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The Hygiene, Fitness, and General Wellbeing Thread

Started by RX-78-2, May 30, 2010, 01:03:05 AM

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I haven't made a thread in a while, so here goes.

How much do care about hygiene, fitness, and taking care of yourself overall? Are there any extra/special/unusual things that you do to keep in good health? Are there any things that you should be doing for yourself (but are not)? You can share and/or ask for hygienic, healthy, and "fitness-y" tips. Discussion of past habits and future goals is acceptable as well.

Personally, I care about these things very much. I always wash my hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds after going to the bathroom and brush my teeth twice a day. I try to bathe at least once every other day plus whenever I really need it. I try to eat healthily as well, but have always eaten a lot of snacks. Luckily though (as it's recommended), I do eat a large variety of snacks, which is better than a lot of just one. I try to balance out the snacks with healthy foods like fruits or vegetables too.

I get good exercise about two or three days a week. I've heard that it's better to exercise throughout the week though, and am a bit disappointed that I don't. I'm proud to say that I can do 15 underhand pull-ups though, which I increased from 10. I can also do 30 push-ups, which I increased from 20. I once did 100 sit-ups nonstop, but I recently found it much harder to do for some reason (probably lack of consistency), so I'm not sure how many I can do now. My goal is to be able to easily do 100 sit-ups, 30 pull-ups, and 50 push-ups.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


I eat relatively healthy and drink plenty of water.  I used to play sports and be in great shape.  I don't anymore, and need to start exercising again.

And you need some form of cardiovascular exercise.  If running's not your thing try biking or swimming.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Hygiene:: Brush teeth twice a day, never had a cavity, etc. Also shower every other day, but I skip a day if I don't get dirty (no rigorous physical activity or spending long periods outside, like if I wasn't feeling well all day.)

Foodstuffs: Yes I like food. And I'd eat less unhealthy food if it didn't taste so good. D: But when I want a snack, it's not usually CHIPS OM NOM NOM or IM BORED *makes large ice cream sundae* ...I usually make something elaborate like pasta (i'm italian, shut up) or a sandwich. And yogurt, I love yogurt. <3
I do drink soda though, quite a bit, though I usually go for iced tea or juice.

Exercisan: I spend an hour doing Martial Arts 2 days a week. (I've been out for that past few weeks due to a foot operation) ..and as far as how much of whatever I can do, well:
I could never do pull-ups. I'd probably be better at them now, but I haven't tried in 3-4 years. And I don't intend to.
I can easily do 20-30 normal pushups. There's also something called Krav Maga pushups that involve keeping your arms straight against your body as you go down, and your elbows pointing behind you. Much more difficult, but I can do 10-15 of those.
Sit-ups? Psh, I can very easily do 100 of those. Those are no problem for me at all.

I hate running. One thing I was not born to do is run. I get tired out from running easily. But, I enjoy bike riding. Whenever I can I try to, but I love on a road in the middle of the woods. It is literally uphill both ways. If I go north, I have to go up a hill on the way out, and also on the way back. Same as if I go south. Sucks I know. But that's the great part about having a mountain bike. You don't need a road. ^_^

I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I drink a few glasses of milk each day. Therefore, I am the spitting image of health.


Isn't milk supposed to make you big and strong? Well I probably drank more milk than most people in my life (when I was thirsty at a cousin's house, I asked for milk not soda), and I am taller than most of my family, but shorter than most guys (and a hand full of girls) at my school... and I'm not too strong compared to most guys.

Anyway, nowdays, I shower every weekday, brush & floss every day.
I get some exercise, when I drive I like to park far away for the slight extra walk. I dance every weekday as well, which is really helping shrink my gut, a lot of my pants are too big now! I used to work out/lift weights every day, that stopped after I hurt my back for a bit, used to walk my dogs every day, stopped for laziness... Did situps every night for a while, forced 100 even though it was painful, stopped for forgetfulness.
Food, I am doing better. I really like soy beans, in fact I'm gonna make some now... *minutes later* My sister has also given me a substitute for hot cheetos, which I used to eat a lot every day, with home made delicious sometimes super spicy salsa. Though when I start to eat chip again, I end up eating most of the big bag... there's other stuff to write but I gots soy beans to eat.
Dude .


Well, I play on Varsity teams so i have to stay in shape.

Usually lift weights and run weekly. My biggest sport is basketball and i play center or forward because of my height which is around 6'5" to 6'6".

