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New Nintendo Console announced?

Started by Mutilator7, April 14, 2011, 06:58:45 PM

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According to Game Informer and IGN. Various sources confirmed the new system, and a pre-announcement possibly this month with a full reveal at this year's E3.

Some of the notable things
-Boasts HD capabilities of 1080p
-Wii backwards compatibility
-"More powerful" than Xbox 360 and PS3

A quote from the article
              "Nintendo is doing this one right," said an anonymous source. "[It's] not a gimmick like the Wii." What else, beyond graphics, this may imply about the system is unknown. What kind of controls the system will support (we imagine a need for both classic analog configurations and motion controllers) or what level of software and infrastructure Nintendo will provide for online gaming is also unknown. However, it's a positive sign that the system might be more than just an HD Wii."

Thoughts on this? Of course the console will beat out 5-6 year old hardware, but if Nintendo does this one right and i'm playing my first party games in full HD, it will be pretty swet.


You never know with Nintendo. I HOPE this is true, but we'll have to see come E3. With the barren release schedule for the Wii, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw the console soon.


AWESOME-TASTIC. By next year, we'll be fully transitioned into Nintendo's 6th gen. Time to start SSB4 hyping. Also, it seems Skyward Sword is going the route of Twilight Princess at this rate... except, you know, they actually SHOWED TP stuff so that people would be hyped for it.

Anyway, I assume that full back-wards compatibility will mean we're still using remotes and such, which I'm fine with since they'll probably also have normal controllers like they did with the VC controller. And kudos to Nintendo on upping the power to modern standards. However, I still have some requests of Nintendo:
1. I want my movies, and not from Netflix. Make this thing a Blu-Ray/DVD player, since you're behind a few gens in that department already.
2. Gamecube was the single best generation ever imo, so this thing should be backwards compatible to Gamecube too. If not, then at least put Gamecube games on a VC.
3. Oh yeah, a VC. Keep it, but do it correctly this time. Let's have NES, SNES, and N64 games again, but this time can you please bother putting out games people WANT? I see tons of crap I've never heard of come out month after month, yet no sign of huge fan-requests like Mother or DK64.
4. I assume this is a given since the thing's gonna be stronger than the PS3, but I'm just going to say it anyway: HARD DRIVE.
5. Please improve online, like, a lot... but keep it free.

Of course, even without all of the above things, I'll get it since Nintendo has always been the best 1st party developer, and the 8th gen power will probably attract more 3rd parties too. Heck, if 3rd parties start treating it like the PS3 and 360, it may end up being the only 8th gen console I buy!


It would make sense to release a new system now, given the Wii isn't exactly powerful, especially by today's standards. Only so much can be done with the comparatively limited hardware and firmware before it's time to upgrade to match the competition and its superior online offerings. It's highly likely that this is true, but like Nayr said, we'll have to wait and see at E3.

There's only one little problem I have with this new system, and only one.

Remember how Twilight Princess was released towards the end of the Gamecube's lifespan, and how it was delayed so a rushed port could be released on the Wii as a launch title? Some sources say this will be released towards the end of 2012, and Skyward Sword SHOULD be released this year if there are no delays.

Nintendo, no.

Don't delay the first Zelda game built for the Wii to make a port of it.


I sense a repeat of Twilight Princess all over again SkyMyl. However, Majora's Mask was released in 2000, a year before the Gamecube, so it's possible. Nintendo probably has some big launch game for the system since they've had MORE than enough time to plan for it.


People... Haven't you learned yet?

You can't spell IGNorance without IGN.


Now this would be a good reason to get rid of an old console.
If this is true, it's about freaking time Nintendo.
Now I can enjoy the good games at 100% with enhanced graphical input without hurting my eyes.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


I don't think these people know anything at all. I could have told you all of that as soon as it was announced that there was a price drop on the Wii coming up.

I heard from several sources that this is all true:
- It will have better graphics than the Wii
- It will have better internet compatibilities than the Wii
- It will be made of plastic
- It will be backwards compatible
- There will be both 1st and 3rd party games at launch
- It will be bundled with controllers and at least one game at launch
- It will be more expensive than the Wii

The thing that I liked the most was the original rumors, that said the new system might be less powerful than the PS360, or more powerful than the 360. You know, as opposed to being identical to a PS360, which most people probably thought it would be.


I'm eager to know the price Nintendo has planned for all of this.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


All I'm saying is, they better have Gamecube backwards compatability. Because if there is not...


Quote from: FruitFlow on April 14, 2011, 10:19:59 PM
I'm eager to know the price Nintendo has planned for all of this.

I'd imagine $350, give or take a 50.


Quote from: Neerb on April 15, 2011, 08:18:32 AM
I'd imagine $350, give or take a 50.
I guess that's okay then.
Maybe there might be a discount for trading in a Wii.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Quote from: FruitFlow on April 15, 2011, 11:29:36 AM
I guess that's okay then.
Maybe there might be a discount for trading in a Wii.

That's store only stuff, not manufacturer as far as I know. I'd take $350 dollars. If it's supposed to be as powerful or slightly more powerful than current stuff, and the PS3 is $300, then $350 should be reasonable.


Quote from: Nayrman on April 15, 2011, 12:11:55 PM
That's store only stuff, not manufacturer as far as I know. I'd take $350 dollars. If it's supposed to be as powerful or slightly more powerful than current stuff, and the PS3 is $300, then $350 should be reasonable.
LOL. I actually meant it for GS since they're normally the ones that throw out offers for new products.
$350 actually isn't a bad price, but that's only if everything stated about it is true.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Did anyone see the info coming from the people who leaked the NGP?

-Custom IBM PowerPC CPU with three cores
-GPU from the ATI R700 family with a shader unit at version 4.1
-At least 512Mb of RAM
-Backwards compatibility with both the Wii (including all peripherals) and GameCube games
-Controller with six-inch touch screen, front-facing camera, D-Pad, two bumpers, two triggers and "possibly more"
-Controller can allegedly be used as a Wii sensor bar.
-Another "big surprise" about the console is set to be revealed at E3