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Awful Roleplay Examples ;-;

Started by Chloraak, May 05, 2010, 08:55:28 PM

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So I was browsing Gaia Online (Yeah, I use that site... Get over it, I'm one of the few dignified Gaians ;-; )
AND anyway, I was bored.  So I went to the roleplay forum.  I clicked through a few, finding nothing of note, 'til I found this one... Which was embarassingly funny.

I've basically summed it up into character names and their lines in order... I'll post it up, and you guys post your examples like it!

Also, Forgive me in advance if this is in the wrong thread, I was directed here on advice from Nomad.

Luna awoke from her sleep. She looked out her window at the back courtyard. She went down to the dining hall and got some breakfast then went back up to her room and took a bath. She looked at her toes opposite of her peeking out from the water. Late, She got out and first dried off her wings, Then put on a dress and walked out to the balcony. '' Stupid war........ It ruins everything and changes everyone .... '' She said to her flower. She found that flower while walking through an old battle field without any companions. She sighed and sat with her wings covering the sun from her eyes.

As Sorrow flies up form the hell abyss he sees Luna laying in the field with a flower he aproaches her as he says. "This war will continue but you are preety but i must kill you i hate to see preety girls die".

Angeal walked down her street silently bobbing her head to Starstruck by 3oh3!. She kept her eyes closed avoiding on coming people easily. Sighing deeply she's been having these weird feelings theses last couple months as if something bad was happening around her. Looking up to the sky she saw something glimmer but couldn't really make it out. Shrugging her shoulders she looked back in front of her and kept going. Wondering what the day had in store for her.

Luna's eyes widened. She stood up and ran back towards the house. '' Stay away from me demon !! '' She yelled. When she got to the edge she spread her wings and flew to the other side and went inside her house. '' The flower ! '' She squeaked then went back outside with an umberella. She slowly flew back over and ran into the nearby forest.

"GET BACK HEAR"!!!! Sorrow said as he flew towrads her in a rapid speed "why want you fight me this can all end if you just fight along side all of your comrades my dear" he said rushing to keep up with her speed to get too the flower [why is she after that flower soo and dang shes fast] as he thought to him self

'' But I don't want to fight !! '' She yelled as she ran adn jumped over him. As she was above him head she whacked him with her umberella. She ran towards the flower and picked it up. She held it to her heart. '' It's my best friend ! and I won't let a demon like you take it from me ! '' She said as she flew high in the sky and soared back towards her house.

"Owwwwwwww that hurt you know ughughuugh"  As he flew towrd the sky line "hey get back hear im not done with you yet grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Angeal looked up again and she spotted that glimmer again. She rose an eyebrow and continued to walk down the street. Heading into a book store she sighed deeply. "Something must be wrong with me..." Even with that said she couldn't help but look up at the sky wondering what was going on in the heavens....

Luna flew into an open window at her house. She shut it then packed her things in a bag. '' Oh no! They've found me! '' She put on her hooded cloak and came out. She sped past him into the forest. She couldn't fly in there so she held her suitcase tightly and ran deeper in the forest hoping to get to the ridge.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he said as crashing into the house with full speed chasing her "i will get you for that" he said as he turned around and flew above the forest entrance

Luna stopped at the edge. She looked down at the water. She saw earth. She held the bag then jumped in. She blacked out as soon as her whole self was in the water and under the heavens. she was on earth

Xenashra pushed a strand of blue hair out of her eyes. It was shortly cut, much like a boy's style. Xena looked around the human forest. It was full of life. She, being an angel, didn't get to see much of life anymore. It was a rare treat for one such as herself to go to earth. A sudden flash of light made the young woman wince and shield her eyes. As the light disappeared, she could see an unconcious young woman laying on the ground a few feet away. She quickly stood and hurried over to the other girl. She palced her fingers on her neck and checked for a pulse. It was there. She saw the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Xena gently shook the other girl. "Psst! Wake up!"

