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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Fanfiction)

Started by Retronintendodude7, September 25, 2007, 08:20:18 PM

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I know it's been awhile since the last update, but I wasn't sure how I wanted to do this chapter. I wanted to skip some of the fights and decided on doing it this way rather than rushing into the final battle, anyways, let me know what you think. ;)

Chapter 26: Flash forward

Retro groggily opened his eyes to see himself in a dimly lit room. He was at a large, steel table and saw a mirror on one of the walls. The teenager tried to get up but fell over, realizing that he was tied to a chair.

"How do you guys have the space down here for an interrogation room?" He called out.

The amateur hero suddenly felt himself rising in the air and had the chair gently placed back on the ground. A cold chill filled the room as Mewtwo faded into the room, with a menacing glare and his arms crossed.

Who sent you here? The Pokémon asked telepathically.

Retro cocked his head to the side, confused. " guys invited me, remember? Ah!" He yelped after being tossed against the wall by the genetically engineered creature.

Who sent you here? Mewtwo repeated angrily.

"Who sent the invita-Ow!" The dim-witted youth screamed when he was thrown up on the ceiling by a wave of the Pokémon's hands. Retro struggled to get back down, but he was trapped by an invisible force.

I was told that it doesn't matter if I kill you or not, human. The creature threatened.

"Well, when you put it that way..." The teenager started. "I don't know anything! Why can't you understand that?" He questioned. For a Pokémon that can read minds, he sure is stupid... Retro thought.

The Pokémon's eyes narrowed, What?

The dimwitted hero gasped, Shi-did I think that or say that?

Does it matter? I heard it anyway. Mewtwo responded.

"Crap. He's right. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Am I thinking this or saying it?"

Both. The psychic creature answered. Let's try something different...tell me everything you remember about today.

"You're psychic, why don't you just go into my head and read my memories or something?" The teenager wondered.

Mewtwo shuddered. I'm never going back in your head.

Retro shrugged, "Fine, I'll tell you everything I remember, but I don't see how it will help..."


"Well, nothing too special happened after the matches of the day were announced. I watched most of them, Snake and Viewtiful Joe won their match, Captain Olimar and Bowser won theirs and Sonic and Samus won theirs. Since I'm down here now, I don't know who's going to win the match until I get out." Retro explained.

Shut up. Mewtwo scowled.

"Okay, okay. I watched those matches and I think after Bowser and Olimar's match I met my friend Roger...

Retro and Mage entered the lounge. "Wow, I can't believe that match! I feel sorry for anyone that missed it, it was so awesome!" He exclaimed.

The sorcerer rolled his eyes, "I know, Retro. I was there. It was pretty funny when Bowser started using Olimar as a weapon."

The teenager laughed. "Yeah, that little guy sure has a lot of endurance."

Retro flicked the light switch on and saw a large grey velociraptor sitting on one of the couches with his arms crossed and his tail hanging off the side of the couch. "How are you doing mates?" He asked with an Australian accent.

"Oh God, not you." Mage sighed.

"Hey, Roger! I'm doing good. What did you steal this time?" Retro asked.

The dinosaur looked nonchalantly at his talons as he spoke. "It's nice to see you too, Mage. And, I think..." He started while peering at the nearby clock on the wall. "my latest crime should be on the news..." He finished before grabbing the TV remote from the coffee table and turning it on.

"...ast night, information was stolen from the Galactic Federation base in sector 7-S. With us now is the commander of that ship, to explain what happened." A young, blonde haired woman explained before handing her microphone to a taller man in silver armor.

His helmet was still on, but the blue shield that normally covered his face was off, revealing his rugged face. He had blood red eyes, a goatee and a scar on the left side of his face.

"The pirate known as Jolly Roger stormed the ship last night and managed to steal information from one of our computers. They were coordinates for a wormhole that recently opened up in the Alpha region. Our top scientists are trying to find out where the wormhole will lead to, but without those coordinates it will take more time than we had hoped." The commander summarized.

"And how did Jolly Roger manage to do this alone?" The reporter inquired.

