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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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"Welcome to my gym," said Roark. "I suppose you are here for a battle. Well then lets go. Go Geodude!"

He threw a Pokeball and out came Geodude.

"Noctowl, go!"
"Noctowl.? Why? Well no matter... Geodude use Rock Throw!" Geodude began linging rocks at Noctowl.
"Noctowl, use hidden Power to destroy the rocks!" Noctowl complied
"Geodude use Rock Blast!" called Roark.
The attack hit Noctowl and caused it to faint.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 05, 2007, 06:41:06 PM
"Welcome to my gym," said Roark. "I suppose you are here for a battle. Well then lets go. Go Geodude!"

He threw a Pokeball and out came Geodude.

"Noctowl, go!"
"Noctowl.? Why? Well no matter... Geodude use Rock Throw!" Geodude began linging rocks at Noctowl.
"Noctowl, use hidden Power to destroy the rocks!" Noctowl complied
"Geodude use Rock Blast!" called Roark.
The attack hit Noctowl and caused it to faint.

"It's o.k. Lux, keeping on hanging in there, you can do it!"


"Go, Meowth!" cried Lux.
"Use Iron Tail!"
Meowth scored a direct hit on Geodude, stunning it.
"Now use Ice Beam." The attack flew straight at Geodude and froze it solid.
"No Geodude." said Roark. Now it was two against two.
"Go Onix!"

Onix was big. He hoped Meowth could handle it.

"Meowth jump onto it's head and use Iron Tail!" Meowth did so, but it did not seem to do much damage.

"You won't win like that." said Roark. "Onix use Iron Tail."
Onix's tail came swinging, knocking Meowth back.
"Meowth, try Ice Beam!" The beam came and crashed into Onix. It only froze it around the ground however and it quickly broke out.
"Use Stealth Rock!"cried Roark.
Lights flew into the ground around Meowth. Now he could not switch out, or so it seemed.

"Meowth return. Now Go Luxio!" Luxio came out while Meowth retreated.
The Stealth Rocks came up to attack.
"Luxio use Thunderbolt to destroy the rocks!"
The rocks were destroyed, but Onix was still coming.
"Use Wrap!" said Roark. Luxio was trapped.
"Luxio, escape with Ice Fang!" Luxio's frosty bite came to Onix's tail, annoying it.
"Now throw it!" Luxio Spun, Onix still in his grip. Onix was thrown into the air and onto the ground. Onix fainted.


"Hmm, you're doing better than I thought with those Pokemon. Oh well, this battle won't last much longer. Go, Probopass!"

OOC//I know normally, Roark would have Cranidos, but I wanted a little variety.

IC//"Probopass use Rock tomb!" cried Roark.
The rocks buried Luxio. "Luxio use Discharge to escape!"
The rocks were destroyed, but Luxio looked tired and weakened.
"Now use Thunder."
Probopass was hit, but it didn't do much damage


Boogie sat under a tree with Shantae.

"You're really powerful."Boogie said,looking over at her."I can't believe you have a Porygon!"

"Thank you."She said politely."You're great too."

There was an awkward silence.Out of nowhere,Boogie's stomach growled.They bothed laughed.

"Do you want to get something to eat?"Boogie asked


Boogie got up quickly so he could help her up.She didn't need the help,but he wanted to be polite.They walked into the the main part of Oreburgh.An amubelence passed them,but Boogie paid no mind.He was more interested in finding out where they were going to eat.They passed a couple of resturants but they didn't interest them.

"What're you hungry for?"Boogie asked.

"Hm...How about burgers?"

"Sounds good."Boogie said,thinking she didn't look much like a burger type.


Ooc// Ugh... I wish I could reply, but Shaelyn is unconscious at the moment. xDD

Should I make another female character, or just stay with Shay? Shaelyn's my trademark character... Which reminds me, I'd better add Onix to her Pokemon list.


"Probopass use Sandtomb, then Hyperbeam!:
Sand whirled around Luxio and trapped him. Probopass charged up a powerful energy beam and fired. Luxio was hit and fainted. It was up to Meowth.

"Meowth use IceBeam!" The beam headed to Probopass. Roark retaliated with a Hyper Beam. The beams met and exploded, speading smoke everywhere. Meowth fired Shadow Balls into the fog, not knowing what would happen. Hyper Beams came back. Finally, the smoke cleared. Meowth and Probopass had both been hit. They were both standing, but both seemed hurt and weakened.

"Meowth, use Shadow Ball at the floor between you and Probopass."
Meowth complied and the floor shattered, sending pieces of rock falling.
"Now use Shadow Ball to destroy the rocks that head toward you. More rocks were destroyed. Roark did not seem to know what was going on. Rocks headed for Probopass. Roark realized what was happening and commanded Probopass to use Rock Smash. But Probopass could not smash all the rocks and was hit. But neither could Meowth. Soon both were battered.

Probopass fell first. Lux felt relief flood through him. Then Meowth fainted as well. He remembered that they would need to get to a Pokemon Center soon. He returned Meowth to its Pokeball. It was Pheonix's turn. He almost forgot to get his badge until Roark came up to him.

"Here,"he said. "Take this Coal Badge." OOC/that's what it's called, right?

Lux took the badge triumphantly.

"YES! I got my first badge!" said Lux. "Your turn, Pheonix."


Quote from: FearItself on October 05, 2007, 07:26:11 PM
Ooc// Ugh... I wish I could reply, but Shaelyn is unconscious at the moment. xDD

Should I make another female character, or just stay with Shay? Shaelyn's my trademark character... Which reminds me, I'd better add Onix to her Pokemon list.

OoC//XD You could post about the trip over there.

