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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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ic// suddenly mikes poketech started to glow it produced a hollowgram

"what the......"

he saw shaelyn hold someother guys hand and what he wasnt sure

" um..ok how do i turn this thing off"

mike fiddled with the thing but couldnt get it to turn off

"dang it i knew the preisdent said they were special but i didnt even think it was "this" special"


Ooc// Marluxia, if your post is all IC -- which is awesome -- you don't have to label it IC.
However, if your post is only OOC, you do.
Just remember that. ;)

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Quote from: FearItself on October 04, 2007, 02:59:02 PM
Ooc// Marluxia, if your post is all IC -- which is awesome -- you don't have to label it IC.
However, if your post is only OOC, you do.
Just remember that. ;)
ooc// oh ok thanks you care if i do label? ill try not to but i may once in awhile out of habit lol :D also you wanna do my dbz board with me its fun 2 rps at once.


Ooc// No, it doesn't matter if you label, I'm just saying that you don't have to if your post is only-IC, that's all.
I don't know much about DBZ, so I wouldn't be of much use in your roleplay, sorry.

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Quote from: FearItself on October 04, 2007, 03:02:16 PM
Ooc// No, it doesn't matter if you label, I'm just saying that you don't have to if your post is only-IC, that's all.
I don't know much about DBZ, so I wouldn't be of much use in your roleplay, sorry.
ooc/ lol hmk i suppose you now more about sailor moon yes lol :D oh back in elementry school 8)......

i gtg see you tommarow


Ooc// Actually, I'm not a fan of Sailor Moon either, sorry to disappoint you, lol.
Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then.

In the meantime, I'll be waiting for Felldoh and Joeofmars to post.


Avion made his way through the gym, and finally got to the gym leader.

"Gardenia I presume?" said Avion
"ugh...yes, I am the gym leader of Eterna City, Gardenia......I guess you're here to fight me?" asked Gardenia
Ooc// The hell kinda name is Gardenia?
"Yes, I'm here to get my second badge!" said Avion proudly
"Ok, I have three pokemon, defeat them and the badge is yours." said Gardenia.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


ooc// @ Marluxia: Yes infact....I do.  :(  @Shaelyn: Yeah....I understand......It's just really weird....O_.

Ic// Martin was really starting to feel embarrassed. But as he walked toward Oreburgh. He stopped at the sight that greeted him.

Spongebob does not approve


Ooc// You can call me Fear. :P

IC// Once Martin stopped after walking away from her, which she didn't particularly plan, Shaelyn started to become more assertive. When he stopped, she stood in front of him, their bodies probably less than an inch away from each other. She looked into his eyes, her face nearly inches away. Though, she still had her goal in mind to make him blush because of this.

"Martin, you don't need to be nervous..." Shaelyn said with a returning grin, moving in a slight bit closer. She kissed the bridge of his nose, pulling away as if nothing had happened. Really, that little peck meant nothing to her. "After all, we're just friends." she added, her grin slightly growing before she let go of his hand and turned around to see the sight of Oreburgh, the first thing to catch her attention being the pile of rubble that was Oreburgh Gym.


Quote from: Joeofmars on October 04, 2007, 03:56:19 AM
Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on October 04, 2007, 03:26:42 AM
Quote from: FearItself on October 04, 2007, 02:56:48 AM
Ooc// Lol @ Phoenix. xD I already know about that.

I know, Joeofmars, that's why this roleplay is so much fun. :P

OOC/// I know that I was just saying that because of what JOEOFMARS said, anyway now that ESPER is gone, you taking me? :)

Where has Luigi been??? WHen you come back Luigi post a few things I can reply too! dating.I'ma stay out of that...

OOC/// NO, it isn't online dating, it is called a crush ;) *wonders if she has crush on me :P*


Quote from: FearItself on October 04, 2007, 02:07:11 PM
Ooc// I still talk to Esper, Phoenix. :P
No Joeofmars, it's not online dating, it's just joking around. xD Well on my part, it is.

OOC/// *finds esper* *hides him in some radom location in the universe* Are you sure you still talk to him?


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 04, 2007, 04:57:37 AM
OOC/Sorry. I've been busy lately. Ic/Lux heard about the Team attacks and wondered when he and Pheonix would be attacked.

OOC/// That is alright

IC/// "Do you need medicine?" I had repeated to him.



OoC//I have been wondering this for awhile...but forgot to ask.But who is Terra?Is she Avion's second character?(That is Avion controling her,right?)

Can we have a second character?I remember in this other RP that I was in,I had two characters(Boogie and a girl named Shantae)and I would love to bring her over to this RP.

IC//Boogie watched as Shaelyn and Martin 'flirted'.He wondered why Martin was so nervous.

Would I be that nervous if a girl flited with me?

Boogie wonderd if he should start looking for a partner romantically while on his journy.


He started thinking about what his perfect girl would look like.

Hmm...maybe curly brown hair.Loves Pokemon.Pretty.

His mind wandered as he waited for Shaelyn to stop.