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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Martin felt faint.....But he wasn't gonna bail out just because of some tired feeling.

"Go, LARVITAR!" Josh sent out larvitar. He growled at the budew.

"Are you alright Martin? You look alittle pale..." Said Josh concerned.

"Uhhh....No....I......uh." Martin fell. The battle stopped, and budew looked to it's master, all of her excited energy gone. She looked very worried.

Josh ran over. "What?! Gotta call an ambulance! Good thing there's good reception here....." He dialed 911.

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Shawn could resist it no longer. She was just too cute. He sneaked over and prodded her to get her attention.

"So you're the new recruit," he said.

OOC// That was an annoying trainer Avion...


Ooc// I remembered that trainer, Avion. xDDD I use her to train for attack EVs.



Shaelyn stood, brushing off her knees just in case any debris had caught on them during the time she was sitting on the cave floor. She walked up to the battlefield, though still remaining unseen in the shadows, beginning to walk up behind John. Shaelyn knew who he was calling, and if an ambulance managed to take Martin, she wouldn't be able to finish her plan. Just when she was close enough to John, she lashed out her arm and attempted to create a choking effect around John's neck. He won't stand in my way.



Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 14, 2007, 05:48:12 PM
Shawn could resist it no longer. She was just too cute. He sneaked over and prodded her to get her attention.

"So you're the new recruit," he said.

OOC// That was an annoying trainer Avion...

Shaelyn froze, in a rather awkward position as she tried to strangle the chubby gym leader John. She turned around to him, giving him a slight glance which turned into a slight glare afterwards.

"Yes, I am." she replied, motioning from him to Martin with her eyes. "If you're here because you were sent to help me, do me a favor and get this kid's body out of here. If he is taken by the ambulance, it will ruin my plan."


OoC//I don't like...the...the new Shaelyn!

Also again:Did anyone listen to my songs?Do you think they fit?


Name: Aeon

Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet, anti-social. Loves mind games and loves deceiving..mysterious, yet calm and collected. He's cocky, but in a way that intimidates rather than irritates.

Appearance: Jet black shoes, a dark brown cloak that covers his entire body, and a cowboy hat are what can be seen at a first glance. Under his cloak are black pants, and a white shirt. He has two gauntlet-like gloves.

History: Nothing much is known about him...

Starter Pokemon: Eevee
Breed Of Pokemon - Eevee
Nickname - Anzu
Gender - Female
Moveset - Tackle, Sand-attack, Quick Attack, Double-edge, Slam, Charm, Attract

Favorite Pokemon Type: Psychics are his favorite...
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Ooc// You are accepted, gamemasterdevil. =)


Quote from: FearItself on October 14, 2007, 05:52:31 PM
Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 14, 2007, 05:48:12 PM
Shawn could resist it no longer. She was just too cute. He sneaked over and prodded her to get her attention.

"So you're the new recruit," he said.

OOC// That was an annoying trainer Avion...

Shaelyn froze, in a rather awkward position as she tried to strangle the chubby gym leader John. She turned around to him, giving him a slight glance which turned into a slight glare afterwards.

"Yes, I am." she replied, motioning from him to Martin with her eyes. "If you're here because you were sent to help me, do me a favor and get this kid's body out of here. If he is taken by the ambulance, it will ruin my plan."

"Very well, ma'am." he said, stressing the "ma'am" sarcastically. He went over the body, smirking as he dragged it out of the cave.

OOC//I don't like her either.
Your songs fit pretty well, I think.
And welcome, gamemasterdevil.


OoC//Welcome to the largest RP gamemasterdevil!

Also...I hate to advertise but gamemasterdevil has an awesome FE RP,I say people go join!It needs more. members!


Ooc// Why doesn't anyone like the new Shaelyn? D:

IC// Shaelyn scoffed a slightly disgusted sigh at her new acquaintance, pressuring her elbow against a specific spot on John's neck that caused him to pass out. She let the body drop onto the cave's floor before John had a chance to talk the the person on the other side of the 911 call. After making sure John would be out-cold for a while, Shaelyn followed her fellow Galactic member out of the cave. But, just as she had made her way out of the cave with him, she heard sirens blaring.

What the-? The ambulances are coming? I thought I stopped that... Darn.

Shaelyn gave a slightly frustrated sigh, realizing she would have to improvise. Seeing the ambulances come dangerously close to their side of the mine, Shaelyn looked to the man who had been accompanying her. "Get down!" she said suddenly, nearly pressing her body against him in a tackle to push him down behind the safety of a large, tall, wall-like boulder outjetting from the side of the mine. Shaelyn didn't even realize that she was pretty much straddled over him because she was too busy listening, heart pouding fast and eyes alert, to see if the doctors from the ambulance were coming their way. The body was hidden with them, so hopefully they were safe.


((Thank ye, everyone ^^))

"Ree?" Sitting on the shoulder of her trainer, Anzu gazed in awe at Oreburgh. To a pokémon, everything was so..big!

"Heh.." a dark voice came from her trainer. "Fascinating, huh Anzu?"
"Ree!" Anzu nodded in agreement.

"Well, when we're done sight-seeing, let's try and find out more about those teams. I'm finding this interesting..."

While walking down the road, Aeon had spotted a cave, and two people enter - both female. He hadn't bothered to talk, or even approach: he was only interested in finding out just what the hell was going on..but he wanted to without getting himself involved.

Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Ooc// Just so you all know, I let gamemasterdevil start his journey from Oreburgh. I wouldn't want him to have to catch up and risk him feeling lost.


The sound of sirens reached Aeon's ears not too long after he and Anzu had entered..something was up. "Anzu, go scout."

"Hm!" Anzu nodded, and jumped off of Aeon's shoulder. Moving her legs as fast as they could carry her, she made her way towards the noises. This was common between the two. Anzu would scout, Aeon would receive information from her.

Aeon fell back, casually positioning himself next to a tree. He waited for Anzu's return...
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Ooc// gotta go. See ya'! ;D

Ic// ........................

Ooc// Also, I don't like new Shaelyn. D: That's why I chose "Beautiful" By Creed. You have to see the lyrics.

Welcome GMD!

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