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The Official B&W/5th gen Discussion Thread - GAMES OUT EVERYWHERE

Started by Kayo, May 13, 2010, 05:05:53 AM

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So, which version did you get? (Or are getting)

Pokémon Black
6 (35.3%)
Pokémon White
5 (29.4%)
Pokémon Black AND Pokémon White
4 (23.5%)
Neither, and don't plan to.
0 (0%)
Haven't decided yet.
2 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 17


The three rarest normal pokemon in gen 3 for me were Chimecho, Tropius, and Absol. Absol was really useful for fighting so a lot of people like it. Tropius is a flying leaf dinosaur with a banana beard so it's awesome. Chimecho...

And I agree with Batchu. America is the best thing to happen to Pokemon since portable gaming.


Quote from: Cornwad on August 05, 2010, 01:11:15 PM
The three rarest normal pokemon in gen 3 for me were Chimecho, Tropius, and Absol. Absol was really useful for fighting so a lot of people like it. Tropius is a flying leaf dinosaur with a banana beard so it's awesome. Chimecho...
Absol and Tropius? I only remember walking around for a little bit when looking for them, while Chimecho took me hours of searching. The Internet says their rate was close to 10%, which isn't too low, especially considering that they're found on huge routes.

I didn't realize until playing HG/SS, but apparently G/S have some really low rate Pokemon, some below Chimecho. Regardless, most of these seemed pretty well-known and several even had major movie appearances.
Marill, Yanma, and Snubbull: 1% appearance rate in only one area. In Crystal, two of these are pretty common. They all have a swarm to increase chance.
Remoraid and Qwilfish: both 4% for HG/SS, elevated only to 5% during swarm (their G/S rate was 10%)
Houndour: 5% for HG/SS/G/S, but common in Crystal
Mantine, Smeargle, and Larvitar all have 10% rate at their most common location. Of these, Smeargle seems the rarest because the grass it's found in is small and hidden.

I hope they don't have ridiculously rare Pokemon in Black&White. 5~10% is the lowest it should ever get D:


Quote from: Kianglo on August 05, 2010, 05:43:17 AM

tl;dr if you didn't know about chimecho, you never would just by finding it in the wild. Same thing happened to me with Corphish. I found out about it in Pinball RS. Not in the game.

lol please tell me you're joking. It having a 2% chance and only appearing in one area did not stop me from running into it. I ran into a chimecho my first playthrough the same way I ran into a Yanma in G/S. Call me a lucky sob but there being a 2% chance does not mean that you would not run into it at all. Not sure how high your comprehension level is, but you should be able to see why what you said just now is incredibly stupid. You're under the assumption that all players just run through the areas as fast as possible and avoid every piece of grass, and even then you could still run into the darn thing.

iirc Bagon was similar. He appeared on one area in the Dragon Cave and said area has an item. By your incredibly sound logic, you can't run into him without knowing he was there prior, yet when retrieving said item you can run into him. Oh snap.


Agreed x1000


The new Luvdisc better be decent. I could see them giving us a Luvdisc evo, only to have slightly better stats and a few new moves.


OH YEAH, I also didn't know about Corphish until a long ass time, difference is, I was fishing for some reason, possibly no reason at all, and found one on my 2nd/3rd catch and was like "WTFWHATISTHISTHISISAWESOMEkindasorta!"

And Zero, please tell me you're joking, so you get lucky and happen to run into a Chimecho, so that means that 90% of people that play do that too?
You're stating your experiences as if everyone experienced it. Chances are, you are not going to find a Chimecho, even if you walk through every blade of grass on your way in and on your way out, some are lucky, most are not. Hell, you could go on every grass with the white flute playing, then look in every direction on each blade of grass, and you STILL probably won't find a Chimecho, sure you CAN, but you probably won't. How do I know this? I've tried it on Pokémon with a HIGHER (not much higher) % of catch and couldn't find, and it had more grass than that area (I used to try to catch every Pokémon possible [I always ended up giving up]).

tl;dr. You are the idiot while K is not an idiot in that message.
Dude .


Let's change the subject from this 3rd gen catch rate whatever.

I wonder what this generation's "Legendary threesome" will be. I demand three sections of a giant totem pole that are two completely contradicting types! Eh, or anything random will do. Anything's better than the Mew clones from last time.