As Sorrow Got to the end of the forest he spotted that Luna was gone untile he smelled her aura around the area she had lefted "hahahahaah i see so she has went to earth she really is depressed to escape i see"

Luna woke up to see a girl next to her. She smelled him. She looked at the girl. She didn't smell human. '' Are you by chance an angel ? '' She asked hoping that if she was human that she didn't see.

As soon as Diana got to the school she walked up to the place and smiled then she saw some people and got her Knifes and started training against a tree and jumped to the school roof.

Xena bit her lip and looked around before returning her gaze to the girl. "How... How could you tell?" she asked. "I tried my best to seem like a human." Xena finally saw the distress and anxiety in the girl's face. "C'mon, I've got a safe place to hide. It's sheltered me for years from demons." Xena held out her hand for the girl to take. The other girl was clearly an angel, and Xena wanted to help her.

As she came from the school top she looked at the girls and jumped into the woods and continued to train slashing some trees.She Finally put her Knives away and sat in a tree and fell asleep.

as soon as he found out what has happen to the angel girl he fell into the bottom of the pool and woke up in a differnet place then the angel girl had lanned [/color]"ughugugh that hurted a lil soooooooo this is earth not a better as hell but ok i guess i better look around for her now"

Xena suddenly looked around, then swore in a human language. "A demon is close by. I can sense him. Come on, we have to hurry." She pulled the girl off the ground and made sure she was okay. Xena picked her up and slung her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She breathed deeply before taking off in the direction of a small city. Her legs propelled her faster than any human could ever go.

As She Jumped infront of the girl she looked at her and Held her Knife at her and said"Why r u running"She said Looking at her and the angel.

She heard what the girl had said. '' He's here ... '' She said more to herself than to the girl. She used her inner sense to try and figure out how close he was.

"This human form is such a...what the hey i smell to angels close by hmmmmmm AND ITS HER another angel as well and there both beatiful girls yummy i cant wait to suck there souls out"  he said as he raned to the auras he was smelling

She let's them go and walkes past him then she sits at a tree and fell asleep.Then she sat in the tree and lookes around.

Diana (again!)
After she let them go she followed them and looked and saw the boy behind them and continued to run and follow them.

Xena swore agin and gently set the girl down on her feet. They had stopped in the middle of a medium-sized park. A few people were staring at the two beautiful young women. Xena turned and saw yet another girl following them. "If you're running from the demon, I suggest you hurry up. He's right behind us." Xena twirled a sword in her hand that had just appeared out of thin air. It was a long-sword, tempered out of steel and mythrill. It was designed to kill demons and vicious humans alike. She could sometimes barely tell the difference between the two. Xena stepped towards the demon. For someone fresh out of the pits of Hell, he certainly looked the part of a teenage boy.

]"Dang i think she notice me but oh well she is just a human but u cant never be to carful" he said as rann faster to the human girl to stop her in a hurry

Diana (Crystal? Wtf?):
Crystal Looked at him and Held her knifes to protect herself and tryed to run from him and jumped in trees and ran.

Xena closed her eyes and willed herself to transform into her angel form. She didn't care if she was seen by humans; her life was on the line. She was even more stunning as an angel. Her white wings spread out behind her. All 14 feet of wings. She twirled her sword again and focused her eyes on the demon boy. She saw the human girl leap into the trees. Good. Another inncoent life is protected.

"Your in my way u must die lil girly hahahaha"  he said as throwing dark fire balls at her to block her path from the trees "hahahahahahah there is no esape my dear hahahahah and once im done with u ima kill thoses angels over there" he said anxisouly


"Oh no you won't," said Xena, suddenly appearing next to the human girl's side. She cocked her head to the side. "You seem anxious, demon. Are you possibly afraid?" she asked with a smirk. A light breeze blew her now-long blue hair behind her. The light from the Sun reflected off her pale, unmarked face. She was truly a beauty matched by no mortal.