Im very healthy as i know when it comes to being clean with hygiene


Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 09:05:35 PM
Isn't milk supposed to make you big and strong? Well I probably drank more milk than most people in my life (when I was thirsty at a cousin's house, I asked for milk not soda), and I am taller than most of my family, but shorter than most guys (and a hand full of girls) at my school... and I'm not too strong compared to most guys.

Milk won't make you strong, but it will help you build that muscle faster if you work out and stuff. It also destroys fat.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 01, 2010, 03:34:42 AM
Milk won't make you strong, but it will help you build that muscle faster if you work out and stuff. It also destroys fat.
That must explain how I'm not an obese hippo.
Dude .


Quote from: KAMELOT on May 30, 2010, 08:59:18 PM
And you need some form of cardiovascular exercise.  If running's not your thing try biking or swimming.
I forgot to mention that my weekly exercise--besides the solitary exercises (e.g. sit-ups, pull-ups, etc.)--is made up almost entirely of running/walking and biking. My friends and I always try to gather a group and play games like manhunt. We also sometimes bike about 2 miles total going to, at, and coming back from this park we go to.

I also love swimming, but I don't get to do it very often until the summer. Even then, my mild asthma prevents me from swimming as long as my friends, but that's only in a pool. The water can't be too cold either, as it tires me quicker. When I swim in a river though (and have a life-jacket on), I'm fine.
Quote from: Zorua on May 31, 2010, 06:45:37 AM
Foodstuffs: Yes I like food. And I'd eat less unhealthy food if it didn't taste so good. D: But when I want a snack, it's not usually CHIPS OM NOM NOM or IM BORED *makes large ice cream sundae* ...I usually make something elaborate like pasta (i'm italian, shut up) or a sandwich. And yogurt, I love yogurt. <3
I do drink soda though, quite a bit, though I usually go for iced tea or juice.
I know how you feel. I just bought a huge block of peanut butter chocolate fudge--it's delicious :P--but it's basically just a ton of fat and sugar. I want to eat a lot of it at once, but I know I have to limit myself.

Anyway, while I was reading all of the posts, I was eating my nighttime snack. First, I had three slightly large chocolate chip cookies. Second, I made hors d'oeuvre-type things from pepperoni with yellow mustard and mozzarella cheese on club crackers. Sometimes I have to substitute ingredients for other meats or cheeses, but that's the basic "recipe." Third, I washed it down with fruit punch SoBe. It was good. =)

I must say that I don't care for yogurt though. I much prefer chocolate pudding--but that's just me. I also don't drink soda at all. I like it, but I stopped drinking it after I made it a New Year's resolution to stop some years ago. I figured that it was just healthier to not drink it, so I kept doing it. I too usually drink juice or iced tea. I recently started mixing my iced tea with lemonade (the drink is called an "Arnold Palmer") and it's even better than only one of the drinks.
QuoteExercisan: I spend an hour doing Martial Arts 2 days a week. (I've been out for that past few weeks due to a foot operation) ..and as far as how much of whatever I can do, well:
I could never do pull-ups. I'd probably be better at them now, but I haven't tried in 3-4 years. And I don't intend to.
I can easily do 20-30 normal pushups. There's also something called Krav Maga pushups that involve keeping your arms straight against your body as you go down, and your elbows pointing behind you. Much more difficult, but I can do 10-15 of those.
Sit-ups? Psh, I can very easily do 100 of those. Those are no problem for me at all.
You're lucky that you do martial arts. I used to do it until I was about 10, but I unfortunately stopped. I'd be a black belt now too. :(

On the other hand, you're not so lucky that you can't do pull-ups, but I guess everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Nice job on the sit-ups though. :) I hope you're using good form, or they won't count for much.

You should eventually try to do some pull-ups though. Just try one, and when you can do that easily, move up to two and pace yourself from there. It's definitely worth it.
QuoteI hate running. One thing I was not born to do is run. I get tired out from running easily. But, I enjoy bike riding. Whenever I can I try to, but I love on a road in the middle of the woods. It is literally uphill both ways. If I go north, I have to go up a hill on the way out, and also on the way back. Same as if I go south. Sucks I know. But that's the great part about having a mountain bike. You don't need a road. ^_^
I love running, but it's too bad that I can't run as much as I'd like to. Not only can I only run a good amount about 3 days a week, but--like I said before--my mild asthma eventually stops me. It's not too bad, as I can still keep up with my friends.