The soldier crossed his arms. "He wasn't alone, he obviously had help. The information that he stole was classified, so somebody on the inside must have helped him. There's no way that he would've been able to know any of our codes or where the information was stored without somebody's help. Jolly Roger is nothing but a petty thug who had help from somebody far more dangerous than he is-"

Roger turned off the TV. "He's just mad that I outsmarted his whole ship." He said through gritted teeth. "He had to call me Jolly Roger on TV..." The pirate muttered.

"Who would hire a pirate just to steal coordinates?" Retro wondered out loud, putting his finger on his chin in thought.

Mage sighed and buried his face in his hand. "He's not that kind of pirate. He just copies things, like people on the internet do all the time." He said matter-of-factly.

The dinosaur rolled his eye, "Actually, since I usually am boarding ships, I am, by definition, that kind of pirate. You can shoot all of those pretty lights from your hands, does that make you a magician?" He pondered.

The sorcerer's eyes narrowed and curled his fists, which burned with a small flame. "This is real, do you want to see for yourself?" Mage asked.


You know that pirate? Mewtwo realized. The Pokémon turned around and opened the door behind him with a wave of his hand. If you even think of trying to escape, I'll know and I'll kill you. He threatened before leaving.

"Can I at least see the fight while I'm wait-oh..." Retro stopped when the mirror across from him turned into a live feed of the match. "Cool." He remarked.


Roger sat back in his chair and yawned. He was in a dimly lit room working at a computer alongside Mimi and Sylux. "Okay, this one says, 'The next hero will appear at four, you will know when he enters the door.' I really hate all of these uncreative rhymes..." the pirate muttered. "So who's going to tell Toaster?" He questioned.

The door behind them burst open, making the three jump. Mewtwo casually floated towards the other door without making eye contact with any of them. When he passed Roger, he violently lifted his hand in the air, making the raptor hover in the air close behind. Come with me. The Pokémon instructed harshly.

"I'm usually cooperative if you just ask nicely." Roger answered casually before being dropped on the cold metal flooring of another room.

The dinosaur stood up and dusted himself off before turning towards Toaster, who was sitting at an old desk. The book he was reading was still open and a bottle of coloured pills were at its side.

Tell him. The psychic creature ordered.

"Okay, your next hero will show up at that was about ten minutes ago. And you'll apparently know who he is when he enters the door." Roger explained.

The toad thought for a moment before responding. "We already know that Link is one of the heroes, and I really doubt if it's Luigi...Mewtwo, where are they fighting?" He wondered.

Luigi's Mansion, sir, but that's not what- He started.

"Then whoever passes through the door will be our hero. They're fighting on the roof now, correct?" The mastermind inquired before pressing a button underneath his desk to make a keyboard rise from it and a screen lower from the ceiling. He began typing on the keyboard before hearing his answer. "I'll put the Smash Ball inside the mansion, so whoever enters will get it. Then we'll know for sure."

That's not what I came here for, sir. I've been interrogating Retro and it turns out that he's friends with this pirate. Mewtwo stated impatiently.

The toad slowed down in his typing and pressed the enter key before putting everything back in its place. "Is this going to be a problem, Roger?" He asked calmly.

"Should it be? You hired me to translate your book and I don't see how my friends have anything to do with that." Roger shot back.

Toaster grit his teeth, "Retro and his other two friends have been causing problems along with a handful of other contestants. How do I know you're not with them?"

The pirate crossed his arms and glared at Mewtwo before responding. "You're paying me, for one. And you have my pirate's honor that I'm not working with them." He answered with a grin.

You're a pirate, you have no honor. Mewtwo retorted.

Roger rolled his eye, "Then you and I have a very different definition of 'honor.' Look, I'm translating most of that book for you...for a fee, of course, that should be proof enough that I'm not with them. What more do you want?" He pointed out.

"Kill him." The toad answered coldly, causing Mewtwo to smirk.

"I know him, he's not any threat to you. He's an idiot." Roger replied quickly.

"I know, but I'm frankly getting sick of having him around. I was going to have him killed along with his other friends later, but I'll let you do it since you're friends. You can make it painless, while I would make it very painful." Toaster explained.

The pirate opened the door behind him before answering. "Fine." He sighed before turning to Mewtwo. Jerk. He thought.

I can hear you. The Pokémon responded.

I know, I cleaned it up a bit. The dinosaur smiled.


"Falcon Punch!" Captain Falcon yelled as his fist was surrounded by the fiery shape of a falcon.