That would be cool.

All different types as usual, all 50% normal type and 50% something else that hasn't been used with Normal yet.
It could be LIKE a totem pole, one being feet with eyes on the pole part, one being arms with eyes in the pole part, one being a head with eyes in the eye part.

Now that I said it like that, it doesn't seem as good of an idea as it sounded in my head.
Dude .


How about a *gasp* normal type trio?  They could be the guardians of *insert thing that needs guarding* and Team Plasma needs *insert thing that needs guarding* to accomplish their goals of *insert Team Plasma goals here*.

Or they could just be some really powerful, but otherwise normal pokemon with no significance to the plot or any legends involving the creation of anything.


I just hope we don't get another trio where every one is the same type. The legendary floaty things are easily the most forgettable legendary trio for me.



Quote from: Zero on August 05, 2010, 03:05:48 PM

lol please tell me you're joking. It having a 2% chance and only appearing in one area did not stop me from running into it. I ran into a chimecho my first playthrough the same way I ran into a Yanma in G/S. Call me a lucky sob but there being a 2% chance does not mean that you would not run into it at all. Not sure how high your comprehension level is, but you should be able to see why what you said just now is incredibly stupid. You're under the assumption that all players just run through the areas as fast as possible and avoid every piece of grass, and even then you could still run into the darn thing.

iirc Bagon was similar. He appeared on one area in the Dragon Cave and said area has an item. By your incredibly sound logic, you can't run into him without knowing he was there prior, yet when retrieving said item you can run into him. Oh snap.


Agreed x1000

Zero. Tell me you're joking. There's very little grass on the summit of Mt. Pyre. If you decided "HEY LET ME CHECK THIS TINY BIT OF GRASS FOR RARE POKEMON" then sure, find a chimecho. Most people don't even notice the grass there, and if they do, after the Shuppet and Duskulls they think that's all it has to offer. Seriously, finding those two 99% of the time must get tiresome.

But yeah, Bagon was in pretty much the same boat, except it WAS known to exist. Drake in the e4 used both its evolved forms, and someone may or may not have had a bagon somewhere. I'm not sure. But even so, Bagon wasn't exactly common in its little room, with only a 25% chance in appearing. Sure, that's not nearly as rare as Chimecho, but I remember I ran into at least 7 or 8 Lunatones/Golbats in Sapphire before finding a Bagon. Most people wouldn't stick around in what seems to be an item-only room so long. But it's easier to bump into than Chimecho.

And Cornwad, Absol and Tropius weren't super-rare. Tropius was rather common on route 119, as was Absol on route 120. It's easy to run into one while walking through the large amount of grass there. 10% isn't all too low. Plus, trainers used them.

Surskit and Ralts were rather rare. Well known, but rare. Route 102 was the only place to catch them. 4% chance for Ralts, 1% for Surskit. Seriously. To this date I have NEVER found a Surskit there. (Probably because I didn't spend hours looking), and I just waited for the swarm. But yeah, Surskit is less out of the way than Chimecho, but at least trainers have used it. And why does Wally find a Ralts on his first try? >:(

I could also go through the hell of Feebas, which I have never EVER had the patience to look for. I have never owned one on a GBA game. In D/P I got one in a trade, because once one person gets one, he breeds a bunch and puts them all on the GTS. then everyone has one, they breed them, suddenly Feebas isn't so rare. But whatever.

While I'm at it. R/S/E, route 129. Tiny water route in the SE corner of Hoenn. There is a 1% chance of finding a Wailord there, on the water surface. Most people just evolve the common Wailmer. I have yet to find a Wailord while surfing, actually I have never tried. But seeing that whale appear on your screen like that must look cool.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I knew there was a Shelgon and a Salamance, but I had no idea Bagon even existed until long after I finished the game.


Quote from: SkyMyl on August 05, 2010, 04:18:05 PM
We're going to get three cat legendaries, all poison type.
We have enough cats as it is, let alone legendary cats!

I demand my three layered TOTEM POLE!


I only knew Bagon existed because a Dragon Tamer has one on the path to the Regi dive thing (I didn't know what it led to, but I like going everywhere and fighting every trainer possible)
Dude .


Also Huntail/Gorebyss. Whichever one you didn't get is unheard of completely, since no trainer has them. I hadn't heard of Huntail until Pinball RS.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.