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The World of Super Heroes

Started by THEBIRD, December 22, 2007, 06:44:29 PM

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Is it too late to join? I'm pretty interested in this RP.

Name: Jake Freeman
Super Hero/Villain Name: The Aerial Sorcerer (Often goes more as The Sorcerer)
Hero or Villain? Depends on situation, often goes more on Villain.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Costume (Emblem): Light blue costume with small orange stars all around. Wears
a mask and a Magician hat.
Looks: Long red hair (He never cuts his hair) bright green eyes, but not very musclar.
Item (If any): Magic Wand (It can be broken, but not very easily)
Item 2 (If any): Rose Dart (It's a sharp dart that looks like a rose, and you can't really
tell it's a dart)
Ability: Can make things or himself levitate for a short time.
Secondary Ability (If any): Can teleport some items (Not anything huge. For example, he can make
a bird or a rock teleport, but not a person or anything bigger)
Weakness: If he loses his Magic Wand, his powers weaken.
Weakness 2: If he teleports something REALLY far, he can lose control of his powers. And if he
makes something levitate for too long, he can hurt himself and break the object.
Extra info: As a child, he was unable to control his powers, making things float and teleport against
his will. He ran away from home, so no one would learn he was a Super at school. After that
day, he became known as The Aerial Sorcerer. He preforms on the street,
using his power to entertain people. He self-taught himself for his powers, so isn't perfect at it yet. He
often needs money, so if he's paid to help a side (Hero or Villian) he will more than likely assist that side.
He doesn't have a true home, so he sleeps in the streets, and never really takes off his Super costume.


((Join right in. It's never really too late to join xD ))



On the streets, a small crowd surrounded the Sorcerer, wearing his costume,
peforming, starting with juggling three balls. He threw them up into the air all at once, all 3
of them floating in the air. The crowd look, amazed, thinking it was magic. The 3 balls exploded
into confeddi, falling down into the street. The Sorcerer takes out one last ball, much bigger than the
first 3. He throws it in the air, it floats in the air, and when it explodes, birds start flying, looking like they
came from the ball. The crowd put money in a small container he had on the ground as they went on to their
own buisness, thinking the performance they saw was magic.

Sorcerer: *Smiles, and takes the money, putting it in a small pouch*

*A newspaper is flying in the streets, and he grabs it*

Sorcerer: Hm? *He reads it* Theif? Hmm......well, I did my show for the day. Might as well have a bit
more fun. *He folds up the newspaper, and teleports it on a paper rack outside, at a nearby supermarket*

*He starts to walk and look around*


((Hey, just a pointer, I'm all for the script-style and all but...It seems nicer when you use paragraph style. i.e. "I went to the store!" John said with enthusiasm. I just wanted to point that out. :)))

Matt started walking along again after the little show was over. heh...ameture. I'm sure I could teach him plenty of things. He started humming a tuneless tune as he continued walking.