Link howled in fright before ducking, barely avoiding the attack. Mario jumped over the hero of Twilight and kicked the opposing Captain in the chest, sending him near the edge of the stone roof they were fighting on. The roof was barely big enough to hold the four fighters, and the twin gargoyles at each end made matters worse.

"What's-a wrong with you?" The plumber asked his partner while keeping a cautious eye on the pilot.

The hero curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth. His eyes widened, "I don't know! Ever since I finished my match yesterday, I've been feeling I'm not the one in control of my actions." He replied before breaking into incoherent sobbing.

The hero of the Mushroom Kingdom opened his hand and created a ball of fire. He hurled it at Captain Falcon who easily avoided it. "You've-a already beaten Luigi, so I'll deal with Captain Falcon." He answered as he ran towards the enraged captain.

The F-zero pilot slid on his knees as he got closer to the short Italian. His right hand curled into a fist as it caught flame. He leapt in the air and hit Mario with a flaming uppercut to the jaw while he spun around. "Falcon Shoryuken!" 

The blow made Mario soar high in the air, shocked at the foreign attack. Before he could compose himself, Captain Falcon rose above the plumber with cat-like agility. He smirked before putting both of his yellow boots on the hero's chest and using all of his weight to send the plumber crashing through the roof.

Captain Falcon crossed his arms and inched closer to the still rocking hero of Twilight while the smoke and debris settled. Link's gloved hands covered his eyes as he shook. "Please, don't." He pleaded.

The captain smiled, "And you hold the Triforce of Courage? That green plumber I had as a partner was braver than you." He mocked as he raised his fist. "Hyrule doesn't deserve a 'hero' like you."

The mansion suddenly started to rumble, causing the pilot to fall on his feet. Link's eyes widened as he remained in his position. "No..." He muttered.

A thunderous clap bellowed from the depths of the dark mansion. "Mario Finale!" A voice roared before an explosive flame shot through the roof and into Captain Falcon. The sound of the fire crackling overlapped with the cries of agony from the captain.

"This game's winner is...Team Mario!" The voice announced.


"What's wrong with Link? I've never seem him act like any of the games I've played anyway. Maybe he's repressing the memory of the CD-I games like the rest of us..." Retro thought out loud.

The captured teenager turned his head when he heard the door open. "Why did you even come down here, Retro?" A familiar voice whispered harshly.

"Roger? What are you doing down here?" He wondered, noticing the worried look on his friend's face. The amateur hero looked closer and noticed a small knife in the pirate's left hand. "Oh crap..." Retro muttered while the dinosaur reluctantly inched closer.

To be Continued.


It's been a while since the last chapter.  :P  Luckily, I remembered most of what was going on, and my memory was refreshed as I read further into the chapter.  I wonder if Roger really plans to kill Retro...   :O


Well, this chapter came a bit later then I wanted. I wrote about half of the chapter awhile ago, but wasn't sure how to end it. I have more free time now, so hopefully the updates will be more frequent. I'm nearing the end of the story, and I'd like to finish it by the end of the year, but the way I update it will probably be next year. :P Anyways, here's the next chapter.

Chapter 27: A lonely place of dying

"Why did you even come down here, Retro?" Roger repeated nervously.

The teenager cocked his head to the side, "Me? What are you doing down here? Not tied up...and holding a how much is Toaster paying you?" He sighed.

The pirate walked behind the restricted hero and put his right hand on his friend's shoulder. Retro winced when he felt one of his claws pierce his skin. "Why do you always assume the worst?" His voice echoed as the hero drifted from consciousness. "Toaster was going to kill you himself, if I do it, you won't feel a thing." He explained.

"Gee, thank..." Retro drifted.

Roger took a few steps back to look at his unconscious friend. The raptor's eye slowly sunk to the knife wrapped in his hand. "I'm going to kill Mewtwo for this..." He muttered before plunging the knife into the amateur hero's chest.


Toaster slammed his fist on the steel desk in front of him. "How can there be an intruder if we're moving?" He spat.

Wario struggled to stand in front of the toad. He took his hand off of his left eye, to reveal it was blackened. The biker was covered in various bumps and bruises. "I think there was more than one of them, boss. I couldn't really tell, it all happened so fast. They were like ninjas or something!" The troll-like man coughed.