As she was trapped in his shadow ball she got her knive and used a seal to open the balland she ran in the trees and sends a bomb towards him and ran after the two angels.


]"hahahahhahahahahahhahah are u serious im just warming up hahahhahahaah" he said as he pulled his long ancient katan from his back side and while dodging the ninja girls attck and stayed in flighted in the air ready for the angel girl next attack

She went back and stood next to the angle girl and said"Why r u attacking these two and me Huh,"As she got her Knives and stood next to the angle.

Luna decided she should help. She used the ring on her finger and summoned her bow and arrow. '' You guys ... We should get out of here .... Theres innocent humans that can see this !! '' She hissed pointing her arrow at the demon. '' We shouldn't hurt them ! ''

"because i dont like angels out all i hate them and if u help them u will die tooo hahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha" he said as he pulled his sword up and swong it and a giant slash came out of the slash

She dodged it .Luna transformed into her more powerful angel form. '' Go away ugly demon ! You arn't welcome here ! '' She commanded. She used a holy arrow and shot it right by his head and it went through a tree behind him. It made a U-Turn and came back to her. She crossed it and a line tied him up. She was furious with that demon.

"hahahahahaha u guys are sexer when ur made but the battle isnt over yet wet" he said happly and while saying that he used his bones as spikes to break free from the grasp of the ropes and used body flicker to get behind the ninja girl and slashed her enough to make her bleed to death [/color]"and ur next Luna" he said calm and cool

But before he could get to luna a flash of darkness came and left luna paralized and a distant voice was heard "Dont waste your time on these pathetic losers lets go sorrow the boss is calling us"

Sorrow(Again, AGAIN,)

Dai followed everyone to earth. He looked at his human form. '' A little pathetic but it'll do. '' He hid behind a tree and watched what happened. He clapped when it was over. '' Bravo .... '' He came from behind the tree visable to them.

Sorrow (AGAIN.  This is getting tiring.)
"i see well until next time lil gilrlys hahahahaha" as he fell into the darkness "bye girls see ya lets go guys you to Daisuke"


Luna turned back into her human form. '' Chickens !! '' She yelled after them
"A socialist is no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is of lifting himself from the ground by his own bootstraps." -Vladmir Lenin


I don't think even using asterisks coulda made that mess any worse. .___. Can you say irritating and then some?

But good RP examples can be found here. X3 (If Boa would stop letting it go dead)
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


They can be found on GaiaOnline, too...

In a mess of terrible, horrid, brain-meltingly awful things.

On an unrelated side note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLORAAK!!
"A socialist is no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is of lifting himself from the ground by his own bootstraps." -Vladmir Lenin


GAHAHAH. That was hilarious to read. But I've seen worse. We need to jump start the RP business here again.

Quote from: Chloraak on May 06, 2010, 03:18:48 PM
On an unrelated side note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLORAAK!!
This. I guess.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, there was more.

Let it be known that the comments in Brackets AFTER the posts are comments that  I am writing myself, usually to point out massive stupidity.

Angeal sighed as she walked out of the bookstore. As she stepped onto the street, she again had that odd feeling."What the hell man...." Looking across the street where the park/forest pass began. For some odd reason she had an urge to go into the woods. Sighing deeply she walked quickly across the street avoiding on coming traffic. Slowing her foot steps as she went over to the pass that led to the forest. Looking into the forest she placed her hands on her hips. "Is anyone in there?"

Used a seal to protect herself and put her blades up and looked at the angel's and looked at them then walked up to them to introduce herself

Xena spun around when she heard a female voice calling out. She quickly transformed back into a human and watched as the girl slowly walked into the clearing. Xena smiled and walked over to her. "Hey there. I'm Xenashra. Weird name, I know. You can call me Xena." she extended a hand and smiled again. The girl was clearly a human. No threat at all.

Sorrow('s other character?S: )
Dai sighed and went back with those two idiot demon companions. '' Why did you have to get into all that, stupid ? '' He said and hit sorrow in his head.

