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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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John exited the lab, and Rowan left with him, back into the crowd of new trainers. From them, one more person walked up to Rowan. When you looked at the new trainer, there were three things you would notice about him. first, he was tall, easily the tallest in the crowd. Second, he was older than most other people there. Third, his eyes. they looked as if they could pierce straight into your soul. a few people a bit afraid of the guy, but he just sighed, and turned to Rowan.

"Hello Rowan. My name is Chris Hero... I'm here for the same reason as all these kids."


Quote from: masterherocard on September 24, 2007, 04:58:16 PM
John exited the lab, and Rowan left with him, back into the crowd of new trainers. From them, one more person walked up to Rowan. When you looked at the new trainer, there were three things you would notice about him. first, he was tall, easily the tallest in the crowd. Second, he was older than most other people there. Third, his eyes. they looked as if they could pierce straight into your soul. a few people a bit afraid of the guy, but he just sighed, and turned to Rowan.

"Hello Rowan. My name is Chris Hero... I'm here for the same reason as all these kids."

ooc// hold on... i was already out of the lab..


"Whew!Alec,you are a good Pokémon!"Boogie panted.


They walked over to a tree to sit down.Boogie noticed Shaelyn sitting under a tree.He walked up to her and reached out his hand:

"Hi,I'm Boogie.Mind if we join you?"



Name: Avion Finch

Age: 16

Gender: male

Personality: comedic, but serious when the need be, also a very kind person, but ruthless in battle

History: Avion is an experianced trainer, however he decided to "pull an ash" and started anew, he used to travel around with his friends, Terra Berma, and Myu Ayshfrex (dont ask about his last name :P), after a while they decided to go seperate ways.

Breed Of Pokemon - Quilava
Nickname - Crimson
Gender - Male
Moveset - Leer, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Swift, Quick Attack

Breed of Pokemon - Pellipper
Nickname - Sapphire
Gender - Female
Moveset - Water Pulse, Wing attack, supersonic, Mist, Quick Attack, Ice Beam, Fly

Breed of Pokemon - Electrike
Nickname - Topaz
Gender - Male
Moveset - Thunderbolt, Bite, Flamethrower(seriously, check Serebii), thunder wave, Quick Attack, Roar

Breed of Pokemon - Honchkrow
Nicnkame - Soprano
Gender - Male
Moveset - Thunder Wave, Drill Peck, confuse ray, Shadow Ball, Roost, Nasty plot, Dark Pulse, Psychic

Favorite Pokemon Type: Prefers flying types, but likes to also use a variety of other types

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Quote from: missignomaster on September 24, 2007, 05:24:51 PM
Quote from: masterherocard on September 24, 2007, 04:58:16 PM
John exited the lab, and Rowan left with him, back into the crowd of new trainers. From them, one more person walked up to Rowan. When you looked at the new trainer, there were three things you would notice about him. first, he was tall, easily the tallest in the crowd. Second, he was older than most other people there. Third, his eyes. they looked as if they could pierce straight into your soul. a few people a bit afraid of the guy, but he just sighed, and turned to Rowan.

"Hello Rowan. My name is Chris Hero... I'm here for the same reason as all these kids."

ooc// hold on... i was already out of the lab..
aright, doesn't really matter either way...

and can someone else control rowan, or do i have to?


Quote from: masterherocard on September 25, 2007, 03:16:08 AM
Quote from: missignomaster on September 24, 2007, 05:24:51 PM
Quote from: masterherocard on September 24, 2007, 04:58:16 PM
John exited the lab, and Rowan left with him, back into the crowd of new trainers. From them, one more person walked up to Rowan. When you looked at the new trainer, there were three things you would notice about him. first, he was tall, easily the tallest in the crowd. Second, he was older than most other people there. Third, his eyes. they looked as if they could pierce straight into your soul. a few people a bit afraid of the guy, but he just sighed, and turned to Rowan.

"Hello Rowan. My name is Chris Hero... I'm here for the same reason as all these kids."

ooc// hold on... i was already out of the lab..
aright, doesn't really matter either way...

and can someone else control rowan, or do i have to?
it seems that everyone controls rowan when they get their starter pokemon, so no, you dont have to.


Ooc// Whoever posted their profile that was on the previous roleplay, you don't need to be re-accepted, just go ahead and post. :3

For those that have just recently joined, whoever you may be, you are accepted, and you may roleplay. ^_^ (Yes, Avion, it's okay. But one shiny per team.)

MM, yes, usually italics represent thoughts. And, you really only have to make another paragraph/skip lines when someone speaks/a new person speaks.

Ic// Shaelyn looked up to her potential new acquaintance, smiling a bit as she reached out the hand without her Stantler's pokeball in it and shook the boy's hand. He seemed like an odd fellow, but he was a real go-getter, just like her, so maybe the two had a lot in common, and thus could have a lot to talk about.

"Boogie, huh?" She giggled slightly, looking from Boogie to Elekid, then back to the boy. "I'm Shaelyn."

After shaking the boy's hand, the took her hand away, placing it on the ground beside her. "You can join me, if you want." She replied to the boy's question, looking over to the hand of hers that held her Stantler's pokeball. It seemed as though Shaelyn was almost nervous to open it.


Ooc// Okay then, thank you.

Icc// "Can I go while you wait for Chris?" Dan asked eager to get away from the crowd.

The Professor sighed at his impaitence but mearly said, "if you insist. What would you like?"

