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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 21, 2007, 06:57:24 AM
OOC/Lux has been doing nothing. Shawn, my evil character, helped evil Shaelyn try to corrupt Martin.

OOC/// Oh alright, then is he right near Eterna Forest again???


"That girl Shaelyn?" Absol asked, his eyes slightly narrowing and his teeth showing over his lower lip. "That traitor.. If she is acting normally to her previous friends, the chip must have been overrided or worse, destroyed. She has information that is dangerous for her to know, now that she isn't a part of Team Galactic. I'll tell my master." he said, and turned around to face Venus.

"What's up, Absol?" Venus asked. "What's the report?"

Absol motioned his head towards one of Venus's spare Team Galactic female uniforms hanging on a coathanger on her wall, one that looked very familiar to the outfit Shaelyn would have been wearing.

"Does it have something to do with Shaelyn?" Venus asked.

Absol nodded, growling slightly and narrowing his eyes again. He gave a scoff of disgust as if to suggest that she had betrayed them.

"She isn't doing her job, is she?" Venus asked, seeing the angry look on Absol's face. "If what I can tell from your expression is true, she is betraying us. But if that is true, that means the chip was tampered with."

Absol nodded, giving another scoff and looking up to Venus.

"Okay, I see now. Thanks Absol." Venus replied, and withdrew her Absol back into his pokeball. She didn't seem to be affected by the news, but inside, she was furious. She looked down to the Eevee and gave it a pet on the head in congradulations. "Go tell your master that I have the news. And, congradulate him on a job well done." she said, before patting the Eevee to shoo it away.


Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on October 21, 2007, 07:00:40 AM
Quote from: FearItself on October 21, 2007, 06:55:53 AM
Ooc// -glomps PB infinite amount of times- xD

Okay, so then, Mike tried to take Shaelyn away with him because he knew about the chip (Apparently he knows a lot of things he wasn't there to see. >_>), but then Venus and Shaelyn began fighting off some Rocket Grunts that were led by Mike. Venus and Mike exchanged threats, and then Venus backed out, calling for one of the Grunt's Arcanine to take them out of there. Venus took Shaelyn to a nearby Team Galactic base, inside the "Gible cave", where Shaelyn was suited up in her own Team Galactic outfit and given her first mission. She went to the mines again, where Martin was having his gym battle against Josh, and tried to do everything in her power to stop him from winning so that he may turn to the help of Galactic. She poisoned him and made him pass out, pretty much strangling Josh as well so he wouldn't interfere. Shaelyn and Shawn, Luigi's Galactic character, dragged the body out of the cave with the help of Gamemasterdevil's character's Eevee, and hid from the ambulances that were called to the scene. They went back into the mines to hide afterwards, where Shaelyn had a face-off with Mike. He wanted the chip on her neck, and Shaelyn threatened to destroy it. Mike was secretly being controlled by a chip of his own on his neck, and the two eventually destroyed the chips that were controlling them. Mike and Shaelyn are back to normal now, but the trust between Shaelyn and the others was a bit iffy until Shaelyn explained her story to everyone, especially Boogie. Martin got his gym badge, finally, and his Budew evolved into a Roselia afterwards. Meanwhile, I think, DH2 and Joeofmars' characters were off in the Old Chateau, and Shantae and Zaroff each caught a Rotom from the television. That's all I can say in terms of the storyline, I don't remember much else. xP

OOC/// I was waiting for that :P

Thanks Fear I really needed that!

combined with what I posted, that pretty much sums it up.



Quote from: missignomaster on October 21, 2007, 07:02:15 AM
Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on October 21, 2007, 07:00:40 AM
Quote from: FearItself on October 21, 2007, 06:55:53 AM
Ooc// -glomps PB infinite amount of times- xD

Okay, so then, Mike tried to take Shaelyn away with him because he knew about the chip (Apparently he knows a lot of things he wasn't there to see. >_>), but then Venus and Shaelyn began fighting off some Rocket Grunts that were led by Mike. Venus and Mike exchanged threats, and then Venus backed out, calling for one of the Grunt's Arcanine to take them out of there. Venus took Shaelyn to a nearby Team Galactic base, inside the "Gible cave", where Shaelyn was suited up in her own Team Galactic outfit and given her first mission. She went to the mines again, where Martin was having his gym battle against Josh, and tried to do everything in her power to stop him from winning so that he may turn to the help of Galactic. She poisoned him and made him pass out, pretty much strangling Josh as well so he wouldn't interfere. Shaelyn and Shawn, Luigi's Galactic character, dragged the body out of the cave with the help of Gamemasterdevil's character's Eevee, and hid from the ambulances that were called to the scene. They went back into the mines to hide afterwards, where Shaelyn had a face-off with Mike. He wanted the chip on her neck, and Shaelyn threatened to destroy it. Mike was secretly being controlled by a chip of his own on his neck, and the two eventually destroyed the chips that were controlling them. Mike and Shaelyn are back to normal now, but the trust between Shaelyn and the others was a bit iffy until Shaelyn explained her story to everyone, especially Boogie. Martin got his gym badge, finally, and his Budew evolved into a Roselia afterwards. Meanwhile, I think, DH2 and Joeofmars' characters were off in the Old Chateau, and Shantae and Zaroff each caught a Rotom from the television. That's all I can say in terms of the storyline, I don't remember much else. xP

OOC/// I was waiting for that :P

Thanks Fear I really needed that!

combined with what I posted, that pretty much sums it up.

OOC/// Yup, and well once again this RP is going where I didn't want it to though, so *pms Fear about something else*



Anzu nodded, and swiftly took off again, leaving the cave. She now knew what it was -  a chip. This was good news. Aeon would be pleased..and it would give him a reason to seek out help. While he liked doing things alone,  what he was planning to do required more than one person. He needed decoys, distractions - anything...


"When will this battle be over? I need to talk to that girl..." Aeon thought as he watched.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 21, 2007, 07:04:33 AM
OOC/ I don't know where I am...

lol you're in the Mystery Zone XD. I dont know where you are either....


OOC/ I think I'm near Oreburgh or in a Pokemon Center. I forget.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 21, 2007, 07:15:32 AM
OOC/ I think I'm near Oreburgh or in a Pokemon Center. I forget.

OOC/// WE are on our way to the Pokemon center, also do you want to do a descriptive journey through E.F. or just zoom right through it? I would like to be a bit descriptive.



Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 21, 2007, 07:48:25 AM
OOC/ Descriptive is fine.

OOC/// Alright, also you may start us off after all you were waiting for me


After a short trip to the Pokemon Center. Lux and Pheonix made their way to the Eterna Forest. "Ugh, this place gives me the creeps. I heard there's a haunted house nearby."


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 21, 2007, 07:53:25 AM
After a short trip to the Pokemon Center. Lux and Pheonix made their way to the Eterna Forest. "Ugh, this place gives me the creeps. I heard there's a haunted house nearby."

"Yeah I know, I am glad we have Noctowl for aerial view, and Luxio, and CYndaquil for light. If we didn't have them I would eb scared nearly to death right now. Also is it true there is a shortcut that appears AFTER you beat the Eterna GYm?


"Yeah. And I've never heard of that. I wonder if its true."