line: it works. The sweet spot is small, and max 3D is a bit painful on the eyes (it's better on the lower levels), but it still works. And of course, the graphics look good.

Also, the control pad-stick thing. It works awesomely. It's way way better than the PSP's thing.


I'm withholding my opinion until I get a chance to play a game that isn't Lego Star Wars. (last Saturday)

...but that circle pad is like pure sex.

Quote from: Celebi on March 18, 2011, 12:38:38 PM
Woah, they got demos at Best Buy?


The event is being shown in four different parts of the USA. I think all of them are in Best Buy. Let's see my Nintendo email letter.

It's in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.


Quote from: Squall on January 20, 2011, 12:23:47 PM
Fantastic! I can scrounge that much together in just two months, ze.
Aren't they just talkin' about the games that require the use of the GBA slot, like the Guitar Hero games?

Pretty much


Quote from: PuttyChris on March 18, 2011, 05:27:58 PM
The event is being shown in four different parts of the USA. I think all of them are in Best Buy. Let's see my Nintendo email letter.

It's in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco.

Event? Pfth, no event here (most of you have probably never even heard of my city). My Best Buy just has a 3DS sitting there like a normal demo along with Wii, PS3, PSP, and 360.


Quote from: Celebi on March 18, 2011, 09:25:37 PM
Event? Pfth, no event here (most of you have probably never even heard of my city). My Best Buy just has a 3DS sitting there like a normal demo along with Wii, PS3, PSP, and 360.
I should have checked my Best Buy. I was in the mall today but I didn't think to.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Just picked mine up at midnight.
There are 2 things that sort-of irked me.  The battery life- after playing for like an hour it was 50% dead. And i think this one is just me, but i couldn't seem to find the so called 'sweet-spot' the 3d image either didn't look 3d or kept flickering or was blurry. I didn't pick up any 3ds games because the launch titles were poor imo sans Super Street Fighter, which they didn't have.


It's been around 70 degrees in my town for the past two weeks, and now it's SNOWING. The 3DS being unleashed to the world is causing strange shifts in weather!

Quote from: Mutilator<Seven> on March 27, 2011, 06:03:34 AM
Just picked mine up at midnight.
There are 2 things that sort-of irked me.  The battery life- after playing for like an hour it was 50% dead. And i think this one is just me, but i couldn't seem to find the so called 'sweet-spot' the 3d image either didn't look 3d or kept flickering or was blurry. I didn't pick up any 3ds games because the launch titles were poor imo sans Super Street Fighter, which they didn't have.

If you can't find the sweet spot, just turn it down a bit. You can still get the 3D effect, but it will be easier to see.

Also, now that you have it, could you explain to me the charge pad thing? How exactly is it different than plugging the game into the wall?