I haven't picked up on anyone new yet, let alone a group of 'ninjas', as you put it. Mewtwo scoffed.

"Well, if your powers are so great how come you haven't found Zelda yet? Or why did we need Ness?" Wario questioned.

The Pokémon's eyes started to glow an icy blue, I wasn't designed to combat magic, as it isn't native to my world. And we need the boy because his predictions are more accurate than mine. But the Primid that took over his body hasn't been able to make anymore predictions since he found out Roy was the traitor. However, my powers are good enough to not be taken by surprise by 'ninjas.' He explained.

Wario grit his teeth and growled as the door behind him opened. The trio turned to their attention to Roger, who was carrying Retro on his back. "There, happy?" The raptor asked sarcastically.

"Is he dead?" Toaster questioned, ignoring the pirate.

Mewtwo extended his hand towards Retro's body, I'm not reading any signs of brain activity, but that's nothing new with him. I'm not sensing a pulse, either.

"A simple 'yes' would've been fine." Wario muttered as he rolled his eyes.

"If you're done testing my loyalty, is there a place I can hide his body for a bit? I can probably use it for smuggling once I'm out of here." The pirate interrupted.

"There's a meat freezer upstairs in the lounge, you can throw him in there. The code for the door is 1738." Toaster answered.

The raptor nodded and walked out the door. He stopped as soon as he got out and stared at the shadows for a few seconds before continuing on. "You have a visitor..." Roger announced before disappearing.

Mewtwo floated outside to see if anyone was there. His eyes started to shine purple as he scanned his surroundings. The Pokémon turned back into the room, I don't sense anyo-

The psychic creature was suddenly wrapped in a metallic chain. He was sent to the ground by a long leg wrapped in a deep blue cloth. A tall, blonde-haired man stepped over the fallen Pokémon and into the room with Wario and Toaster. He was covered in a blue cloth, just like his leg. A white scarf and hat covered most of his face and head, leaving only his blood red eyes.

"And who might you be?" Toaster asked calmly.

Wario stepped towards the toad, "He's one of the ninjas that got me earlier." He announced.

The mysterious stranger stepped forward, "I was the only one that 'got you earlier.' And most people call me Sheik. I'd like to join you." The man explained in a raspy voice.

Toaster smiled, "You might be just what I'm looking for..."


Retro sat on the chair across from Mage, who was focusing on playing a video game in the lounge.

"Have you seen the other Retro lately?" He asked the sorcerer.

"No, but I'm not complaining." Mage replied without looking from the tv screen. He sighed as the words "Game Over" appeared on the screen. The red-eyed teenager put the controller on the wooden table in front of him before turning to his friend, "It's only been a couple of hours, he probably got lost." He continued.

The hedgehog shrugged, "Yeah, I guess. He's gotten lost in our base back home before."

Mage nodded before putting the controller back into his yellow gloved hands. "Exactly. And if he's dead...then...dibs on his stuff."

The duo heard the wooden steps behind them creak. They turned around to see Roger slowly walking downstairs, keeping his eye on the ground. His right claw was riding along the rail, leaving scratch marks all along it.

"Hey, Roger. Have you seen the other Retro lately?" Retro called out.

The pirate continued to walk towards the door outside. "Nope, he probably got lost or something." He responded without making any eye contact. Before the dinosaur exited the building he turned to the clock on the wall, "Toaster's going to announce the next match-ups in a couple of minutes, so Retro might be at the coliseum." Roger added before going out the door, "Even if he's not, I'm sure he'll turn up eventually."


A cold wind was blowing in the direction of the coliseum, moving the dark clouds in the sky towards it, giving the area an ominous look to it. Retro and Mage followed Roger towards the quiet coliseum. The pirate stopped at the entrance and leaned against one of the walls with his arms crossed to hide himself.

"Scared of something?" Mage mocked.

The raptor turned his head to the sky to avoid eye contact with the sorcerer, "Samus is in there, I'd like to avoid her as much as possible since our run-in yesterday. She made it pretty clear that she doesn't trust me and she wants to be the one to bring me in for the bounty." He explained.

Mage chuckled as he passed the pirate. "I never thought I'd see the great Captain Roger hiding from a girl." He said sarcastically.

