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I Love/Hate the Switch

Started by JrDude, January 17, 2018, 02:32:40 AM

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I think the Switch is an awesome Gaming Console and a good move on Nintendo to get themselves out of the poophole they accidentally dug themselves into. I hate hate hate how now, they are re-releasing every good Wii U game onto the Switch, but adding more, awesome, and exclusive Switch content. I feel like this is a giant Middle Finger to all of the loyal Nintendo gamers who got the games on the Wii U. I swear, almost every game that I own & enjoyed on my Wii U is either already been re-released, or has been announced to be re-released on the Switch.

Mario Kart 8, has exclusive new tracks for Battle Mode, new characters to play, new modes to play, and all of the DLC is already there (I paid full price for the original game, AND paid for the DLC, and there is still more to get on the re-release, which is full price, again).

Pokkén Tournament, has new fighters, and there will be DLC for even MORE of them (I paid full price, luckily there was no DLC released).

They will re-release Hyrule Warriors. The new version has all of the DLC pre-installed, and all of the content from the 3DS will be on it as well. (I paid full price for the original, AND paid for the DLC, [but refused to get Legends for the 3DS], and there is more here, and it will be full price).

They will re-release DKC: Tropical Freeze, which will include an exclusive mode where you play as Funky Kong (This one, I'm not AS upset about yet, as he seems to just be an easy mode [it looks like a crazy cool & fun easy mode, but I can live without that])

Now, I guess that's only 4 games, but I don't care. These were good games. And besides Pokkén, I put a lot of hours into those games, and a lot of money. And, besides DKC:TF, I am tempted to pay full price for them again! Which sucks......
Dude .


Well, on the other hand...the Wii U didn't do so well, and a lot of people may not have had the chance to play those titles on the original console.


An update on the fact that I am a sheep.
About an hour or so after typing this post, I convinced myself to NOT buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and went home with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, after buying it of course.
I hate myself.
Dude .


is it really a giant middle finger though? The Wii U launched like 6 years ago and next to no one cared. They banked on the Wii name and didn't market it well at all. It's my least favorite nintendo console by far despite having some great games like Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and while I'm not necessarily fond of how underpowered the Switch is, I've enjoyed  Mario odyssey and Zelda a lot more than the bulk of the Wii U libray. I intend to get most of the Wii U ports and I sold my wii u games with the exception of mario maker and smash because my son adores these games, but I fully expect Switch ports. Then I'll sell this hunk of junk. It's basically a netflix/crunchyroll device right now, and it does it fairly well.


Ports are fine. I have no problem with them re-selling those games.
My problem is them adding new exclusive content to the ports. And these ports aren't just updates, they have full on additional stuff to (successfully) tempt their audience to buy it, even if they already own it. "Own this perfectly good game? WELL OWN IT AGAIN WITH THIS NEW THING YOU CAN DO IN THIS UPDATED PORT!"

And new games, duh. Them making new games for the console is a no brainer, although, if the Wii U was more successful, I can easily see most of those games being done for the Wii U instead. I mean, Zelda was MADE for the Wii U. But with delays, and the Switch being decided upon, they also made it for the Switch. Easy to understand. I'm pretty sure Twilight Princess was a similar situation. And if I understand correctly, most, if not all, of the content on the Switch is ALSO for the Wii U version. So it's not necessarily a better game, it's just a different version of it.

The only game I would expect this from is Hyrule Warriors, as Dynasty Warriors pull this all the time, except usually for the same console. Also, there was a 3DS port with more and exclusive content, so why not for the Switch too?
Dude .


honestly i still don't see the issue. If you want more of the same game, sell your Wii U copies like I did and get the Switch version. If not, then just keep on enjoying your Wii U version.


Tropical Freeze is one of my favorite games ever now, but I don't see myself buying it again just for Funky.


Quote from: Zero on January 28, 2018, 08:51:16 AMhonestly i still don't see the issue. If you want more of the same game, sell your Wii U copies like I did and get the Switch version. If not, then just keep on enjoying your Wii U version.
Selling old games usually doesn't do you too much good, as you can't sell it for the full price you paid for.
You're essentially paying 1.5 (or more) times for a game, if you want all the content.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on February 03, 2018, 05:06:18 AM
Selling old games usually doesn't do you too much good, as you can't sell it for the full price you paid for.
You're essentially paying 1.5 (or more) times for a game, if you want all the content.

Well, what do you expect? You're getting the better version. IMO its crappy that nintendo wants to charge full price for ports. They should be 40-50, and with a trade in that'd cut 10-15 off depending on the game. Believe me, I feel sort of shafted too but what can you do if you want the games on the new platform?

Either way these new ports are clearly not for Wii U owners. They want people that didn't get a Wii U to buy these.


I've the idea of the Switch from it's initial announcement. Missed day one, but got it two days later! Zelda, MK8, Arms, Splatoon, Mario. What a year!


I am a bit bummed, I was thinking of how valuable and treasured my WiiU would be (it was the one bundled with Smash and Splatoon) and then each re-release made it seem more and more useless.

But it'll still have Smash (if that matters anymore), it'll still basically have the definitive Zelda :WW HDand :TP HD, Xenoblade X was good (if you can read anything in the screen) and a few other charming games (eg. Game and Wario)

Also it's a great way to play Wii games (HDMI) while my Wii has become a decent NGC player.


As long as it doesn't charge its users constantly for something you already bought the game for, the Wii U will always be better than that crap.
Quote from: Flying Chickens on February 27, 2013, 06:31:42 PM
Very clever of him, but hacker forgot the key difference.



Quote from: viewtifulboy on July 25, 2018, 08:14:03 AM
As long as it doesn't charge its users constantly for something you already bought the game for, the Wii U will always be better than that crap.
oh my god is this him

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!