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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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John considered helping out Martin, but he thought better of it. He would wait until things got out of control to step in, if he did.


IC/// Buizel kept on hitting the Absol with repeated hits, then he started to come down bitting Absol.

Wierd...I didn't know Buize could learn bite, but he can learn Crunch and Ice Fang though.

"Buizel is that Crunch?" I aksed Buizel curiously.

"Bui!" He said apparently shaking his head so I guess that meant yes.

"In that case use an Aqua Jet then Crunch, dive straight down on him!"

"Bui!" As water appeared around him. He went up then the area around his face turned black indicating he was using Crunch. Buizel was diving straight down in a perfect line.

Venus: "Absol aerial ace!" As the Absol heard the command he dissapeared.


Zaroff was well past the grunts and was runnignto Orebourgh City. Once he got there, he heard another battle. Are you sereous. You got to be kidding me! His currisoity got the best of him and he saw Venus and another guy fighting. What!?! Another Venus? This can't be right!


Venus: "You didn't think Absol would be done so soon would you? Now give it a taste of your Shadow Claw!"

Absol's front right paw started to turn a dark color, with a shadow around it, it dissapeared then hit Buizel nocking him right into the wall.

"No Buizel!" I shouted out.

Buizel then picked himself determined to win. Absol looked tired from the repeated hits though. When I realized Buizel hit right into Absol's "headpiece." I knew it wasn't really a weak spot but maybe it was worth a try.

"Bui!" He said ferociously as if he knew what I was feeling. His front part of his mouth then turned a dark color, and but down straight on a bag of flour on the side of the alley.

Alright that wasn't what I was thinking I thought to myself, but alright a little distraction though.

I couldn't see anything, but I knew Venus couldn't either so it was now up to our pokemon. I felt a sprits of water so it seemed like Buizel was using Aqua Jet again, and I saw a tad bit of shadowy stuff comming from his mouth, so Buizel was apparently trying to use the combo we used before.

~ A few seconds later ~

Venus: "Absol no!" She yelled at the pokemon.

"Ughhh" I mumbled being angry at the way Venus treated her pokemon.


Could that really be Venus? He siad running over there to see for himself.


"Nice job Buizel!" I said with excitement but how did Absol go done so quickly, but last time Buizel was filled with cuts and scars. I guess he wasn't strong then, I guess our training has improved, but then I heard a faint collapse.

"NO BUIZEL!" I yelled as he fainted, he might have not shown external wounds but maybe he used up to much strength.

~ A few seconds later ~

I then retuend Buizel, then realizing I had no other pokemon, I lost the battle by default. ALl the hard work for nothing...


Ic// Uh oh. It doesn't look like he has any pokemon. And I don't want Team Galactic to do anything to him. "Go Riolu!" He tossed a pokeball and out came Riolu. "If you want to get to him, Venus, you'll have to get through me!" I can't belive I'm doing this for a complete stranger.

Ooc//Sorry if this is part of your little plot here, just let me know and I'll edit my post.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 03:31:21 PM
Ic// Uh oh. It doesn't look like he has any pokemon. And I don't want Team Galactic to do anything to him. "Go Riolu!" He tossed a pokeball and out came Riolu. "If you want to get to him, Venus, you'll have to get through me!" I can't belive I'm doing this for a complete stranger.

Ooc//Sorry if this is part of your little plot here, just let me know and I'll edit my post.

OOC/// It clashED (it did) with it a bit, but I just figured out a way to work it in.

IC/// "Huh?" I said befuddled as I turned around seeing a random trainer. Next thing I knew I saw a Riolu, and then Buneary jumped in from the side.

Venus: "Two pokemon to protect you, eh? No matter what I will still beat you! My Leafeon vs. your Buneary and Riolu!"

Me: "Actually the Riolu isn't mine, it is his." I said pointing towards the trainer.


Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on October 10, 2007, 03:36:33 PM
Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 03:31:21 PM
Ic// Uh oh. It doesn't look like he has any pokemon. And I don't want Team Galactic to do anything to him. "Go Riolu!" He tossed a pokeball and out came Riolu. "If you want to get to him, Venus, you'll have to get through me!" I can't belive I'm doing this for a complete stranger.

