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Silly Penguin's Art --- [Update: 05/18/08]

Started by Silly_Penguin, September 28, 2007, 03:27:23 PM

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I love your work..Also i loive FMA. OMG so cool..

Yo. :]


You know me well. I will be here to comment on your art. Keep in touch with me too! I love getting PM's from you ^^


D: gah! why did the other comments and my reply to them disappear?! :(...

Quote from: Spuddies on September 28, 2007, 03:42:37 PM
I love your work..Also i loive FMA. OMG so cool..
thanks! ^_^ fma is indeed awesome :)

Quote from: Smashie on September 28, 2007, 04:01:38 PM
You know me well. I will be here to comment on your art. Keep in touch with me too! I love getting PM's from you ^^
i will :D. and as always i really appreciate you here! ^_^



Hehe you have a very creative personality, Noticed from Chibi Four Swords, keep up the good work.  ;D


Quote from: Joeofmars on October 04, 2007, 04:16:33 AM
Wow!That's really good!
thanks! ^__^

Quote from: ChunkeyMunkey on October 13, 2007, 11:55:27 AM
Hehe you have a very creative personality, Noticed from Chibi Four Swords, keep up the good work.  ;D
thanks! ^_^ the chibi for swords was actually based off an older version of that general idea that was inspired of a piece on Absolute Chibiness :P.

*has been to lazy to update until now xD*
three new pieces since i got a new sketchbook! ^_^ Well here they are with my not so descriptive commentary. if you want to read my full comments on them check my dA. *is lazy*

[10/12/07] Standing Here
This character needs a name >_>...
Overall i love how this one came out ^^. He kind of reminds me of Haruhi from OHSHC XP

[10/09/07] Phantom Hourglass: Link
love phantom <3
had to draw link after getting it.

[10/08/07] Sanosuke Sagara
I relized i haven't really drawn much of Sano at all. And also since i was watching the anime again, and had recently gotten vol.1 of the manga :D


WOW....i haven't updated for a while. Well after getting a few compy problems straightened out (though i lost all my cool gimp brushes + fonts :'(. But i am getting some fonts back at least), i'm finally gonna update ^^

[03/03/08] Kira's Meat Pies?
Death Note - Sweeney Todd comic, that was inspired by a comic on dA. Sweeney spoilers.
Check my dA account for full description since i'm lazy right now XD Now laugh at my strange and twisted humor :O

[02/27/08] L
This is my first try at drawing L (from Death Note). Gotta love him. I wish i had used a reference pic though >.>

[02/14/08] By The Sea - incomplete
I absolutely LOVED this scene in the movie. I was cracking up at how Sweeney kept the same expression of wanting to kill someone the whole time XD  ---By the Sea (movie scene)

[03/02/08] A Windy Day
I was drawing this when in the art club at my school, and since i have no idea what to do for a background,.....didn't draw one at all XD Another thing to note, i don't remember when i finished this since i was working on it before christmas, but not really at all after, so i'm just using the date from when i took the pic of it with my phone *is to big for the scanner* If your wondering about the friend names him Perry......yeah......

[10/10/07] Rinku In the Forrest
How did i forget to put this here? oh well. Link (or Rinku) taking a break in the lost woods ^^ *yay for not feeling like coloring it in XD* I might color it in with gimp.....eventually

(hope i'm not breaking any forum rules for bumping this thread. I just don't want to make another art gallery)


Another update?! In less then several months apart?! I must be going mad..... XD
Anyways, I had a chance to draw L again, except this time i decided to use a reference pic (vol.7 manga cover) so i would get it close to looking like him :P

[04/18/08] Lawliet - Justice Will Prevail

I hate how imageshack shrinks the images, but to see the full sized version + all my coments that i'm to lazy to put here as well ( XD ), view it  here on my dA. curse you imageshack >_>...


I have the feeling that i should just let this thread die >.>
Meh, may as well post these for now. Hope quadruple-posts aren't against the rules XD

[4/20/08] Stripes
Heavily influence by this one awesome pic i saw, as well as a Smashing Pumpkins thing :P. Called Stripes simply because of a lack of a better title, and it's a cool name XP. One thing that bothers me though is his eyes >_>...

[4/20/08] Mrs. Lovett By The Sea
Can you tell that I love Sweeney Todd? :P Anyway, i just love Mrs. Lovett's character design, and By The Sea was just fantastic! :D I'm sorry, but it completely blows away the stage in that part XP (yes i know, never compare movie to stage musical. so just watch it and you'll se why. there are just some things you can't get one the stage) Anyway, i didn't finish her boots >.> but oh well, I'm satisfied with how it came out ^^




Don't let this thread die, I like seeing your work. :D


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on May 08, 2008, 05:05:41 AM
Don't let this thread die, I like seeing your work. :D
Thank you greatly, i was only considering that  since i wasn't sure if it would be against the rules with this as far as bumping an old thread and quadruple-posting goes XD


[5/18/08] Don't I Know You?
MAJOR ENDING SCENE SPOILERS!!, and if you have not scene the movie/stage version of Sweeney, do it now!
I absolutely love the movie, and am needing to get around to finishing watching the stage version with George Hearn and Angela Lansburry on youtube. :P This is from the final scene, when Sweeney realizes that he accidentally killed his wife, and that she was alive the whole time before (, or for just him realizing it was Lucy). I am really liking how his face came out, but i think i screwed up the blood >_>
I'm thinking that eventually i should add a background to this (either pencil or GIMP'ed) since it seems like it's missing something as it is now.

The Baron

Awesome artwork!  I like how you color your images.  You're also very creative =P