Luna sighed. '' I'm gonna go and get my bag now. '' She headed off to where she landed. She didn't see her bag. She looked everywhere and ended up getting lost. '' Crap ....... '' She sat down and looked at a tree.

"Because Dai that was the lord mission for us to he wanted me to capture Luna the water Angel dead or alive" Sorrow said while sighing and going back in hiss human form
(Also, Lulz @ Dead or alive and hiss human form.)

(Sorrow's other character again)
Dai sighed again. '' What would we gain from killing off the angels ? '' He asked turning back into his demon form.

(Sorrow's other other character? Ew.)
"And now our new mission is to kill a certain human who could be a threat to us all that girl with all the knives sorrow here wasn't able to deal with her himself and is clearly wounded so i made the excuse for him to come here and heal while i go and kill her my self also who are you ?"

"Well lord Devil said for word domination to kill all Angels in this world but i dont have any idead that he wasent to do that but other than that its best to go according to the planes and i see why your against the fight as well u still feel sympathy for those angls dont u Dai" Sorrow said for a brief moment

Sorrow's (Other character.  Really? Five intercourse in' posts in a row?)
"but now i have to leave this pathetic exuse for a demon and go on and find the ninja girl before she does any damage to the plan but before i leave you are a new rookie and must know that out of me and him i'm the right hand man of the boss himself so remember, now i must leave" And a ray of dark light shined and X was gone

Dai sighed. '' Well yea I do because they don't really want to fight us and what if we killed hundreds of them seeing dead angel bodies ? It's not like we'll gain anything from it. Just Lord Devil who gets to dominate the world. ''
(Good thing dominating the world means gaining nothing.)

Luna walked around getting more lost. She heard that humans would say to hug a tree if they were ever lost. She went to the nearest tree and climbed it hugging it tight. '' Now what ? ''
(I've never heard that saying...)

"sigh dont mind zero he thinks he is the right hand man of everything but other than that just rely on your self for now he lets go and find Luna we have to catch her" he said as opening up a portal of darkness

Luna got bored and climbed down from the tree. She sat against the trunk and began to sing a song since nobody was around. She didn't want anyone to hear but it was kinda standard in volume. She continued singing for a while but mainly just one song.

Sorrow's other character:
Dai sighed. He slowly followed Sorrow into the portal. '' Didn't you listen to me at all ?! '' He hissed under his breath.

"hahahhaha sorry i did but the devils orderes i wouldnt be doing this if it wasent for him" so Sorrow followed the darkness pathway to the location that Luna was and stalked her from the top of the tree she was under "you ready Dai"

Sorrow's other character U: :
Dai nodded and changed into his human form. '' Ready when you are. '' He whispered.

Luna was unaware of the demons above her. She didn't smell them since she was busy singing to herself and drawing pictures in the dirt.
(I thought she was singing...  ADD.)

]"Got it" He said ready to attack

Sorrow's other character:
Dai hesitated. '' Uh ... You go first ... '' He held on to the top of the tree.

"Hmmmmm" he said to him self [wow he really dosent want to do this but im sorry dai its the boss orders.......] as soon as he had thought that to his self he changed into his devil form and flew to the other side were there were more trees and gentaly flew down to the grown were Luna was "its time to come with us Luna...."

Luna screamed. She stood up fast and kneed the demon in a very hurtful place. '' Don't come near me!! '' She yelled and slapped him in the face.
(God forbid you run away, that might put some distance between you two.. Just stand there and assault him, yeah.)

Sorrow's other character:
Dai tried hard to hold on to the tree but ended up falling on top of Luna. '' Uh .... Umm ..... Err .... '' He felt his face turn red.

"UHGUHUGUHUGUHHUH that hurted u know and hahahaha and Dai you fell on top of Luna and are u blushing hahaha its ok i will let u have this preety one" as Sorrow said while removing Dai from Luna and picking Luna up from her shirt and the wings holding her legs "your coming with us"
(Wow, I've never made those noises, even when kneed in the balls.  This guy must have SENSATIVE balls.)