Ooc//Sorry if this is part of your little plot here, just let me know and I'll edit my post.

OOC/// It clashED (it did) with it a bit, but I just figured out a way to work it in.

IC/// "Huh?" I said befuddled as I turned around seeing a random trainer. Next thing I knew I saw a Riolu, and then Buneary jumped in from the side.

Venus: "Two pokemon to protect you, eh? No matter what I will still beat you! My Leafeon vs. your Buneary and Riolu!"

Me: "Actually the Riolu isn't mine, it is his." I said pointing towards the trainer.
ooc// Sorry, I just needed some action instead of sitting aside. ^.^;

Ic// "The name's Zaroff." He said. "...Is that you're buneary?"


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 03:39:16 PM
Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on October 10, 2007, 03:36:33 PM
Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 03:31:21 PM
Ic// Uh oh. It doesn't look like he has any pokemon. And I don't want Team Galactic to do anything to him. "Go Riolu!" He tossed a pokeball and out came Riolu. "If you want to get to him, Venus, you'll have to get through me!" I can't belive I'm doing this for a complete stranger.

Ooc//Sorry if this is part of your little plot here, just let me know and I'll edit my post.

OOC/// It clashED (it did) with it a bit, but I just figured out a way to work it in.

IC/// "Huh?" I said befuddled as I turned around seeing a random trainer. Next thing I knew I saw a Riolu, and then Buneary jumped in from the side.

Venus: "Two pokemon to protect you, eh? No matter what I will still beat you! My Leafeon vs. your Buneary and Riolu!"

Me: "Actually the Riolu isn't mine, it is his." I said pointing towards the trainer.
ooc// Sorry, I just needed some action instead of sitting aside. ^.^;

Ic// "The name's Zaroff." He said. "...Is that you're buneary?"

OOC/// And that is how I met Luigi :D

IC/// "Cool name, the name is Phoenix. Also no it isn't I met this Buneary near Eterna forrest and I guess it followed Lux over here."

Venus: "Can you stop chatting over there, my hair is turning greyer."

Me: "It already is" I mummbled.

Venus: "What did you say twerp?"

Me: "Lets get to our battle!" I said.

Venus: "Fine, go Leafeon!"

All of a sudden a Leafeon came out, as the Lefeon came out, I checked up on the Pokemon we had just battled's data, and Riolu's.


Grunt:Glameow, use Shadow Claw!                     Its paws had a dark aura as they came down. Noctowl dodged as Lux turned to face the Newcomer. "use Hypnosis!"said Lux and with a flash, Glameow was sleeping. "No! GO Gastrodon! Use Body Slam!" yelled the grunt. Gastrodon hit Noctowl and knocked it out. "No Noctowl!" cried Lux. It was up to Meowth now.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 10, 2007, 03:44:31 PM
Grunt:Glameow, use Shadow Claw!                     Its paws had a dark aura as they came down. Noctowl dodged as Lux turned to face the Newcomer. "use Hypnosis!"said Lux and with a flash, Glameow was sleeping. "No! GO Gastrodon! Use Body Slam!" yelled the grunt. Gastrodon hit Noctowl and knocked it out. "No Noctowl!" cried Lux. It was up to Meowth now.

"Lux that is Zaroff (sp?), he just came when I didn't have any pokemon left and now it is his Riolu and Buneary vs. Venus' Leafeon." I told him with an informative voice.


"Quick attack!" Said Zaroff hoping to get a first hit in.
"Rio!" Riolu dashed up to Leafeon and threw a punch.


"Umm... Hi, I guess. Oh, Meowth, use Ice Beam." The beam froze Gastrodon, but it quickly broke free and used Mud Bomb.


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on October 10, 2007, 03:47:46 PM
"Quick attack!" Said Zaroff hoping to get a first hit in.
"Rio!" Riolu dashed up to Leafeon and threw a punch.

Both Venus, and Leafeon were both caught off guard as the attack landed a direct hit.

Venus: "Ughhhh" she mumbled as Leafeon was thrown abck about a foot

Me: "Buneary show me what you got!" I yelled because I didn't know any of Buneary's attacks.