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Speaking of School,

Started by Kilroy, January 05, 2010, 03:22:39 PM

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I have a rant! :3

So, I get to period 1 today, which is my AP global history class. Oh boy.

"Guys, you've got a take home quiz tonight, it's on Chapter 21 and 22, so read 22 tonight, then do the take home quiz."

us: "oh alright"

"Oh, by the way, I informed Period 7 of the quiz yesterday, but I forgot to tell you guys, so they're taking it in class."

us: "oh okay"

"time to talk about Mesoamerica and poop"

us: "oh okay"

Life goes on.

So, I get home, and I talk to one of my friends who's in the Period 7 AP Global Class. I asked him how the quiz was before I took it myself.

"We didn't take the quiz."


"We didn't take the quiz. It was for you guys only."


Please, tell me, what kind of intercourse ing retarded teacher gives a quiz to one class, but not the other? Honestly, it's completely stupid.

Of course, I did the quiz, because I'm not going to boycott school or some poop, but either way, it's completely idiotic and I don't understand why he did it.

ITT: stupid things your teachers have done
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums

Dog Food

I think it happens to all AP History teachers (except for the AP Euro teacher, he's amazing <3). My AP US teacher doesn't give quizzes to the period 7 class because they complain and he gives in. His excuse is that we are smarter and ahead of them. Either way, it sucks.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Dog Food on January 05, 2010, 04:27:18 PM
I think it happens to all AP History teachers (except for the AP Euro teacher, he's amazing <3). My AP US teacher doesn't give quizzes to the period 7 class because they complain and he gives in. His excuse is that we are smarter and ahead of them. Either way, it sucks.
The thing is, his class did nothing to prevent the quiz. He simply didn't give it.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums

Dog Food

And the fact that he lied and said he gave it to them in class when he didn't makes him seem like a real ass. I would confront him, if I were you. I'd be like, "So, I hear this quiz was just for our class. Why's that (you intercourse ing lying poop hole)?" Corner him. I'd like to see what his excuse is.

The good thing is it was a take home quiz, which basically means it was an easy grade.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Shouldn't it be basically a free 100?


Quote from: PokemasterJ on January 05, 2010, 07:54:05 PM
Shouldn't it be basically a free 100?
Not in the slightest. The answers aren't going to be straight from the book, they're worded strangely, and almost all of the questions have two correct answers, but one of them is "more correct".

Quote from: Dog Food on January 05, 2010, 05:53:00 PM
And the fact that he lied and said he gave it to them in class when he didn't makes him seem like a real ass. I would confront him, if I were you. I'd be like, "So, I hear this quiz was just for our class. Why's that (you intercourse ing lying poop hole)?" Corner him. I'd like to see what his excuse is.

The good thing is it was a take home quiz, which basically means it was an easy grade.
He told me today that they had it as well.

...but they still didn't take it.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Quote from: Kilroy on January 06, 2010, 04:17:18 PM
Not in the slightest. The answers aren't going to be straight from the book, they're worded strangely, and almost all of the questions have two correct answers, but one of them is "more correct".
He told me today that they had it as well.

...but they still didn't take it.
Take homes are also graded much more strictly, like it all has to be perfect, on my last take home for math, I did it and all, and got a failing grade.

as for the teacher, I hope he doesn't teach government or whatever 12th grade history is(It would actually be cool to have the same teacher I have now, she's cool, late every day, hardly any class or homework)

I just have to get this out....

lol AP


Eh, that doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me. I get why he told you guys, and I'm sure there is a reason you have to do it and they don't. The point of quizzes is to serve as a reality check to both the teacher and the students as to what they need to know before their tests.


Quote from: L10 on January 06, 2010, 04:24:02 PM
I just have to get this out....

lol AP
lol, I know right? :D

Quote from: mackormoses on January 06, 2010, 05:42:02 PM
Eh, that doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me. I get why he told you guys, and I'm sure there is a reason you have to do it and they don't. The point of quizzes is to serve as a reality check to both the teacher and the students as to what they need to know before their tests.
Ah, mackormoses, the voice of reason. :) I agree, but I still hate school, quizzes, tests, exams, homework, and studying. 8)

Anyway, I have AP Government and Politics and AP English 3 (I'm a junior). Just for clarification, AP "GoPo" apparently meets the requirements for US History 2. It's really all note-taking, especially since we have laptops. It's kind of interesting I guess, but I digress.

My English teacher ALWAYS interrupts people, 90% of the time without a warning or apology. He's one of those teachers who kind of just points at you to let you speak. The kid says (literally) two words and he immediately turns to another to make some comment about a previous or relating topic. It's very annoying and it happens about 10 times a class. He's a nice guy, but he needs to learn common conversational courtesy.

Some stupid things my old (as in previous 6th grade) Social Studies teacher did were:
- have a presumably sexual screensaver of Jessica Simpson
- put all the 8th grade girls in the first two rows of desks
- trim his nose hairs in class?
- read pornography during class, let alone have it in his desk or wherever
- literally laugh at a pen (I saw it first hand. He thought no one was looking but he held up this black erasable pen close to face, looked directly at it, and chuckled to himself.)
- be an overall pedophile
His name was Mr. Gooney of all things. He was pretty nice and very calm, but strangely dopey-looking with a big nose. He looked about 40. His last day on the job was the day before Christmas break. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


oh yeah, my 8th grade spanish teacher was arrested for having a relationship with some kid on RuneScape or something stupid like that. We all knew she played RS, but it seems most of the staff didn't believe that she would do something like that so idk if it's true.


I don't do school. I Rage against the Machine.

See wut I did thar.


My AP English teaching started grading different homework assignments for different classes.  She did it because we always get told by other classes when homework isn't a grade.


Quote from: Allegretto on January 08, 2010, 08:45:00 AM
I don't do school. I Rage against the Machine.

See wut I did thar.
I agree. :) And I love that band. :) And I DO SEE WAT U DID THAR. 8)

Quote from: MikeRoweSoft on January 08, 2010, 03:28:44 PM
My AP English teaching started grading different homework assignments for different classes.  She did it because we always get told by other classes when homework isn't a grade.
Sorry, but I don't understand this post. What do you mean by "different homework assignments for different classes?" And what do you mean by "we[...] get told?" As in, just: "tell" or "inform?" And why do I not understand? Don't answer that last one. :P
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Last week in guitar some kid was blasting his amp while I was doing a sight reading for 5% of my final grade and the teacher didn't care. The teacher let him do it throughout everyone's test. Also, everyone doing the test was within 2 meters of the amp.
Looking back, I think it would have been beneficial if we asked if he could have turned his amp off and stopped playing like the rest of the class.


Last year Magnum and I were in English II class together, and we would talk ALL the time. And one day I was being quiet but Magnum was talking to me, I was drinking a water bottle and while I was drinking our teacher yelled BRYAN SHUT UP!!
I spit out my water and looked around and laughed.

It was great.