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Started by StarWindWizard7, January 21, 2008, 07:17:37 PM

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Quote from: SSBBRAWLIN on June 15, 2009, 09:17:03 PM
Wow, really?
That's actually another reason I went only for you.

Whenever I face characters with spam B buttons and they start spamming with them, I find it to be a nuisance and just go all out on them.

And yes, the lag button delay sucked horribly. Another reason I SD a lot with my recoveries.

Next time we fight I'll try not to go only for you.
I don't mind of the winners were evenly spread out. Just that at one point Gamree won five or six matches in a row and I was still the main target, even when I purposely knocked you in his direction.

I found that match on Smashville were we all killed eachother trying to outdo everyone else's edgeguarding. I killed you via edgeguard with Ike, then you did to me as Ganondorf. I did it to you again, then did it to Gamree as wario, then he killed me because Wario rapes Ike X_X;;

Gamree: You're Diddy was all over the place, although I could still tell what you were attempting to do. Frankly, there really is only one right way to play Diddy (that I've come across anyway), so it's always fairly obvious, the next step is just figuring out the best plan attack depending on stage, my character, and how fast the opponent is going. My Snake strategy with Diddy is to constantly use grenades, C4's and landmines as diversionary tactics. Anything to get Diddy away from his banana tactic and I'm pretty good to go from there.

Get me on a non-button lag match with Sonic and I can guarantee that he'll run circles around Mr. Penguin.


Quote from: Nayrman on June 15, 2009, 09:24:11 PM
I found that match on Smashville were we all killed eachother trying to outdo everyone else's edgeguarding. I killed you via edgeguard with Ike, then you did to me as Ganondorf. I did it to you again, then did it to Gamree as wario, then he killed me because Wario rapes Ike X_X;;

That match was effin hilarious.  I think I got a replay of it, too. *goes off to watch it*

Quote from: Nayrman on June 15, 2009, 09:24:11 PM
Gamree: You're Diddy was all over the place, although I could still tell what you were attempting to do. Frankly, there really is only one right way to play Diddy (that I've come across anyway), so it's always fairly obvious, the next step is just figuring out the best plan attack depending on stage, my character, and how fast the opponent is going. My Snake strategy with Diddy is to constantly use grenades, C4's and landmines as diversionary tactics. Anything to get Diddy away from his banana tactic and I'm pretty good to go from there.

Yeah, I know, it works well in 1 v 1's, but those tactics are pretty much null when fighting more than one person, so I'll save Diddy for 1 v 1's now.  I've also seen one other way to use Diddy well, but the nannerz is still the better of the two.

Quote from: Nayrman on June 15, 2009, 09:24:11 PM
Get me on a non-button lag match with Sonic and I can guarantee that he'll run circles around Mr. Penguin.

Just becareful Mr. Penguin doesn't hit a homerun with that mallet of his.  You'll feel it in the morning.  ;D
My connection's usually very strong, so hopefully a 1v1 sometime will have very little lag if your side is good as well.


send me the replay if you got it. It was hilarious. I think after the second one we just gave up the thought of a serious match.

Argh, I hate Diddy's 1 v 1. The only three I legitimately cannot stand: Rob, Diddy, and Peach. I hate all three and hope they all die X_X;;

Hit a homerun with the mallet? Good luck catching me first, assuming you even saw me coming in the first place >:D
*going to sleep now. It's 12:35 here and I got up fairly early for no good reason*


It's kinda strange though, because G-dorf dittos between me and Playat seem to go smoothly.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Dang it, no, I don't have it. :(
But I do have the Delfino one...
*watches that instead as a pick-me-up*

Also, btw, nice vid on "Sir Shadow storms Swamp Castle."  It had me laughing.

Quote from: Nayrman on June 15, 2009, 09:35:12 PM
Hit a homerun with the mallet? Good luck catching me first, assuming you even saw me coming in the first place >:D

You, my good sir, will not have been the first to think that same mistake. ;D

Quote from: SSBBRAWLIN on June 15, 2009, 09:35:54 PM
It's kinda strange though, because G-dorf dittos between me and Playat seem to go smoothly.

I've seen some other people Ganondorf ditto with Playat and do well.  He still has the best one around here, though.


Quote from: wiiboychris on June 15, 2009, 09:22:45 PM
ANYONE?! >:(
ha ha ha ha!!


Good games, Someguy and Brawlin...who just came out of Nowhere into a mess of confusing Team Battle matches. :D

I can only give my 2 cen'ts on 1 stage (and I'm sorry I left, but that was my last fight from 10 earlier fights).

G-Dorf has Some quick attacks...make use of them...but wait...everybody else here said what I was gonna never mind.

I'm no by any means ACE Metaknight... but ever since I switched controllers (my old grey/silver one to a White one)
the C-Stick is a bit taller...... so I can use MK's disappearing magic trick a lot easier now.

I love vanishing from danger just to end up on the other side, like I was doing! HA HA!! :D


@ everyone I played tonight.
GG's I'm fairly sure that I've gotten my edge back after being away from brawl pretty much since Punch-out!! came out (I got a few other games around the same time)
It's not often I really enjoy myself in FFAs but today most of them were actually really fun.


"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on June 15, 2009, 09:42:12 PM
ha ha ha ha!!


Good games, Someguy and Brawlin...who just came out of Nowhere into a mess of confusing Team Battle matches. :D

I can only give my 2 cen'ts on 1 stage (and I'm sorry I left, but that was my last fight from 10 earlier fights).

G-Dorf has Some quick attacks...make use of them...but wait...everybody else here said what I was gonna never mind.

I'm no by any means ACE Metaknight... but ever since I switched controllers (my old grey/silver one to a White one)
the C-Stick is a bit taller...... so I can use MK's disappearing magic trick a lot easier now.

I love vanishing from danger just to end up on the other side, like I was doing! HA HA!! :D
That vanishing act of your is as annoying as all ****.


Gamree are you still up for matches?
Maybe you can help me get my game back together again.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on June 15, 2009, 09:45:56 PM
Yes, your Sheik was good... Though I prefer Zelda myself.
We still need to fight Pit vs MK again though...
I'm sure I can get better with MK.

Your Green Kirby still to me looks like a green booger that walks and flies around. >__>

STILL LOVE the Mario Bros. Stage with me being Pit. ^_____^
Quote from: Someguy13 on June 15, 2009, 09:44:17 PM
That vanishing act of your is as annoying as all ****.
LOL, I Know right?

I randomly reappeared and a spot and Got ya!
Now if Only I can control where he appears and attack at the same time...I think I can master it.

*runs away again*


Quote from: SSBBRAWLIN on June 15, 2009, 09:45:47 PM
Gamree are you still up for matches?
Maybe you can help me get my game back together again.

Sure, why not, if you're still there.  I need to get back into tiptop shape again if my King is going up against a Sonic soon, anyway.

I wanted to join in on the team battles, too, but someone wouldn't let me join...  :'(


Yeah, I'm still on.

And I think it was Someguy that did that.
I pushed the accept button.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."