I love biking just as much though. Again--like I said before--, my friends and I usually bike to a park on the weekends and ride around the track there once or twice. It's very fun and the park is really nice. I wish I could ride in some woods though. That would be awesome, though I've never gotten the chance. Also, riding uphill is good for you. I ride uphill nearly every chance I get on the ride to that park. I'd keep it up if I were you! ;0

Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 09:05:35 PM
Isn't milk supposed to make you big and strong? Well I probably drank more milk than most people in my life (when I was thirsty at a cousin's house, I asked for milk not soda), and I am taller than most of my family, but shorter than most guys (and a hand full of girls) at my school... and I'm not too strong compared to most guys.

Anyway, nowdays, I shower every weekday, brush & floss every day.
I get some exercise, when I drive I like to park far away for the slight extra walk. I dance every weekday as well, which is really helping shrink my gut, a lot of my pants are too big now! I used to work out/lift weights every day, that stopped after I hurt my back for a bit, used to walk my dogs every day, stopped for laziness... Did situps every night for a while, forced 100 even though it was painful, stopped for forgetfulness.
Food, I am doing better. I really like soy beans, in fact I'm gonna make some now... *minutes later* My sister has also given me a substitute for hot cheetos, which I used to eat a lot every day, with home made delicious sometimes super spicy salsa. Though when I start to eat chip again, I end up eating most of the big bag... there's other stuff to write but I gots soy beans to eat.
I only like chocolate milk, but milk in general mainly helps you develop stronger, healthier bones, which I believe promotes growth, but not directly. You also need to compliment your calcium intake with Vitamin D and Magnesium though, so that your body can better absorb the calcium. Don't worry though. I think I get a good deal of calcium and I'm not tall. I'm not really short, but you get the idea.

When I start driving, I'm definitely going to park a bit away from wherever I'm going. It only makes sense to do so as it forces you to take a walk and puts your car in plain sight. I think it's a great practice.

I never would've guessed that you danced though. Is it with a class, freestyle, or something else? Don't worry about any questions about your sexuality coming up, as I think it's perfectly acceptable for men to dance interpretively or with a ballet class or anything else. I'm not one of "those" guys that question about your sexuality. One of my good friend's brothers does interpretive dance and he's very good at it. I haven't seen much of it, but it's interesting to say the least. Anyway, dancing of any kind is a good workout.

By the way--this is to everyone--, I found this great website about fitness. It's very informational and has some great tips. It's easy to understand too, even if you're not a "meathead" bodybuilder. It's also proof that you don't have to spend nearly as much money as you probably thought in order to get "ripped."
I'll proofread this later. :| Yay, I'm, done. ^_^
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Most milk nowadays also has high amounts of vitamin D, so you don't need to go outside. There's also a bunch of protein and stuff.


Quote from: RX-78-2 (TerribleFrog) on June 02, 2010, 08:43:51 PM
I never would've guessed that you danced though. Is it with a class, freestyle, or something else? Don't worry about any questions about your sexuality coming up, as I think it's perfectly acceptable for men to dance interpretively or with a ballet class. I'm not one of "those" guys that question about your sexuality. One of my good friend's brothers does interpretive dance and he's very good at it. I haven't seen much of it, but it's interesting to say the least. Anyway, dancing of any kind is a good workout.
I couldn't care less if you thought I was super homo for dancing, I know who I am. Anyway, it's ballroom dancing, one that people think is homo, but they don't really realize how close you get to get to the girl, you will often feel her personal areas as a requirement, and "accidentally" feel her perverted areas as well, and she will feel (near) yours, and if doing a routine in front of people, the accidental feel will often not be noticed because they don't want to ruin the routine. Hell, one of my instructors (intercourse ing awesome rack) did a performance with her dance partner, and one part was her leaning back while the dude pelvic thrusted into her, if they were pantless there would indeed be sex, learn enough and get a cool enough partner and you'll be able to do more than that.
Though none of that is why I started or do it now, I started because I was talked into it, I stayed a bit because the teachers were hot, I got used to it and loved it, which is why I still do it.
Dude .


i take showers everyday, sometimes twice when needed or i'll skip a weekend day. i brush teeth twice a day and have good scalp health.
i'm not really much of an athlete, but i like to skateboard or shoot hoops in the driveway. I'm not really that strong either. I have a little bit of a gut, but i lost some of it by getting taller and eating better. I gave up beef, because it gave heartburn often and i'm making a slow transition to vegetarian (1 meat at a time; next is pork/bacon)
the only thing i feel like i should be doing is cutting back on soda and getting a little more exercise.
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Hygiene is at the top of my list next to weed:Blez-a-tize-me captain

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