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Tha Thunderhero Interview Show!! Series 6!! *The Last Series*

Started by thunderhero4, January 27, 2008, 01:33:14 PM

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Ok, its time to vote for a series finale! I make a poll with my ideas because you would just fludd me with random ideas, so vote please! ;D oh, and this one should be special, its the last series!

All 3 Talking Versions of the Next Gen Consoles
2 (20%)
Tousce (henchmen)
1 (10%)
All of the people here I recognize (cant do this one alone! ;))
3 (30%)
Adam Sandler
1 (10%)
Professor Kawashima (brain age) (be sure to give that prefrontal cortex an excercise! XP)
1 (10%)
Sakurai Returns!
1 (10%)
Reggie Fils-Aime
0 (0%)
an interview pleaing a goodbye and a thanks for reading!
1 (10%)
I will post one (I still wanna hear some ideas! :P)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10


ok, I am terribly soory, I have been very busy and wasnt able to post interviews so far today or yesturday, but ill start on Yoda now!

and new poll! ;D


I've found a very interesting thing, want to see it? :D





Quote from: wiiboychris on February 02, 2008, 09:31:14 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on February 02, 2008, 09:28:18 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on February 02, 2008, 09:10:37 PM
I've found a very interesting thing, want to see it? :D
Not until you comment about this. ;)
If you dare put a movie on this thread! I swear to god chris! >:(


*Warning: Rated PG-13 for Sexual Themes, Use of Drugs, spoilers and Language... (I should be in the ESRB >_>)*

Hello and welcome to Tha Thunderhero Interview Show! Today our guest is Yoda! The Jedi master!

Yoda: Hello...

Thunder: Hi!

Yoda: Here I am, Rock you like a hurricane!

Thunder: >.> what?

Yoda: Sorry, just practicing for a Video Game...

Thunder: Rock Band?

Yoda: The band of, here you have summoned me why?

Thunder: Uhm...for an interview!

Yoda: Ah yes....but before we start, cigarette I may offer you?

Thunder: Um, no I dont smoke...

Yoda: Smoke you must, or sissy ninny you are!


Yoda: Fine, yourself you shall suit!

Thunder: *sigh* first question, were you supposed to be in SSBB?

Yoda: Yes...a deal Sakurai made with me...


Sakurai: Whoa whoa whoa! Why is there a green migit puppet at our front door?

Yoda: I have come for the stone!

Sakurai: Sorry, Harry Potter came by and got it already...

Yoda: Damn! >:( Ok then, I have come to be made into your video game!

Sakurai: Orly? What exactly can you do?

*Yoda chops Sakurai's head off with his light saber*

Employees: *gasp*

Sakurai: Wow, I like it!

Yoda: Tricky you are...clones you have made...but i have fought clones before, i shall kill them all!

Sakurai: Ill make you a deal! Get me a light saber and ill add you to SSBB!

*Yoda gives him his light saber*

Sakurai: Someboda make him a newcomer!

Employee: But we already have a beam sword, it would feel awkward with him in...

Sakurai: Ok then, throw him out!

Yoda: WHAT!? Dead you will be you son of ninny!

*Yoda uses force push on Sakurai*

Sakurai: Im wearing metal pants, sucker! >:D


(end of flashback)

Thunder: Wow...thats a first...

Yoda: *smokes* Over it is now...oh and have my met my girlfreind?

*Yoda goes and gets his girlfreind*

Brittany Spears: Hai Thunder!

Thunder: GOD NO!!

Yoda: Would you like to take here out for a spin?

Thunder: I would nevr try that with her!!

Yoda: Do or do not! THERE IS NO TRY!! >:(

Thunder: No! Next question! What do you think of the beam sword?

Yoda: Its blue now...

Thunder: Yes, it is...

Yoda: I think its stupid...

Thunder: Ok...

Zora: Your fired!!

Thunder: Why am I fired?

Zora: Because I said so! *chugs milk*

Thunder: Ok then, last question, will you be playing SSBB?

Yoda: Duh! R.O.B. Looks too cool! Who wouldnt?

Thunder: I guess your right... :P

HYRULE: You...

Yoda: You...

Thunder: You... *eats creme filled dohnut*

HYRULE: I have searched the universe and finally found you!

Yoda: Ends here this will! *gets sniped*

HYRULE: Too late...

Allegretto: Finally! Do you realize how long I have waited to clean this place!?

*Puts Yoda in the closet...*

Thunder: I was wondering why that closet smelled like crap...

CJS: Smells like total poop...I dont think I should sponsor you anymore...

Thunder: NO CUSSING!! >:( and dont leave! We dont want to be sponsoed by Wal-Mart!!

CJS: Fine...but end the show now then!

F3: Why havent i been mentioned? And this show has been brought to you by small green Jedi...theyre in all the good cereals!


Quote from: thunderhero4 on February 02, 2008, 09:41:40 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on February 02, 2008, 09:37:11 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on February 02, 2008, 09:32:04 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on February 02, 2008, 09:31:14 PM
Quote from: thunderhero4 on February 02, 2008, 09:28:18 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on February 02, 2008, 09:10:37 PM
I've found a very interesting thing, want to see it? :D
Not until you comment about this. ;)
If you dare put a movie on this thread! I swear to god chris! >:(
......Wrong. I didn't make this BTW.

"F*** this, man! I'm getting out of here!"


Yoshi grabbed Sonic by the tail and cried, "Hold on just one moment, mister! We're supposed to be working together in this fight! Don't just leave me!" Glancing over at Ike and Meta-Knight, who seemed to both be covered in a dark villianous aura, Sonic shuddered and replied, "Sorry, man, but I'm not about to lose my head over-"

Yoshi silenced him with a kiss. Sure, it was a pretty stupid thing to do, but the poor lizard's mind was so bomboozled at the moment he couldn't think of anything else. Now that Sonic was completely intoxicated by the sudden loss of the virginity of his lips, Yoshi took the chance to toss the blue hedgehog right into the fray of battle.

'Mario was right! Kisses always make things better!' will never know what kind of things you can find in a fanfiction site....
Delete that post! I do not want this to get locked! >:(
*Comes from trying* I CAN'T! IT WON'T COME UP!


Okay. 2 things.

1. @Chris: Ew... Yet so entertaining.

2. @Carpet: Great job, awesome interview.


There, is gone, now we don't have to read that for some time.


Yeah, then Yoda went to the Soul Calibur creator and got in Soul Calibur 4.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


1.i dont cuss but that is so funny. 2.i never thought yoda would be like that but still funny.


