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Pokemon X and Y confirmed

Started by The Riddler, January 08, 2013, 04:14:16 AM

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The Riddler

Pokemon Gen 6 just got confirmed - Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, five new Pokemon confirmed (three starters, two legendary) - it's a full 3D world, 3D characters, 3D Pokemon (ABOUT FUCKING TIME). It'll be released in October.

It was broadcast on Nintendo Direct just now, I'm sure there will be new stories within minutes.

Initial impressions? The world looks great the game looks nice, but the three starters all look like poop.

Took it upon myself to make this:


chespin looks great better than the terrible ones from last one
intercourse  offff

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!

The Riddler

chespin looks like it's knocking on oshawott

The Riddler

theory on starters:

Grass - Grass/Fighting - Reminds me of Oshawott and although it wasn't using a fighting move on Golurk since Golurk is a ghost type, it looked to be a fighting type.

Fire - Fire/Psychic - has a sort of mystical psychic look, and uses what looks like a psychic move on Kirlia.

Water - Water/Ice - Froakie - Frost/Croak(ie), or Water/Electric, based on the move it used.

The Riddler

Actually now that I think about it the water type could be /fighting too, based on the way is poses itself when it uses it's moves.

The Riddler

Actually now that I think about it the water type could be /fighting too, based on the way is poses itself when it uses it's moves.

I'm fairly certain on Fire/Psychic, though.


Would be a good circle on both ends. Fire < Water < Grass, Psychic < Fighting < Dark


Gen X and Y looks like they're actually going to be trying with the way the world works this time, rather than just doing the same old thing.

World Impressions: Obviously meant to be Europe after America got it's shot with Gen 5, but it looks nice. The game world and visuals kind of remind me of Persona for some reason, although I wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional to give a bit more "mature" look visually rather than the admittedly chibi looking overworld sprites we've been seeing. Everything looks colorful and that it works smoothly. It'll be nice to finally have some cities and towns that actually feel like a city rather than just castelia in gen 5.

Starter Impressions:
Chespin - Easily the weakest of the three. It's design is either too basic at points, or just too silly. Mind you, grass types almost always leave something to be desired, but still. I predict Grass/Fighting for this one. Gamefreak must now we're utterly sick of Fire/Fighting starters at this point.

Fennekin - I actually like this. My only gripe is that we kind of already have a fire type that's fox-like in Vulpix, although to be honest it looks more like if a Vulpix and an Eevee bred and this came out. Still, fire type is my favorite so far, heh. I predict it will just be a pure fire type the entire way through. We haven't had a pure fire type starter since Gen 2....

Froakie - I actually kind of like it's design. It's unique enough to stand out on it's own but not so wild it looks silly like Chespin. It's very cute in a way. Hrm.... looking at all the fluff around it's neck or so.... I can definitely see it being Water/Electric or Water/Ice. Oshawott was pure water all the way through, and Piplup's steel typing was utterly useless, so this may be pretty good.

Flying Legendary - Erm.... looks neat?

Walking legendary - It looks like Virizion in a way but much taller and flashier... looks ok I guess but I'll have to see it's typing first.

Gen X and Y as names though are a bit weak though. Ultimately, they were going to run out of colors eventually, but still, we're just using letters now? Will the third game be "Z"? Will Gen 7 be Pokemon Alpha and Beta? Ah well, I'm excited.

The Riddler

my gut is screaming type reversal on the starters

Fire/Psychic, Water/Fighting, Grass/Dark


just realized one issue with the full 3d world - it's still grid based four directional movement.


Quote from: The Riddler on January 08, 2013, 08:35:48 AM
my gut is screaming type reversal on the starters

Fire/Psychic, Water/Fighting, Grass/Dark


just realized one issue with the full 3d world - it's still grid based four directional movement.

I don't think it'll be pure reversal, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

Even if it's a grid based on 4 directional movement, the fact that everything is models now will make it far easier to tell depth rather than buildings being only somewhat 3D and everything else being oddly proportioned sprites. Hopefully by the time the game comes out they can implement full motion or at least 8 direction motion, but we'll see.


Fire Type master race

but seriously I like Chespin and Froakie a lot. Froakie's evo better have a beard.


Fennekin is going to be Fire/Fighting again, just wait for October.

The Riddler

Quote from: Escalayer on January 08, 2013, 10:33:36 AM
Fennekin is going to be Fire/Fighting again, just wait for October.
Despite that psychic attack and psychic-mysterious-majestic-type appearance?


Fennekin is not just a fox. It's a Fennec Fox.

"The fennec fox or fennec (Vulpes zerda) is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara of North Africa. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. Its name comes from the Arabic word فنك (fanak), which means fox, and the species name zerda comes from the Greek word xeros which means dry, referring to the fox's habitat.[2] The fennec is the smallest species of canid in the world. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to high-temperature, low-water, desert environments. In addition, its hearing is sensitive enough to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds."


Looks like I can finally go back to picking the fire starter without feeling like I didn't make the best choice. Awesome.

Fennekin is so freaking adorable. <3

Honestly, the graphics so far don't look like they're quite as good as the 3DS can handle... but it's still early, so I'm not sure what to think about them at this point.

When I first heard about the names X and Y (via text from a friend) I was assuming that they were just code names because real titles haven't been thought of yet... but unfortunately it looks like that isn't the case. Damn. But if the deer legendary is for X and the bird legendary is for Y (most logical assumption based on appearances and the logos), it looks like I'm leaning a little more toward Y version at this point. Even though I never, ever even use the cover legendaries--Kyogre's really the only one that I have.
But yeah, I can't even begin to think on typings for those two (other than the bird-thing most likely being flying)

Anyway, there you have it. Gen V is officially over. A whole two (maybe 1 1/2) years early, too, like I (and several others) predicted. And with a global release too. Nice.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

The Riddler

It's not too early.
Based on Japan releases:
RGB -> GS, 3 Years.
GS - > RS, 3 Years.
RS - > DP, 4 Years
DP - > BW, 4 Years.

In October, it'll be just over 3 years from BW -> XY