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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Ooc// We're the biggest roleplay here! :O This is so awesome!

Ic// "No no, it's okay, I appreciate you asking." Shaelyn replied, smiling to him. It seemed as though having such a calm, friendly Stantler made all of the bad memories go away. If not that, it made those memories seem not as painful. "It's not the fault of the Stantler's that I was attacked by, it was a group of men from Team Rocket that took control of it. I was taking care of the Stantler's wound while I was in the woods behind my house, and Team Rocket seized the Pokemon, making it attack me and hoping that I wouldn't be able to get up after being attacked. I managed to escape the scene, barely, but that's why I've sort of been afraid of Stantler, but not anymore. Now, I know what I'm really afraid of: Those Rockets, and any other evil team out there."

After saying a mouthful, Shaelyn sighed deeply, leaning her head back against the tree that was supporting her spine. "As for what I plan to do, I plan on battling competitively. Yes, I will most likely be trying a gym, but that means I'll have to work extra-hard. I hear the gym leader of Oreborough City has rock and ground-type Pokemon, something a Stantler wouldn't be very strong against."

After finishing that explanation, Shaelyn's attention directed to a young man that seemed to look very similar to the starter Pokemon practically hiding behind him. She smiled in the young man's direction, feeling Stantler's head raise up from resting on her leg, the two of them now looking to the newcomer.

"Hi there, I'm Shaelyn." she replied. "I like your Zangoose as well. I see I'm not alone in choosing a Pokemon that doesn't evolve."

Ooc// Crud, I just realized, since the era of Ash and the gang is gone, that means Sinnoh's gym leaders are gone too. xP
Uhh... Let's just roleplay random people as gym leaders when we get there. xDDD


((Okay. Hmmm.......Oreburgh's gym leader could be a hiker with a VERY strong build.))

After Shaelyn replied, he noticed his Zangoose becoming alittle bolder, as he stepped forward.

"This is Blast, he seems interested in something...... I know, maybe he wants to battle you. Do you want to?"

Spongebob does not approve


Wow...that is sad.Those horrible Team Rocket!

He noticed the other boy.

"Wow.A battle already!"


Just hearing the word "battle" made Shaelyn grin. It had been a while since she battled with her father's Pokemon back in Johto, but she knew the skills would come back when she needed them. Shaelyn stood up, watching as Stantler obediently stood up and positioned himself beside her.

"Of course we'll battle." she replied, the grin still on her features. "This should be interesting."

As was traditional, she took a few steps back, and Stantler took a few steps forward, evening out the distance between them so Shaelyn was safe from any misguided attacks and Stantler had enough room to move around. She had seen a Stantler in action already, and knew its fighting style, so this battle should be somewhat easy for her. Now, whether or not she would win was a different question.

"I'll let you make the first move when you're ready." Shaelyn teased, putting her hand on her hip and almost casually awaiting the attack.


She seems like she battled before. I'll have to take it cautiously.

"Zangoose! Use swords dance!"

Zangoose started glowing, as he appeared more brave and powerful.

"Your turn!"

Spongebob does not approve


Avion walked over to Rowan's lab, he walked in and saw the professor. "hey Rowan," said Avion with a smile on his face, "I beleive you have a pokemon for me?".  "Oh!" exclaimed Rowan "of course, here, the Cyndaquil you requested" said Rowan as he handed Avion a pokeball.  Avion opened the pokeball, and in a bright flash, the pokemon came out of its ball. "Wow!" exclaimed Avion slightly shielding his eyes. "That was pretty bright.....wait, aren't cyndaquil supposed to be blue?" asked Avion.  "Its a shiny pokemon, they are very rare, you are one lucky trainer" said Rowan with a smirk. "sweet!" said Avion, he then looked over at his cyndaquil and noticed that it had a very vivid red color "I'll nickname him, Crimson." proclaimed Avion. Crimson, upon hearing his new name, seemed very happy. "Good to see your already getting a nice bond with your pokemon, here are a pokedex and some pokeballs." said Rowan handing Avion the items, they exchanged goodbyes and Avion stepped out of the lab.
Ooc// is that part of it in the rp?, the pokeballs and pokedex?

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Ooc// Yeah, but no one else seemed to get them. xDD Let's just pretend that everyone else got theirs too, lol.


"Two can play at that game." Shaelyn remarked, shifting her position slightly as she took her hand away from her hip. "Stantler, use Calm Mind."

Stantler, too, started to glow a rather bright color, placing its hooves out to support itself as the power surged through each vein in its body. After using the attack, Stantler glared over at Zangoose, its Intimidate ability starting to come into effect.


Noticing the newly started battle between Shaelyn and Martin, John went a little closer (not too close, he knew how battles could become rather hazardous) to watch it.
"Pay close attention Zig." He said. "Sometimes watching others battle is as good training as being in the battle."


As Avion walked out, he accidently walked into the crosshairs of the battle that was occuring.

"WOAH!" Exclaimed Avion as he jumped out of the way"Who put that battle there?" he yelled in a slightly comedic tone. "This looks like this will be good" he said as he sat down to watch.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Boogie watched the battle closely.It was very intense.It made him want to battle.

Without thinking he shouted,"Come on Shaelyn!Show him who's boss!"


Hm. I read about stantler's intimidate. Too bad I didn't remember it.

"Blast, use fury cutter!"

Blast ran ahead quickly, his claws glowed with a small green light as he struck.

Spongebob does not approve


Ooc// Is it too late to join?...Or did I skip a thing in the first post that said "It's never too late to join."? XP


"Hmm, this is almost making ME want a battle." said Avion as he looked on.

Ooc//I THINK its still ok to sign up ;)

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Quote from: Metaflare on September 25, 2007, 05:14:20 PM
Ooc// Is it too late to join?...Or did I skip a thing in the first post that said "It's never too late to join."? XP

i imagine you can, the only major thing that happened was a battle, so as long as you dont  drag out your entrance into the rp, you should be fine. if you didnt sign up on the other forums you will need to get approved   first though


Ooc// Yay!

Name: Strafer Metallix

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Rude, sarcastic, kind to pretty girls.


History: A begining trainer. He moved from Ecruteak City in the Johto region so his father would keep his job. He's always been home-schooled, so he's not very sociable. He's going on this journey to show the world what he's made of...No matter the cost.

Starter Pokemon:
Nickname - Hailey
Gender - Female
Moveset - Growl, Confusion. (I'll take out confusion if I have to. I mean, you can't fight with just a stat move!)

Favorite Pokemon Type: Psychic

Other: He is scared of Manectric.