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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Ooc// Can someone check the links at the bottom of the second post to see if I got it right? I think I linked the posts correctly..


Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 29, 2007, 04:10:54 PM
Quote from: PHOENIXBLAST on September 29, 2007, 04:09:44 PM
Quote from: MARLUXIA on September 29, 2007, 04:07:58 PM
" so you guys gunna come with me to eternia maybe ill show you a few tips on how to battle"

he grins at shaelyn

"or you can do whatever sounds best to you"

occ// WOAH how u guys in vally wind works your WAY ahead of us.......( i got a map i know)

OOC/// I don't know ask John, I just meet him while he was battle, I think it was a "shortcut" :P Anyway we moved back to camp right outside of Jubilife
ooc//so then your really close to us come meet us

OOC// I came back with Phoenix somehow.

Transient Link

ic// "i suppose i could camp here for the night anyone interested in a battle? how about you avion care to take on scyther after what u saw?"

he grins


" Well, I still have to go to Oreburgh to meet up with my friend, I promised her on the way here." said Avion

"I guess I'll end up departing from the group faster then originally thought" said Avion in a slightly sad voice.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)


Quote from: FearItself on September 29, 2007, 04:11:09 PM
Ooc// Can someone check the links at the bottom of the second post to see if I got it right? I think I linked the posts correctly..

OOC// They seem to function correctly

Transient Link

Quote from: Avion-Finch on September 29, 2007, 04:12:40 PM
" Well, I still have to go to Oreburgh to meet up with my friend, I promised her on the way here." said Avion

"I guess I'll end up departing from the group faster then originally thought" said Avion in a slightly sad voice.

mike sighs

"well i suppose we could take the bike path it will only take..... a long time but i guess hate to leave a friend behind"


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 29, 2007, 04:10:48 PM
Lux saw his friend coming back with food. The smell of the berries drifted into Luxio's nose and he woke up, eager for food.

Starts handing berries out to everyone

"After this we all need rest, but I will set up a campfire a little whiles away to fool someone if they felt like tracking us down. Anyway for right now lets set up a little mini fire just to keep everyone warm, when we wake up we will head towards the pokecenter, and make up plans."

Starts heading over towards my shelter thinking I just started my journey, and I already ran into problems, I wonder how the rest of it will go


"Okay, you're the boss."
OOC//why's it called an inside job, fear?


"Actually that gives me an idea, I'll go to Oreburgh you guys go on, I'll meet with my friend, and we'll take the bike path to Eterna, and I guess we'll meet you guys there." said Avion.

Brawl FC 1504-5840-0611 name Avion, mains below(as of now)

Transient Link

Quote from: Avion-Finch on September 29, 2007, 04:17:36 PM
"Actually that gives me an idea, I'll go to Oreburgh you guys go on, I'll meet with my friend, and we'll take the bike path to Eterna, and I guess we'll meet you guys there." said Avion.
"whateve we will see u in eterna with your girlfriend then?"

he grins a avion


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 29, 2007, 04:16:07 PM
"Okay, you're the boss."
OOC//why's it called an inside job, fear?

"Whoops, my bad."

Cheeks turn red :-[

"Sorry sometimes I seem to start trying to take on the leadership role without even knowing. I just like to get things done, but I joined you guys so you guys can lead, but I do have a few plans already."


"So you two want to go on ahead?" Shaelyn asked with a slight bit of curiosity. "If you two want to go on to Oreburough, be my guest, I'll just find enough of the group as I can and stay where they're staying." she added, giving a slight shrug. "I'd go with you Avion, but I still have a little bit of exploration to do here in Jubilife." Shaelyn finished, looking over her shoulder for a brief moment into the dense woods that surrounded they area they were in. I'm going to try and see if I can get my hands on a Poketch tomorrow. I know the people at the company building give them away, I hope they don't go too fast.


"Eh, you can lead. My leadership skills suck."


Ooc// It's called "An Inside Job" because of the description of the roleplay. The influence of the evil teams has grown, and they've secretly banded together, aiming to take over the young minds of new trainers to make them join any of the four teams of their possession. :O


Quote from: FearItself on September 29, 2007, 04:21:11 PM
Ooc// It's called "An Inside Job" because of the description of the roleplay. The influence of the evil teams has grown, and they've secretly banded together, aiming to take over the young minds of new trainers to make them join any of the four teams of their possession. :O
OOC//Okay, so why have no young minds been corrupted yet as far as we know?