Dan spent a few moments to ponder, "Yes, I do want a Starly. If you don't have one, I'll find another."

"We have a few, they're common around here." Rowan stated, "Are you sure you want a Starly? We could get you another bird that's rarer..."

Rarer, it occured to Dan, trainers always go for rarity. "No sir, I want a Starly."

Rowan then claimed "That's a fine choice, let's see what we have..." as the professor starts digging for Starly pokeballs...  However when he started digging a pokeball fell onto the floor and opened...

"Starly!" the cry was heard as the pokemon came into view after the flash of light. Seeing this bird that would be his for the first time made him break his slump and break out a smile "Can I have this one?"

Rowan then stared at the bird "That one is a rough one, doesn't listen to anyone, including myself... are you sure?"

The bird then stared to look restless and got ready to fly away, however, Dan had remembered he had some food when he met a bird pokemon. "I've got something for you, Starly" and Dan threw out his hand with a fistful of pokemon food.

At first the bird turned away, but then it caught a whiff of it, and decided to take a bite... cautiously it moved over, and took a nibble on the snack. After it got a bite, it jumped on Dan's shoulder and started to eat the whole handful with a happy smile.

Surprised that that Starly calmed down, Professor Rowan declared "Maybe that starly is for you, do you have a nickname for it?"

Dan then took a look into the bird's eyes and said "Your a tough one aren't you? I think you'll be named Ace" and Dan waltzed out of the door and by a tree, to learn more on his pokemon.
"Fire of battle, reveal my heart, Psycho Burgundy!"


I'll join this RP!

Name: Martin.

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Personality: Shy around alot of people. Rarely speaks in conversation.

Appearance: (just without the tail) credit goes to Fear herself :)

Starter pokemon:

Breed of pokemon: Zangoose
Nickname: Blast
Gender: Male
Moveset: Scratch, swords dance, Fury cutter, quick attack, pursuit.

Favorite pokemon type: Dark, and normal.

Character theme song: "One" by Creed.

Captured pokemon:

Rosellia(Evolved from budew)
Attacks: Absorb, growth, mega drain, leech seed, magical leaf, grasswhistle.
Gender: Female.
Nickname: none.

Attacks: Low kick, Karate chop, focus energy.
Gender: Male.
Nickname: None.

Attacks: Fury attack, Wing attack, quick attack, roost.
Gender: Male
Nickname: Fleet wing.

Spongebob does not approve


Martin stood outside the lab waiting in line to begin. He was attracting alot of attention, what with his outfit and all. He just ignored the people. When it was finally his turn, he walked inside. He was greeted by a stern looking man. "Welcome boy, I am professor Rowan. I have your starter right here." He pulled out a pokeball from his coat pocket.

Martin took the pokeball, and opened it. Out came a zangoose. "I suppose you decided to dress for the occasion?" Rowan said looking at Martin's outfit. "I dressed like this cause' zangoose is my favorite pokemon."
Said Martin. The zangoose walked up to Martin and looked him in the eyes. Martin stared back.

"......I'll name him, Blast." Said Martin. Rowan was intrigued. "Why that particular name?

"Well, my dad was a gym leader a long time ago in Petalburgh city. But one day he just dissapeared. He was nicknamed Blast. He liked strong attacks that took people by surprise, and his Zangoose was unstoppable. I'm naming this Zangoose after my father."

Without further ado, Blast and Martin walked outside.

Spongebob does not approve


Ooc// Aww, you're using the sprite I made for you? That's so sweet. x3

-waits for Joeofmars to reply-


Ooc//XD As I was typing this you put that ^^

"Thanks."Boogie said as he sat down next to Shaelyn."This is mugsly"He pulled out a cat from under his coat and let him run around.

"And this,"He pointed to Alec,"Is Alec the Elekid."


Boogie noticed Shaelyn looking sternly at her Pokeball.

"Arn'tcha gonna open it?What Pokemon did you get?"


"A Stantler..." Shaelyn replied, looking from the pokeball to Boogie. She smiled a bit, just seeing the boy's enthusiasm. "I see everyone else excited to let out their starter Pokemon, but it's been a long time since I've seen one of these, and I've had some pretty bad experiences with Stantler." she explained.

Nevertheless, just looking at Boogie and noticing his slight concern, Shaelyn built up enough courage to toss the ball out, seeing her starter Pokemon form in a flash of white energy. The proud Big Horn Pokemon stood with its head high, atleast, when he was released, but then relaxed his pose, turning around to face Shaelyn.

"Hey, Stantler." Shaelyn said, her voice a bit shaky. She reached her hand towards the deer-like Pokemon and, surprisingly, the Stantler lowered his head and allowed Shaelyn to pet him. She smiled, rubbing behind his ears with a newfound courage and situational happiness. The buck took a few steps back, resting on his stomache next to his master and resting his head on her extended leg.

"Wow... he seems real calm." she said in a tone that definately showed how surprised she was. "The last one I saw was pretty bold."


"W-What happend?"Boogie said shakely."No.I'm sorry.I shouldn't have said that."

He tried to change the subject.

"Where do you plan on going next?A gym?


((XD I used it because it owns my drawing XD))

As Martin walked outside, he couldn't help but notice the stantler. He was intrigued, and thought about going over. But he was shy around people and didn't know how to greet people, since he didn't go to a proper school. But, he summed up his courage, and walked over. "hi......I'm Martin......I....Like your stantler."

Blast was hiding behind Martin's leg. Hmmmm......This zangoose seems like me a little bit. He thought.

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