And also:Yeah,you should make a new character(If you want)Other characters are nice to have as oppsites to your trademark charcters(Boogie being mine,Shantae being my second.)I always use 'Alex'Boogie*RANDOM LAST NAME*.So...yeah,I encourage you to make a new character.


Boogie and Shantae sat down at the table with their meals.For Boogie a double cheeseburger,fries and a lemon lime soda.For Shantae almost the same but with a coke.After scarfing down the meal,they sat and chated.

"I grew up in an orphanage,so any food is like a great meal to me."Shantae started,"I love trying new foods from different places."

"I..."He tried to think of something to say,he hated discussing his past."I lived with my parents,only child,left the house at sixteen to become a Pokemon Trainer."

They talked for awhile,untill they finally got up and went back to the Pokemon Center for their rooms.They said their goodbyes and said they would meet up tommorow for some more trainning.When Boogie tried to open the door he realized Shaelyn never gave him a key.

He went out to look for her.


Finally, Shaelyn's sense of sight and hearing returned to her. She let out a pained groan, trying to sit up, but stopping mid-way, feeling the surge of pain run through her. It almost made her pass out again, but she was used to it. Men in the ambulance nearly rushed over and pinned her down against the stretcher again. Putting force on her shoulders caused her even more pain. She tossed and tried to get away, but she didn't have the energy to do it, and it wasn't doing her any good if she wasn't even fully conscious yet.

Martin came to save me... Shaelyn thought as she finally settled down. I... I'll have to thank him later...


OoC//Holy crap I just realized there are a bunch of wierd effects!That is wierd!Also,Fear,are you gonna make a new character?
IC//After searching for awhile and not being able to find her,Boogie sat down in the lobby of the Pokemon Center.


Ooc// I'm going to the zoo this morning, so, That's why I won't be on.

Ic// Once the ambualnce got to the hospital, Martin waited outside the doctor's office. The doctor said that she's fully concious, but she'll have to stay there for awhile. Martin asked if he could see her, and the doctor said "Only for 20 minutes, she needs rest." "Thank you sir." Martin said as he entered the room.

Spongebob does not approve


Ooc// I might, but I don't really feel the need to make a new character right now.

IC// She could feel various bandages being wrapped across her body. One main bandage was encircling her chest and abdomen, making it harder for her to sit up if she tried to. Other bandages were wrapped around her shoulders and some on her neck, and a brace was put on her ankle. Shealyn didn't think that she was injured any place other than her ribs, but maybe that was just because her ribs were the primary source of pain that practically drowned out the rest.

She started to hear the doctors talking about pins and intense surgery and all that, which started to make her nervous. Shaelyn knew very well that the fact some of her ribs were broken wasn't the only thing she had to worry about. She could puncture a lung, or her kidneys could have been damaged by the blow from the Onix's tail. Noticing that it would be best to let the doctors in the ambulance do their job, Shaelyn lay still, slight fear in her eyes. I've never had an operation before... she thought to herself, her jaw slightly quivering at the thought of men poking into her body with needles, or her stomach being cut open. Ouch.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 05, 2007, 07:32:32 PM
"Probopass use Sandtomb, then Hyperbeam!:
Sand whirled around Luxio and trapped him. Probopass charged up a powerful energy beam and fired. Luxio was hit and fainted. It was up to Meowth.

"Meowth use IceBeam!" The beam headed to Probopass. Roark retaliated with a Hyper Beam. The beams met and exploded, speading smoke everywhere. Meowth fired Shadow Balls into the fog, not knowing what would happen. Hyper Beams came back. Finally, the smoke cleared. Meowth and Probopass had both been hit. They were both standing, but both seemed hurt and weakened.

"Meowth, use Shadow Ball at the floor between you and Probopass."
Meowth complied and the floor shattered, sending pieces of rock falling.
"Now use Shadow Ball to destroy the rocks that head toward you. More rocks were destroyed. Roark did not seem to know what was going on. Rocks headed for Probopass. Roark realized what was happening and commanded Probopass to use Rock Smash. But Probopass could not smash all the rocks and was hit. But neither could Meowth. Soon both were battered.

Probopass fell first. Lux felt relief flood through him. Then Meowth fainted as well. He remembered that they would need to get to a Pokemon Center soon. He returned Meowth to its Pokeball. It was Pheonix's turn. He almost forgot to get his badge until Roark came up to him.

"Here,"he said. "Take this Coal Badge." OOC/that's what it's called, right?

Lux took the badge triumphantly.

"YES! I got my first badge!" said Lux. "Your turn, Pheonix."

IC/// "COngrats on getting your first badge!" I told him with relief and joy. "Now it is my turn though."

"John, I challenge you to a battle (John = gym leaders name)!"

"I am sorry but my pokemon are so tired, it would be best if you came back in the morning."

"Alright." I had said but I was thinking This will give me some time to evaluate his strategies, and make up ny own to counter his.

OOC///  Probopass, shouldn't it be Nosepass??? Anyway if you were going to change it up I would have suggested Noespass, Geodude/Onyx and how about Bonsly? Also Fear can I change the Pokemon he is using to Nosepass, Onyx, and Bonsly?


Quote from: FearItself on October 05, 2007, 07:26:11 PM
Ooc// Ugh... I wish I could reply, but Shaelyn is unconscious at the moment. xDD

Should I make another female character, or just stay with Shay? Shaelyn's my trademark character... Which reminds me, I'd better add Onix to her Pokemon list.

OOC/// You shouldn't make 2 characters because it would be to much work then what you already have to do.


Ooc// Yeah, I know, but Shaelyn is boring. xP

And Phoenix, because this John guy is the first gym leader, yes, it would make more sense for him to have a Nosepass and whatnot instead of a Probopass.