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My Paper On Video Game Controversy

Started by BOSSNIG, May 09, 2008, 06:41:13 PM

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I wrote this months ago, but never shared with you guys D:, it looks a bit weird because it was originally a newspaper article format.

   Video Game Controversy is a very dsicussed and fought over topic
these days. "Video game censorship" is defined as use of state or group
power to control the playing, distribution, purchase, or sale of video games
or computer games based on an evaluation of the game's content. Video
game censorship is a polarizing subject, with both proponents and
opponents of censorship displaying passion for their views. 
   One large opponent of Video Games is Jack Thompson. His basic
argument is that violent video games have repeatedly been used by
teenagers as ?murder simulators? to rehearse violent plans. He has pointed
to alleged connections between such games and a number of school
massacres. According to Thompson, ?In every school shooting, we find that
kids who pull the trigger are video gamers.?Also, he claims that scientific
studies show teenagers process the game environment different from adults,
leading to increased violence and copycat behavior. Most gamers know
?Jacky T.? as a ?less than smart? person who has had his lawyers license
removed once already. 
   Indeed, video-games do not have an extreme or even largely
noticeable, effect on a regular child?s behaviour or personality. Now, of  ourse, If you give a 5 year old a 
Grand Theft Auto game they are 
bound to have some negative effects on personality and behaviour.
However, if you are a parent who cares half a bit for your child you are
going to look at the from cover of the game and see that it has a rating. In
the case of Grand Thef Auto it will be M for Mature (Ages 17+). Now, if a
child has emotional or intellectual issues Video Games can have effects on
them no matter the age. As a child?s concience and other effecting factors
grow, it can be safe to give them a game such as Grand Theft Auto and it
have little to no effect on personality. As a fellow gamer Spencer says,
?Personally, I don't think video games completely affect children's behavior,
but also the parents' do, too. Like, say a parent rents for their elementary
school child Grand Theft Auto. Now, will the child be directly traumatized
or permanently affected by the game? I don't think so. I think that parents
should at least take some incentive in protecting their child. Instead of just
ignoring their child if the kid asks them if they could rent a violent game
like Manhunt or Grand Theft Auto, they should take a look at the game and
say something like, ?Not today, Billy, this game's not for you. How about
this other one?? What   I'm trying to say is that I think video games affect children, but not to a
possibly helpful or harmful degree like peers or parents do.? 
   Of course still there are the rare instances of people who are
influenced by Video Games to the extreme in instances such as these: On
June 7, 2003, 18-year-old American Devin Moore shot and killed three
police officers after grabbing one of the officers' weapons following an
arrest for the possession of a stolen vehicle. At trial, the defense claimed
that Moore had been inspired by the video game Grand Theft Auto III.  On
June 25, 2003, two American step brothers, Joshua and William Buckner,
aged 14 and 16, respectively, used a rifle to fire at vehicles on Interstate 40
in Tennessee, killing a 45-year-old man and a wounding a 19-year-old
woman. The two shooters claimed to have been inspired by Grand Theft
Auto III. In August 2005, the four-month-old daughter of a South Korean
couple died after being left unattended for five hours while her parents
played World of Warcraft at an Internet cafe. August 2005, a 28-year-old
South Korean man died after playing Starcraft for 50 hours straight.
In December 2007, a Russian man was beaten to death over an argument in
the MMORPG Lineage II. The man was killed when his guild and a rival
guild challenged each other to a live brawl. 
   In those cases pure addicition, mental problems, or the desire to re-
create unreal scenes in real life most likely was the reason for the actions of those people.    
   So if you have learned anything from this article it should be:

1. Video games can cause bad effects on people in cases such as uncaring
parents or mental problems.

2. Once a proper concience is devoloped it can be safe to let your child play
violent Video Games that may cause larger negative effects on younger
children or those with problems.

3. Video Games do not have extreme or regularly noticeable effects to a
regular childs personality or behaviour, though slight changes may come up.

4. Some people suffer from addiction, which is a disease, which can cause
death of thier unattended children or themselves.

   In short, Video Games can cause bad effects on some people, but the
regular person with caring parents should have no serious effects to them.

Article By: Lane Terry

The person I quoted is Riosan by the way.

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The Seventh

Quote from: Darklink on May 09, 2008, 06:41:13 PM
I wrote this months ago, but never shared with you guys D:, it looks a bit weird because it was originally a newspaper article format.

