
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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In the Element

Started by THEBIRD, January 21, 2010, 09:02:44 AM

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Quote from: THEBIRD on March 17, 2010, 02:09:05 PM
(( Cool, Hobo's back :D. also... yeah... so... extended vacation? ...okay okay, I left again, don't kill me, shorti ;__; But, I do have a solution to me constantly leaving. k ready? bold OOC. if there's a character you need me to play right away, bold ooc the character's name and i'll come right in. otherwise my visits will be more infrequent. i've got a sister here who can check on it every once in a while for me, and i'll come on and skim the pages for the bold. makes it a lot easier and faster, which means i'll be more prone to coming on more often. just suggesting it. make my life easier, and your waiting less painful.

oh, and i may introduce characters that don't have their own character sheet. that's because i'm lazy. unless you have a serious problem with it, i'm going through with it, so just letting you know now. Until then, anything important happen that I should know about?))
((Shadow Master, Dynasty Leader))

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Lucas tunnelled under the earth. He was planning on getting far enough so that other guy who wanted to fight him wouldn't find him. He began to go upwards and popped up out of the ground. "Hm, I seem to have gotten away from him...but where am I?" He looked around and was surrounded by trees.


((*Cough* Waitin' on Light to post.))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Sh0rTi on March 02, 2010, 08:16:26 PM
"Why, thank you," Reina said with another light grin as she opened the medical kit, and pulled out a disinfectant solution. "You yourself have to be just as crazy seeing how long you've stuck around." She laughed and put the solution onto a cloth, and wiped at one of her leg wounds. The woman winced, but kept somewhat quiet as she cleaned up the cuts. 'Daaaammn, this mess buuurrrns!' Once all the dirt and blood is cleared away, she examines the gash more closely, hoping she wouldn't have to stitch it, but she'd probably have to anyways.
Harver sighed as he looked at Reina's wound. "We both know you can't fool me by just calling that a 'little fight'," he said, gesturing toward her injured leg. "Seriously; what happened?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: Magnum on March 19, 2010, 10:28:36 AM
((Shadow Master, Dynasty Leader))
(( HOLY FUCK WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE. im gonna assume you guys havent actually talked to them yet. too lazy to read. also, would have gotten on here sooner but the last two times i tried to log in the place was down :| ))

He sat in a room surrounded by total darkness. It almost seemed to swirl around him and whisper as it crept and crawled around the room. The Shadow Master lived in solitude. His pupils never saw his face - and the few who attempted were crushed by his dark power. He sensed someone new approaching, and wondered lazily if they were going to be worth the wait.

The Dynasty Leader sat on a large, golden throne at his base. He already felt like a ruler of a small kingdom with his followers and was impatiently awaiting more recruits and more power. He had guards all around him, and he ordered one of them to fetch him a grape. Ah, he thought. This is the life. He smirked in gluttony. Despite having such special treatment, he looked tired and overworked with his unkempt black hair and the dark circles under his almond colored eyes.


((Of all the things to fetch... You go with grape? XD))

"Yeah, you're right," Reina sighed, her tone finally turning serious. "It sho' as hell ain't just gonna be a little fight after you assassinate a Dynasty member while he's in the middle of leading a meeting..." She started to dig through the medical kit, searching for what she'd need to stitch her leg up, but then stopped and looked up at Harver. "That's exactly what happened."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Harver put his palm to his face as he leaned against the wall of the base. "Really? That's your so called 'small fight'?" He asked bitterly. "I mean, I know you like to go on missions solo, but you should know your limits. At least go in with backup, or something..."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


And by the great powers of Plot it was Lucas who was approaching the Dynasty Leader. Man, it sure is dark in this place. This leader guy should really put up a light or two.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on April 02, 2010, 01:53:32 PM
And by the great powers of Plot it was Lucas Talon who was approaching the Dynasty Leader Headquarters.
"Glad all of the side quests are gone. Now, lets get on with this... Where are they?" Talon asked himself. He looked around the island to see that it was quite protected with the small cliffs. But also a death trap.


Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Light on April 01, 2010, 10:56:25 PM
Harver put his palm to his face as he leaned against the wall of the base. "Really? That's your so called 'small fight'?" He asked bitterly. "I mean, I know you like to go on missions solo, but you should know your limits. At least go in with backup, or something..."

"Believe me, this isn't even the worst of it..." Reana grunted slightly as she started to stitch her wound closed. "Something like that is considered small when you've been by yourself the whole time with the lack of anyone to turn to for back up. Guess next time I'll bring ya with if that's what you're gettin' at." 
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Kumori paused he listened carefully to the sound in the distance, it sounded as if someone was screaming wildly. Kumori began to carefully walk towards the source of the noise, he stood on top of a large cliff and noticed a man standing near the base. He could not make out his appearance from this angel.

He slowly scaled down the side of the cliff until he could get a good look on the man. He was wearing a silver uniform and had dark purple hair.

"Incendia Orbis"

As he said this a wall of flames appeared behind the man, they extended  100 meters wide and 10 meters tall. Kumori jumped to a small ledge on the face of the cliff and looked down at the man.

"Who are you?"


"Not just us," Harver said, an aura of confidence about him. "I'm sure we're not the only ones opposed to what's going on around here. We could gather up others with a similar causes, recruiting, if you will; then we'll be a force to be reckoned with, and you won't have to worry about going out alone."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Reina finished sewing her wound shut, then smiled. "True, we can't be the only ones that don't like how stuff's run. The only problem is actually finding people willing to speak out and act against it. Most of 'em are too afraid to go against our sad excuse of a government." She put the needle and thread down, closed the medical kit and started to stand. "I like the idea though, and we could start after I lay low for a bit."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Magnum on April 02, 2010, 05:02:02 PM
"Glad all of the side quests are gone. Now, lets get on with this... Where are they?" Talon asked himself. He looked around the island to see that it was quite protected with the small cliffs. But also a death trap.

(( because no leader is complete without someone feeding him grapes! that's taken right out of the official rulebook. ))

The Dynasty Leader could hear shouting outside of his base. With a sigh, he flicked his hand toward one of his men. This obviously meant that that man was the chosen one to investigate the sounds. The leader opened his mouth lazily as one of the other men dropped a grape into his mouth. A second man moved the leader's jaw up and down, while a third tickled his throat to force him to swallow it.

"Ah, another," the leader mumbled lazily.

As that was happening, the man chosen to investigate walked out of the base and began moving toward the noise. He paused and looked at one of the sentry men standing outside, who informed him that it seemed three men were standing outside, and one of them was definitely a master of the fire element. With an understanding nod, the man continued down, this time beckoning four other men who were chosen to stand guard come with him.

The five of them made their way down until they were about fifty yards away from the three men. "What brings you here, boy," the guard asked, looking at the man who had been shouting.


"I got sent by the blah blah blah, all your base are belong to them. Anyways, where is this base? Also, you are Dynasty? Just need to make sure. I would hate to be at the wrong place." Talon told him. He saw plenty of men behind the one talking to him, and all of them actually looked like they could take care of themselves. Truthfully, he liked that. To actually see men able to fight got him pumped a little. Better than all the small fry.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change