Roger opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a booming voice inside the coliseum. "Ladies and Gentlemen the new match-ups for the third round of the Smash Brothers' Tournament is about to begin! Please be seated."

Mage and Retro sat in the nearest set of seats in the coliseum. There were only eight other people scattered around the area: Mario and Link were sitting two rows behind them, both looking around nervously. Samus was sitting not too far from them with her arms crossed. Sonic and Snake were further back talking to each other with Viewtiful Joe impatiently looking at his V-Watch behind them. Olimar was sitting in the front row glaring at Bowser, who was sitting on the other side of the coliseum, his arms crossed and smiling to reveal his razor sharp teeth.

A steel platform emerged from the ground in the middle of the coliseum; Toaster was standing on it with a smirk on his face and a microphone in his hand.

"We've decided to change things up a bit again; this round we will have only one match, three on three. Mario and Link will not fight this round because they both had a Smash Ball appear to them and the third contestant that will not fight this round will be selected at random. But first..." The toad started before the sounds of gears turning filled the coliseum.

Another platform rose from the ground. Sheik stood calmly on the platform as he surfaced. "We regret to inform you that Tom Nook had a family emergency and had to return home. He will be replaced by the new fighter, Sheik." Toaster explained, motioning towards the blue-garbed stranger.

The short mastermind took a remote out of his pocket and turned a knob on it as he continued, "Now, 'Team A' will consist of..."

"Viewtiful Joe. Sonic the Hedgehog. Samus Aran." A robotic voice announced.

"And 'Team B' will consist of..." Toaster started again.

"Bowser. Captain Olimar. Sheik." The voice finished.

"Which means Solid Snake is the lucky contestant that will have a break this round." The toad added in a transparently happy voice. "The match today will start in two hours, make all necessary preparations beforehand. And good luck to all of the contestants." He said before being lowered back into the ground along with Sheik.

Retro turned to Mage, "Tom Nook had a family emergency? But we're his nephews, shouldn't we have gone with him?" He asked.

The sorcerer groaned, "You know, just because Retro hasn't been around lately doesn't mean that you have to be as stupid as he is..." Mage paused. "But you are right, something's up."


Roger cautiously looked around the lounge before walking down the stairs to the basement. He whistled half-heartedly as he got closer to the door. He suddenly stopped as his claws touched the cold steel of the doorknob.

"How did you see me earlier?" A raspy voice called out to him.

The pirate smiled, "You know Sheik, just because I wear an eye patch, people think I can't see as well as everyone else." Roger answered before turning around to face the source of the voice. "But..." He continued, pointing to his patch. "This one works fine; it can see things better than my uncovered eye."

"But even Mewtwo couldn't sense me." Sheik responded.

The dinosaur rolled his eye as he leaned against the door behind me. "Mewtwo isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is, that's why they had Ness captured in the first place. He can't see too far in the future, magic interferes with his abilities, as well as steel..." He drifted while looking upstairs. "That's also why he can't get a read on where Zelda is, even though she's probably hiding in plain sight." The pirate added. "Maybe she's even made her way into the ranks...what do you think?" He asked with a smirk.

"W-what are you implying?" The Sheikah stuttered.

Roger turned around and opened the door. "Mewtwo might not be that smart, but Toaster didn't get this far without knowing a thing or two about his enemies. Just remember that, and things will be a lot easier for the both of us." He explained before walking into the shadows.


I finally got around to reading the new chapter.   :P  Not much else to say, other than I'm interested in seeing how this is all going to end.


Now in a room, they, the war behind the toilet in the ground? These details will be lost. Add the weather, the grass on the table of food. Every detail should be given a fair share. And details of these species are the most pwnsome. We already know what people look fair share of hair doos. But they can live, what things to do, this is a new experience.


Quote from: David12 on April 12, 2011, 10:15:57 PM
Now in a room, they, the war behind the toilet in the ground? These details will be lost. Add the weather, the grass on the table of food. Every detail should be given a fair share. And details of these species are the most pwnsome. We already know what people look fair share of hair doos. But they can live, what things to do, this is a new experience.

Yeah, I've been trying to work on writing more vivid details better...if that's what you meant. :P I've gotten better at it since I've started writing this story (if you've only read a little bit of it) and I think this next chapter has the best descriptions in it so far.