Luna struggled. '' Let me go !! '' She yelled at him then bit his arm.

Sorrow's other character:
'' Uh ... '' Dai turned away. '' He hid behind another tree.  Why did that have to happen ? He asked himself squatting.

"hahahahahahaha that dosent hurt one bit but other than it really tickles hahahaha" "so are u ready for me to take u back hahaha"

Dai transformed back into a demon. '' No Sorrow ... '' He took Luna and held her close to him then flew at high speed the opposite way. Before he relized what he did and what was happening he was out of sight.
(I love it when people take control of other people's characters!)

Neer (Oh BOY! A new guy!)
Neer walks through the city smells the fresh air *ahhh this is nice nothing could possibly ruin this day*
(Aw, he's stupid too... ;~; )

"hey get back here" as Sorrow flew up in the air he had a lil trace of Dai and Lu smell of aura he chased the smell of it and flew in that direction "sigh no Dai wat have u done Lord Devil is going to get you i have to stop him before its to late ugh"[/color],so he said he flew all the way until he found them

Luna blushed a little. '' Uhh ... Thanks for helping me .... '' she said looking away.

Dai (Sorrow's other character.):
Dai looked back and went faster. ''Your welcome. '' He said then smiled at her. He flew into a safe area and put her carefully on the ground. He blocked her from getting hurt.

As Sorrow flew faster and faster to keep up with Dai he relized somthing inportanted
(Inportanted?  That blew my mind.)

Neer wanders into the forest heading to his hidden hut he had made then looks up at the sky *I wonder if their are other things then human* then laughs thinking of the idea
(Yeah, ANIMALS... Pretty tough concept, eh?)

Luna blushed at him. Wait, Did I just blush ? She was scared and lost control and turned back into an angel. '' Should I help you ? ''

"i found them" he said happly "Dai wait put the girl down now i dont want you to die or Luna we just need to find out a way to get read of The Devil he is powerful but for now Luna must come to the dark abyss of hell to have a talk with Devil you must put her down noow please"while he had flew over them with those big wings of his "and if i must i willl fight u if i must"

Xena sighed and watched as the others dispersed throughout the forest. She tucked a strand of blue hair behind her ear and started walking in a random direction. She soon heard footsteps other than her own. She kept to the trees. Xena peered through the branches and caught her breath. A human male was walking in the woods. Even after the encounter with demons! Were humans really that clueless? She sighed and decided to approach him, but quietly. She cleared her throat. "Ahem. Um, excuse me. Are you lost?" she asked polietly.

Dai shook his head and held Luna close again. '' I have no intention of turning her into him. '' He said in a demanding tone

Neer looks up and sees the young and says under his breath *hmm shes rather beautiful* and says to her *umm actually no I know exactley where im headed. Are you lost?*

]"Well im sorry i really dont want to do this but i must fight you hear and now i know,know other way but to fight sorry" he said sadly while tuning into his most HALF powerful devil form "LETS DO THIS"
(Oh poop guys, his most half powerful form.)

Xena smiled. "I've actually wandered these woods quite a few times before. I know my way around. How did you get so deep in this forest without becoming lost?" She asked, leaning up against a tree to her right. A warm breeze ruffled her blue hair, carrying the scents of apple blossoms and sweet flowers. She smiled and plucked an apple flower from the air. It was slightly large with pink petals. She tucked it behind her ear and turned back to the young man. The soft pink and dark blue went rather well together.

Luna got free of Dai. '' I'M NOT GOING WITH YOU AND IM NOT LETTING YOU HURT HIM ! ''  She demanded to Sorrow. She used the ring to re-summon her bow and arrow. She pointed it at Sorrow. '' I expect you to leave now ... '' She hissed at him.