   Video Game Controversy is a very dsicussed and fought over topic
these days. "Video game censorship" is defined as use of state or group
power to control the playing, distribution, purchase, or sale of video games
or computer games based on an evaluation of the game's content. Video
game censorship is a polarizing subject, with both proponents and
opponents of censorship displaying passion for their views. 
   One large opponent of Video Games is Jack Thompson. His basic
argument is that violent video games have repeatedly been used by
teenagers as ?murder simulators? to rehearse violent plans. He has pointed
to alleged connections between such games and a number of school
massacres. According to Thompson, ?In every school shooting, we find that
kids who pull the trigger are video gamers.?Also, he claims that scientific
studies show teenagers process the game environment different from adults,
leading to increased violence and copycat behavior. Most gamers know
?Jacky T.? as a ?less than smart? person who has had his lawyers license
removed once already. 
   Indeed, video-games do not have an extreme or even largely
noticeable, effect on a regular child?s behaviour or personality. Now, of  ourse, If you give a 5 year old a 
Grand Theft Auto game they are 
bound to have some negative effects on personality and behaviour.
However, if you are a parent who cares half a bit for your child you are
going to look at the from cover of the game and see that it has a rating. In
the case of Grand Thef Auto it will be M for Mature (Ages 17+). Now, if a
child has emotional or intellectual issues Video Games can have effects on
them no matter the age. As a child?s concience and other effecting factors
grow, it can be safe to give them a game such as Grand Theft Auto and it
have little to no effect on personality. As a fellow gamer Spencer says,
?Personally, I don't think video games completely affect children's behavior,
but also the parents' do, too. Like, say a parent rents for their elementary
school child Grand Theft Auto. Now, will the child be directly traumatized
or permanently affected by the game? I don't think so. I think that parents
should at least take some incentive in protecting their child. Instead of just
ignoring their child if the kid asks them if they could rent a violent game
like Manhunt or Grand Theft Auto, they should take a look at the game and
say something like, ?Not today, Billy, this game's not for you. How about
this other one?? What   I'm trying to say is that I think video games affect children, but not to a
possibly helpful or harmful degree like peers or parents do.? 
   Of course still there are the rare instances of people who are
influenced by Video Games to the extreme in instances such as these: On
June 7, 2003, 18-year-old American Devin Moore shot and killed three
police officers after grabbing one of the officers' weapons following an
arrest for the possession of a stolen vehicle. At trial, the defense claimed
that Moore had been inspired by the video game Grand Theft Auto III.  On
June 25, 2003, two American step brothers, Joshua and William Buckner,
aged 14 and 16, respectively, used a rifle to fire at vehicles on Interstate 40
in Tennessee, killing a 45-year-old man and a wounding a 19-year-old
woman. The two shooters claimed to have been inspired by Grand Theft
Auto III. In August 2005, the four-month-old daughter of a South Korean
couple died after being left unattended for five hours while her parents
played World of Warcraft at an Internet cafe. August 2005, a 28-year-old
South Korean man died after playing Starcraft for 50 hours straight.
In December 2007, a Russian man was beaten to death over an argument in
the MMORPG Lineage II. The man was killed when his guild and a rival
guild challenged each other to a live brawl. 
   In those cases pure addicition, mental problems, or the desire to re-
create unreal scenes in real life most likely was the reason for the actions of those people.    
   So if you have learned anything from this article it should be:

1. Video games can cause bad effects on people in cases such as uncaring
parents or mental problems.

2. Once a proper concience is devoloped it can be safe to let your child play
violent Video Games that may cause larger negative effects on younger
children or those with problems.

3. Video Games do not have extreme or regularly noticeable effects to a
regular childs personality or behaviour, though slight changes may come up.

4. Some people suffer from addiction, which is a disease, which can cause
death of thier unattended children or themselves.

   In short, Video Games can cause bad effects on some people, but the
regular person with caring parents should have no serious effects to them.

Article By: Lane Terry

The person I quoted is Riosan by the way.

I agree.

Although, this has to be a coincidence...  You quoted Riosan, who's real name seems to be Spencer, and I have nearly the same viewpoint, and MY first name is Spencer.  Wierd.

But, like I said, I completely agree.  I hate it when people talk about controversey over such games.  I don't know how Jack Thompson can call them "Murder Simulators" when they can't teach you the EXACT movements required.  And it's true that in every case where video games were the inspairation it was when there was mental problems and addiction in the mix.


Quote from: red7js on May 10, 2008, 10:00:04 AM
I agree.

Although, this has to be a coincidence...  You quoted Riosan, who's real name seems to be Spencer, and I have nearly the same viewpoint, and MY first name is Spencer.  Wierd.

But, like I said, I completely agree.  I hate it when people talk about controversey over such games.  I don't know how Jack Thompson can call them "Murder Simulators" when they can't teach you the EXACT movements required.  And it's true that in every case where video games were the inspairation it was when there was mental problems and addiction in the mix.


Pulling the right trigger =/= shooting a gun.
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