Chapter 28: Great Balls of Fire

Ness was struggling to stand up in a large white room. There was destroyed furniture scattered everywhere around it and the Primid that took control of his body sitting across from him.

"Give up, boy." It instructed. "You're wasting what little power you have left trying to block any readings, prolonging the inevitable."

The young boy smiled weakly. "There's one last thing I can do..." He drifted before slowly lifting his right hand towards his hat. A nearby TV monitor showed Ness' body doing the same. "Most psychics need to develop a filter so they aren't bombarded with everyone's thoughts all at once. If they don't, their brain gets overloaded. Guess what my filter was?" He asked before pulling off his red hat.

The Primid's crimson eyes widened as he heard millions of deafening voices fill his head. He clutched his head and shrieked in pain before collapsing to the ground. Ness limped towards the invading creature and waved his head in front of its face. The Primid's eyes remained motionless. Ness breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't think that would work..."


The inside of the coliseum had transformed into the dark depths of Norfair. There were various platforms of glowing granite floating above the emerging fighters and one long patch of rock on their feet. They were surrounded by slowly rising lava, which gave off an intense heat despite it being so far from them.

On the left side of the longest patch of rock was the team comprising of Bowser, Sheik and Olimar. Sheik scanned his surrounding carefully before glaring at his opponents on the other side of the arena. Bowser grinned, showing his razor sharp teeth and kept his arms crossed. He was obviously comfortable in the boiling temperature. Olimar however, was sweating in his spacesuit but the others couldn't see that because his helmet had fogged up.

On the right side was the team of Samus, Viewtiful Joe and Sonic. Joe smirked at Sheik before pointing at him and then to the lava around them. Sonic had his arms crossed and tapped his right foot impatiently, waiting for the match to begin. Samus stood in the middle of her two teammates and held her arm cannon close to her helmet as it began to charge.

A bright light shone on both teams as a golden platform raised below their feet and brought them a few feet above the air.

"Ready?" A voice asked in anticipation.

"Which one do you want?" Bowser asked Sheik casually.

"Joe." The Sheikah replied without any hesitation.

"I'll take the girl. Olimar, you get the hedgehog." The Koopa King ordered.

"W-which one? I can't see anything!" The captain stuttered.

"Really?" Bowser muttered before the announcer began counting down.

"!" The voice yelled as the platforms dropped the two teams.

Before Olimar could move, he felt two scaly arms grab both side of him. Claws were digging into his skin as he let out a surprised yelp.

"What are you doing!?" Sheik shouted angrily at his teammate.

Bowser ignored the protests of both his teammates and threw Olimar directly at Sonic, who was already speeding towards them. Sonic didn't expect the Koopa's disregard for his teammate's well-being and tripped over the flailing captain. The hedgehog flew towards Bowser and was met with a sucker punch to the gut before being sent hurling back to where he started. When Olimar finally reached the ground, he continued to roll, Joe and Samus sidestepped to avoid him before he flew off the edge and disappeared into a coloured light.

"Wow, he really is stupid." Sonic said as he caught his breath and managed to smile. "I'll take care of big, bad and ugly you guys can do what you want." He instructed before dashing towards his opponent.

Viewtiful shrugged his shoulders. "Did he seriously just call him that? If it was me, I would've said-woah!" He shouted in surprise when Sheik emerged from a puff of smoke behind him and caught his large head in a lock. The V-warrior grabbed the Sheikah's clothed arm and used his weight against him to throw him towards the platform above them. "This might be interesting." Joe mused as he jumped after him.

"We're off to a great start." Samus sighed before shooting an ice beam at Bowser.


Mage walked upstairs towards the meat locker trailing behind Roger and Retro. "So you're saying you know where Retro is, but we have to follow you to an abandoned corner of the lounge before you can tell us? And you expect us not to be suspicious of that at all?" The sorcerer wondered.

"Frankly Mage, I'd be a tad worried if you weren't suspicious. But it will all make sense once we get inside." The pirate answered before opening the door to the meat locker.