*Well then what would a young ravashing looking lady as yourself be doing so deep in these woods. I mean possibly no buissness should be of yours here* as he said this he secretly put his hand on one of his shurikens thinking the woman had found his hideout and stolen something
(Good idea guys, every time someone comes towards your house, try to kill them! They're traitorous thieving bastards.)

Sorrow, for another brilliant post...

Xena smiled softly. She blushed slightly at his compliment. "Well, I had come to meet some friends. We were camping a little further towards the edge, but when they left, I decided to stay and explore a bit." Xena thought her lie was perfect. "I'm Xena. Who might you be?"

Luna tied a holy ribbon at the front behind the arrow head. She aimed and shot it at Sorrow. '' DIE DEMON ! AGAIN ! ''

Neer looked at her confused and removed his hand *Im Neer* and edged closer to Xena smelling her sweet scent and having a strange attraction for her but heard the yell of a girl *did you hear that?*

Sorrow's post for the visually impaired:

Alex, another noob:
Alex had and Angelic Ribbon in her blonde hair and skate boarded to anywhere. She was a pathtic angel because she was half vampire. NObody knew though
(Damn, she's dumb too! This place has like... A stupidity orbit.  One drifts by and gets sucked right in.)


Luna turned back human after Sorrow left. She fell on her knees then on her stomach. She fainted from exhaustion.

Xena looked around, her eyes wide. "I heard something. Maybe it was just an animal. We should get out of here if a wild animal is that angry." Xena looked around wildly. "Wait... I think it was a girl. Something about a demon...?" She shook her head. "What do you think, Neer? Should we check it out?"

Neer nodded his head and started walking in the direction of the yelling *you know i like a little adventure in girls* he said this with a smile looking back at Xena

As Sorrow went to the Devil he had got the next mission and headed out

Dai froze for a moment before turning human again. '' LUNA ?! '' He said and started shaking her. '' WAKE UP ! '' He picked her up bridal style and ran into the forest holding onto her looking for someone to help. '' SOMEONE !! HELP !! ''

Neer's eyes widened and he started running toward the screaming *cmon!* he yelled at Xena

Xena smiled, then started to run towards the source of the shout. If he really wants me, he'll have to catch me first. But I shouldn't go to hard on him. I do have an advantage, after all. She slowed her run to a jog, which was normal running for humans. Her short hair bounced on her shoulders as her legs propelled her towards the heart of the forest, where she fought only minutes ago. Well, he's kinda cute. And what a flirt! But hey, if he likes me, I'm fine with that. She grinned and slowed her 'running' to a light jog and waited for him to catch up.
He suddenly ran past her, his shouts overlapping that of another person. Her eyes windened and she went into a full-out run, her legs pounding the ground inhumanly fast. She felt her wings itching to come out and fly her there, but she ignored the feeling. Xena soon reached the sight of an unconcious girl and another person holding her, yelling at her to wake up. Xena rushed over to them."Luna, wake up! Luna!" she said loudly. Xena dug through her bag for a moment before pulling out a sweet-smelling potion. "Here. Make her drink this. It'll revive her. Trust me."
(Hurray, magical everything cure~)

Neer steadied his pace and saw a man carrying a woman *Xena you know this woman?* he asked ignoring the man next to her

More to come eventually.

Reply with your own terrible examples!
"A socialist is no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is of lifting himself from the ground by his own bootstraps." -Vladmir Lenin


Quote from: Light on May 07, 2010, 12:04:50 AM
GAHAHAH. That was hilarious to read. But I've seen worse. We need to jump start the RP business here again.
This. I guess.
I do roleplay, however from time to time my give-a-darn engine explodes to death, so if I ever stop, it'll probably be for like, a month.


Also, My roleplay character is usually something mythical, often-times a Naga or some other horrifyingly huge beast.

"A socialist is no more capable of self-sacrifice than a man is of lifting himself from the ground by his own bootstraps." -Vladmir Lenin