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Goomba Crossing [A Town RP]

Started by Bocko91, November 17, 2007, 08:39:09 PM

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Hearing the bell, Bocko jogged to Uncle Goomba's appliance hut, ran around the counter, and looked at 20fan with a smile. "Can I help you find something, sir?"

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


"yeah, a Refridgerator would be cool"


Bocko nodded and looked around. "I'll be right back." He disappeared into a back room and then came back a few moments later. "Alright. You're in luck. We have 5 in stock. You can choose between the colors of White, Black, Green, and Silver. What'll it be?" :)

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91



Bocko nodded and wrote something on a sheet of paper. "Every appliance comes with a warranty. Just sign here and inital here." He said, gesturing at the paper with a black pen. "I'll go get your fridge." Bocko vanished into the back room once more and returned with the fridge on a large cart. "Sorry about the inconvieniece. We're kind of short on extra hands. Need any help getting this back to your house?"

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


"No, I'll carry it" 20fan said he then put 200 coins on table picked up the fridge and left.


Bocko looked at 20fan carrying the fridge out. "Wow. He's a strong one." Chuckling to himself, he scoops the coins up and drops them into the Coin Register and stores a copy of the warranty paper in a filing cabinet in the corner. "Looks like nobody else is coming in right now." Bocko says quietly under his breath. He walks outside and closes the door behind him.

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


20fan installed the fridge in his house and went back outside.


Bocko closes up the shops in the shopping center and starts off around town to look for people as they wake up. Along the way he finds 1 Coin laying on the ground. Shrugging, he places it in his pocket, to be added to the Town Funds later.

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


20fan walks towards the general store to see that it's closed.


Strolling past the town center to go to the shores, Bocko sees 20fan looking at the closed sign on the door of the General Store. He shouts to him, "Do you want to buy something?"

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91



Bocko walks over to the store, turns his key in the lock and opens the door. Plucking the closed sign from the window, he motions for 20fan to come in. Bocko smiles as he walks over to the counter and stands happily behind the register.

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91


"One beanbag chair and a pound of lunchmeat" he siad putting 25 coins on the table.


Nodding, Bocko walks to the deli. He weighs out a pound of meat and places it on the counter for 20fan to take. On his way back to the register, he stops by the beanbag chairs. "What color would you like? Red, Blue, Black, Green, Yellow, Pink, or Purple?" :)

Happy Holidays!!!
Courtesy of Bocko91