Roger stepped in first and Retro followed then froze once he got inside. Mage's voice echoed from outside, "Oh, it'll make sense once I'm lying on the floor with a knife in the back and..." Mage stopped once he entered the locker and saw Retro's body sitting lifelessly in the other corner. "Ah crap..." He muttered before hearing the door slam behind them.

and Mage spun around and saw Roger leaning against the door. "Look," he began as he raised his arms in defense. "I can explain all of this."

The sorcerer's eyes narrowed. "You killed him because you were paid to do it." He answered casually.

Roger rolled his eye, "You guys always think the worst of me! That's not exactly what happened..." He started but was interrupted when the trio heard a loud gasping noise coming from behind them.

Mage and Retro spun around to see Retro start to twitch and weakly sit up. "Wha..." He started in a whisper.

"Zombie!" Retro shouted before punching his friend in the face and knocking him out. He ignored the protest of Roger while doing so. When he turned back to his friends, he was met with two sets of glaring eyes. "What?" he wondered.


Bowser wildly charged at Sonic, but the hedgehog was too fast for him. The Koopa slammed in the ground and felt a barrage of missiles exploding on his spiked shell. He struggled to get up and saw Sonic standing behind him with his arms crossed and smirking at the beast. "C'mon, are you even trying?" He chided before quickly avoiding Bowser's next attack. The Koopa was then met with another blast from Samus' arm cannon.

Sheik threw a right hook at Joe, who bended his body to avoid the attack. The frustrated Sheikah tried sweeping at his opponent's legs, but Joe just jumped to avoid it. "I can do this all day, dude." He smiled. The blue garbed man growled before throwing a smoke pellet on the ground and disappearing. "Slow!" Viewtiful Joe shouted out.

The V-warrior looked above him and saw his opponent slowly floating down towards him as the smoke began to dissipate. With lightning speed, Joe jumped beside Sheik and kicked him to the ground. Time began to flow normally again when Joe's feet touched the ground.

All the fighters in the area stopped momentarily when they heard an alarm blaring and felt the ground start to shake. Three dark blue cylinders emerged from the ground; each had flashing doors on them to signal to the players to go inside. The fighters all suddenly heard the sound of liquid rushing towards them and turned to see a giant wave coming for the stage. They all looked at each other for a second or two before rushing to one of the protective cylinder.

One of the cylinders was directly behind Samus, so she pressed a button on the door and slowly backed in without taking her eyes off of Bowser and keeping her arm cannon locked onto him. The Koopa didn't seem to care, as he rushed towards the bounty hunter in a wild rage, her shots not slowing him down. He laughed deeply when the door closed behind him and the two were in the small enclosed space together.

Sonic dashed to the highest platform where the next cylinder was and entered it alone. The door behind him closed and he watched Joe and Sheik continue to fight through one of the glass windows.

Sheik and Joe's eyes darted to the last cylinder below them. Although Sheik's mouth was covered by a white scarf, Joe could tell he was smirking. The V-warrior chuckled before throwing a punch at Sheik, who grabbed his arm with almost inhuman reflexes. The Sheikah threw Joe towards the cylinder's door and leapt after him. The door closed when they both entered. Joe curled his fist and brought his arm back for another punch but stopped suddenly when Sheik raised his hands, "Wait!" He shouted.


Retro lazily sat back up in a daze, "God, I have such a headache..." he muttered as he clutched his head. The teenager looked around the room to see his three friends standing over him. "What happened?" He asked before looking down at his chest. "And why do I have a prop knife sticking out of me?"

Three pairs of eyes were now on Roger who was scratching his head and trying to avoid eye contact. "Well, I had to do something to maintain my cover..." The raptor answered. "You know how I said I stole some information the other day? Those were coordinates for a wormhole that opened up recently that the Galactic Federation was researching. I got a letter from a new client about a week ago offering to pay me quite a bit of money to steal it." He explained.

"Toaster..." Mage groaned.

"Right, so I gave him the coordinates and noticed he was trying to translate this book. It's in hieroglyphics and I figured I could help him translate it for a nominal fee." The pirate continued.

"You can read hieroglyphics?" Retro inquired.

Roger paused and then shrugged. "Yeah, I used to steal from pyramids in my earlier da-look, that's not the point. Long story short, I'm helping Toaster translate the book, Mewtwo found out I'm friends with you guys, Toaster wanted me to kill Retro to prove my loyalty and here we are." He listed hurriedly.

