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Review of Orcarina of Time.

Started by Allegretto, May 23, 2008, 02:15:19 AM

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Game Ocarina of Time

Realeased for the N64 in 1998 it was again released in 2005 for the Nintendo Gamecube.

1 Player

Creator Shigeru Miyamoto


Plot: The game starts off with The Great Deku Tree speaking with a fairy named Navi. He explains to Navi that she must find and accompany a boy named Link. Everyone but Link already has a fairy. Navi finds Link sleeping in his bedroom, he was having a nightmare/vision about the Dark Lord Ganon. Navi Explains to Link that the Great Deku Tree needs to talk with him immediately, however he must first equip a sword and a shield to get to him.

Once you obtain the sword and the sheild head to the Great Deku Tree, who will explain he has been cursed by the dark lord ganon  and in order to return peace to Hyrule he must seek out Princess Zelda. Before Link Leaves the village he is stopped by his childhood friend Saria who gives Link the Fairy Ocarina.

You journey away from your home village for the first time and into Hyrule Field, once you reach the castle you are forced to sneak around the guards in order to speak to Princess Zelda. Once you do she will explain to you the 3 goddess's that created this world and how they formed together to create the Triforce

After giving you a small view of Ganondorf she asks you to please go out and find the 3 spiritual stones that are the key to opening the door leading to the Triforce and the Master sword. Once you agree your journey as a child begins, you meet many intresting characters along the way. Once you have all 3 stones you are reminded to head back to Zelda, however when you reach the castle drawbridge you are stopped by a short cutscene featuring Zelda retreating on the back of a horse, she tosses a blue object which lands in a small moat. Then after Link Heroically attempts to stop ganondorf it ends.

The object Zelda threw is actually the Ocarina of Time

Once you obtain it you will see yet another amazing cutscene where Zelda teaches Link the Song of Time which is the melody needed to open the door leading to the Triforce and master sword. Once you enter the Temple of time you will release your spiritual stones and are required to play the song of time. Than a large stone door will open giving you access to the master sword.

Once you pull it out Link will grow 7 years older, and the triforce was released. Ganon obtained one shard of the triforce and Zelda and Link obtained the other 2 parts, Ganon with Power, Zelda with wisdom and Link with courage. He is then greeted by Rayru, the sage of light Rayru explains to Link that over the course of 7 years much has changed, Ganon's evil has taken over Hyrule, and the only way to return it to the peaceful land it was is to find the 6 medallions which are guarded by Sages. Rayru will give you the Light Medallion. The other 5 you must tread through temples and dungeouns to find. There are 5 more sages all with a ceartain element.
The sage of the Forest
The sage of fire
The sage of water
The sage of shadow
The sage of spirit

Many twists occur while searching for these medallions and you obtain many items along the way. At one point you are required to get a horse, to obtain her you need to race a man corrupted by thoughts of wealth, once you win twice he will then lock you inside where you can then jump over the fence escaping, the horses name is Epona.

Once you obtain all 6 you can head to Ganon's castle. It appears there is no way into his domain. It seems it is floating in the air with a lava pit beneath it. However the sages will use there power to create a rainbow bridge allowing you to cross into the entrace.

You must go through many challenges inside, once you reach the top you are able to have a showdown with the King of evil.

Once defeated the castle will start to collapse, Link and Zelda must quickly escape, once you reach the bottom you will discover Ganondorf has not been defeated and he will change into a horrible beast Ganon.

The master sword will be struck and flung from Link's grasp landing behind a fire barrier that Zelda is also trapped behind. You must damage Ganon enough so he will fall and so will the barrier, once you obtain the master sword again you can finally finish off Ganon for good.

Gameplay: The main gameplay in Ocarina of Time is fantastic and enjoyable. Not only having a unique controll scheme which works magnificently it also has a wide variety of items you can use. Featuring arrows, bombs, hookshot,Spells etc. Many side quests are also in Ocarina of Time straying away from the main story giving you a vast quantity of area to explore.

Controls: The control system in Ocarina of Time is very unique from other games. The C stick or C buttons play a major role in this game. You can equip up to 3 items to the Stick/buttons to use at any time. Example: Arrows, bombs, spell. You can equip them to the right, bottom or left C button. The sword is automatically equipped to the A button and Shield to the B button. While playing the Ocarina of Time or Fairy Ocarina you use the C, A and B Buttons to hit the notes

Note the C  buttons at the top right

Graphics: Being a N64 game these are not the most incredible graphics you will find, not with Next generation, however for its time they were superior. The games design is quite magnificent. Sometimes you can not just help stopping and staring at the amazing creative and well thought out levels.

