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Amazing things in gaming.

Started by Silverhawk79, October 21, 2010, 10:36:40 AM

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Remember the first time you could actually see your feet in a video game?
Or the cool particle/water effects on Samus' visor in the Metroid Prime games?
This thread is for things that blew your mind when you first saw them, regardless of when it happened.


Oblivion blew my mind.

The sheer amount of things in that game... it was remarkable! 100's of characters, that WEREN'T respawnable bandits or whatever. Only problem was that everything seemed to have similar voice actors... which was severely bothering at some points.

I never thought it was possible to fit so much poop into a video game.


I completely agree with everything you said about Oblivion. Even the voice actor part. The graphics were great back when it came out and they stand the test of time. I was also amazed by the awesomeness of the caves and dungeons.

Another good one was actually Left 4 Dead. I was really impressed by the horde of 50 zombies on screen all at once. It was probably the largest amount of characters I'd ever seen on screen at once in any game that wasn't an RTS. Of course, killing them was just that much more satisfying.

I think I was also fairly amazed by just about everything in The World Ends With You. The main things were probably the soundtrack and gameplay. The soundtrack is made up almost entirely of "real" songs with vocals and everything. They're good songs too, some of them being excellent. It was just a very pleasant surprise to hear all of these great songs sound just as great coming from a DS. The gameplay is very unique too. Controlling two completely different characters at once on different screens was both a challenge and a delight.

I'm sure there are more, but this post would be too long and that's all I can think of right now anyway.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


I've got one.
The first time you shot a guy in Goldeneye AND A BLOODSPOT APPEARED?

The Riddler

No one can top this:

When you first leave Kokiri Forest in OoT. The first time you experienced a full three dimensional overworld, that of Hyrule.

Now, to depress you: You will never have that original feeling again.


Quote from: It's ROBBIE! on November 04, 2010, 12:09:44 PM
No one can top this:

When you first leave Kokiri Forest in OoT. The first time you experienced a full three dimensional overworld, that of Hyrule.

Now, to depress you: You will never have that original feeling again.
I won't. ;_;


Watching Final Fantasy X for the first time. The first cut scene blew my mind. I remember restarting the game over and over just to see that scene. I had never seen something that looked so good.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Magnum on November 04, 2010, 06:30:39 PM
Watching Final Fantasy X for the first time. The first cut scene blew my mind. I remember restarting the game over and over just to see that scene. I had never seen something that looked so good.
I've always loved pre-rendered scenes like that, even though usually the in-game graphics end up being a let-down.