"How did you convince him that I was dead?" Retro wondered as he slowly rose to his feet.

The pirate smiled, proud of himself. "You remember when I came into the interrogation room and you felt something in your neck? That was a drug that simulates death for a few hours. Have you ever read Romeo and Juliet?" He quizzed while looking around the room.

"I...skimmed it." Mage muttered.

"I saw one of the movies." Retro answered before making a gun shape out of one of his hands. "The one with the guns..." He added.

Retro's eyes widened. "Oh my God, what did you do to me when I was out?"

Roger let out an exasperated sigh. "I thought that was required reading for school?" The trio just shrugged. "Okay...well, in the play, Juliet took a similar drug to fake her death. The concept is kind of the same for what I did."

" what? I can't start wandering around now if Toaster thinks I'm dead...and it's cold in here..." Retro whined.

We're going to have to come up with a plan, then. A voice echoed in the room.


Joe cautiously lowered his fist, "What?" He asked, maintaining a safe distance from his opponent.

Sheik quickly scanned his surrounding before inching closer to Joe. "You're not safe here." He whispered.

"Of course I am! It's safer here than it is outside." The V-warrior retorted.

The Sheikah nodded, "No, you're not safe at this tournament. None of us are. Toaster started this tournament to find the heroes he needed to get his powers back. He's already found two of them, and one of us might be next. We're already heavily outnumbered as it is." He explained.

The fighters felt the ground shake more violently as they heard the lava outside splashing against the cylinder. Viewtiful Joe ignored the chaos outside and narrowed his eyes, "And how do you know this?" He wondered.

"I'm working with Toaster undercover. Right now, the only people in this tournament we can trust are your team, myself and Snake. Get the three of them up in the meat locker upstairs in the lounge an hour after this match." Sheik instructed. He looked around when he heard air escaping from the tube as it opened. "I'll let you win, but we have to make it look good."

Joe smirked as he raised his hands. "Okay, let's-ow!" He howled in pain when he was met with a swift punch to the face, knocking him off the platform.

The V-warrior remained on the ground, staring up at the sky in shock. He then saw Bowser's massive body flying in the air hurling towards him. Before he had time to react, he felt an arm grab him and drag him across the field. Joe quickly stood on his feet to see Sonic looking over at him. "You have to be more careful." the hedgehog suggested before speeding back to Bowser before the V-warrior could respond.

Sheik jumped down from the platform above and threw another punch at Joe. This time, he was ready and bended down to avoid it. Joe quickly grabbed his opponents arm and threw him towards the edge of the platform. "Mach Speed!" He shouted before rushing towards the Sheikah.

Before Sheik could counter, he was met with punches and kicks from all angles, as if Joe was more than one person. When the assault stopped, he was sent flying off the platform but managed to grab the edge with his right arm. Joe walked over to his opponent and looked down at him. Sheik gave what Joe thought looked like a smile before looking down and letting go of the edge. The Sheikah disappeared in a coloured light seconds before reaching the lava.

Joe turned to see Sonic and Samus still fighting with Bowser and ran over to his teammates. Bowser's gaze turned to Joe when he felt his presence behind him. He looked around; he was surrounded by all three of his opponents.

Samus had her arm cannon firmly pointed at the Koopa. "Give up Bowser, you're never going to win this." She stated coldly.

Bowser's lips slowly curled into a smile, revealing his razor sharp teeth. He began to let out a deep laugh before retracting his left arm into his shell. "No, you're the ones who should give up." He started as his arm came back out, clutching a glowing Smash Ball. "I might show mercy if you do." He smirked before breaking the ball in his hands.

Electricity started coursing through the broken ball and into the Koopa's body. Bowser cackled as his body grew ten times as large and his scales grew darker. The spikes on his shell and collars grew longer and sharper. His head became thinner and a darker shade of green, with his fiery red hair growing longer. The creature smiled, revealing teeth that were like knives that only added to his demon-like appearance.

The monstrous Koopa looked down at his opponents. "This is going to be fun!" His voice was now composed of a deep, gruff voice and an echoing higher pitched voice.

To Be Continued...



Quote from: Bearissoslow on May 18, 2011, 03:48:16 PM
this is incredibly stupid

It doesn't deserve acknowledgement.

Moving along...