The monster design is also fantastic, each very unique.

Music/Sound: The Sound and Music in the Legend of Zelda Franchise itself can not be beaten. It has a very unique sound and feel to it and are all orchestrated amazingly. It is considered one of the main reason's the franchise became a wonderful success. There are many many themes and songs in the game, and 10 you can play with your Ocarina (Not including the scarecrow song)

Replay Value: With the amount of side quests and extra items in the game it can last you dozens of hours. Personally I could not just beat the game once without doing it again, or trying to find every single piece of heart. The Biggoron sword quest is probably the longest in the game, it requires you to go running around Hyrule delivierig items to diffrent people, once you deliver them all you recieve the Biggoron sword.

Difficulty: There are no difficultie choices in Ocarina of Time. It will always be as difficult as the first time. This game is not to easy nor to hard, it is a good mix inbetween. You may not be finding yourself getting a game over many times, however you will be finding yourself stuck once you reach ceartain puzzles which are what the Zelda series is known for.


Plot: Amazing and well thought out 10/10

Gameplay: Innovative and Creative 10/10

Controls: Very unique and easy to understand 10/10

Sound: Fantastic and very catchy 10/10

Replay Value: You will spend countless hours trying to obtain everything in this game 10/10

Difficulty: Not to hard not to easy, a great mediumish difficulty 10/10

Overall I give this game an obvious 10/10

Thanks for reading


You used pictures to make it look very long:P

I like it, but you missed difficulty, and you didn't type enough in your categories ;)

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Did you read the entire thing?

I dident use pictures to make it look bigger I showed them to show what I was explaining  :|


Very interesting, but you didn't have to list the whole course of the game. :robotindifferent:


Quote from: MasterYoungLink on May 23, 2008, 09:14:29 AM
Very interesting, but you didn't have to list the whole course of the game. :robotindifferent:
I know I dident have to  :|


I actually found the review to be slightly boring; the first part was just a run through of the entire game, and the second part was all the other sections of the review mashed together. Still, it was a decent review.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: LightningSword on May 23, 2008, 09:25:38 AM
I actually found the review to be slightly boring; the first part was just a run through of the entire game, and the second part was all the other sections of the review mashed together. Still, it was a decent review.
..Entitled to your opinion :/

What do you mean by second part


Quote from: Allegretto on May 23, 2008, 09:26:55 AM
Quote from: LightningSword on May 23, 2008, 09:25:38 AM
I actually found the review to be slightly boring; the first part was just a run through of the entire game, and the second part was all the other sections of the review mashed together. Still, it was a decent review.
..Entitled to your opinion :/

What do you mean by second part
Meaning the second half of the review; the part after when you reviewed the plot.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: LightningSword on May 23, 2008, 09:29:58 AM
Quote from: Allegretto on May 23, 2008, 09:26:55 AM
Quote from: LightningSword on May 23, 2008, 09:25:38 AM
I actually found the review to be slightly boring; the first part was just a run through of the entire game, and the second part was all the other sections of the review mashed together. Still, it was a decent review.
..Entitled to your opinion :/

What do you mean by second part
Meaning the second half of the review; the part after when you reviewed the plot.
I see


Quote from: Allegretto on May 23, 2008, 09:03:57 AM
Did you read the entire thing?

I dident use pictures to make it look bigger I showed them to show what I was explaining 

Yes, I did read the entire thing.

You didn't put alot of depth when talking about the diffrent categories...
That's all. :P

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Triforceman22 on May 23, 2008, 10:04:50 AM
Quote from: Allegretto on May 23, 2008, 09:03:57 AM
Did you read the entire thing?

I dident use pictures to make it look bigger I showed them to show what I was explaining 

Yes, I did read the entire thing.

You didn't put alot of depth when talking about the diffrent categories...
That's all. :P

:-\ explain how to putmore in.


Usually when people read reviews they aren't looking for the entire plot of the game.

They're just looking for information on the game and maybe enough of the plot to whet their appetite.

Other than that, it wasn't too bad.  :)


Quote from: Java_Java on May 23, 2008, 11:51:36 AM
Usually when people read reviews they aren't looking for the entire plot of the game.

They're just looking for information on the game and maybe enough of the plot to whet their appetite.

Other than that, it wasn't too bad.  :)
I just couldent help going so deep into it :/

Professor Layton

Your review contains a lot of spoilers and pictures.


Quote from: Professor Layton on May 23, 2008, 02:35:51 PM
Your review contains a lot of spoilers and pictures.
Pictures yes, spoilers not so much.