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Countdown to Brawl: Week 3!

Started by Macawmoses, February 25, 2008, 04:08:47 PM

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Hey all! Points will be updated soon, on this post. I highly advise you check the Written board for Lightningsword's one-shot fan fic, which one the main challenge last time!

The challenges!

1. Make Me Laugh:
  -In this contest, your goal is to make me laugh. Sprite comics, macro pictures, limericks, and other are the categories. The winner of each gets 3 points in the contest, and if one category has no entrants (say, comics) then its' points get divvied up into the rest. Other can be anything, as long as it makes me laugh. Limericks, well, funny poems, but it needs to be done properly. As for macro pics, an example is below:


Suggestions: Use characters I like (but don't go overboard with the same one).
Use "other" to be creative, the more creative you are with it, the better.
Send in lots of entries, you never know, this contest is half over, we need to give some more points out!


2. 15th good post in this thread gets 3 points added. Don't spam, or you are banned.
3. ----
4. ????
5. Profit

Current Scores:


I hate smokers. It's gotten to Pokemon.