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The Z Word

Started by Dog Food, May 22, 2012, 04:00:38 PM

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Dog Food

I think I made a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure with the same name as this before. But this is something completely different, so... Anyway, this place is dead-ish, so I'm throwing out a light-hearted, fast-paced CYOA if anyone wants to play. I'll update every 24 hours, if not more often, and if no one makes choices in the timespan allotted I'll use a random number generator to keep things going.

Chapter One
"Waking Up To A Darker Tomorrow"

You blink. Everything fades into focus... The edges of your sight are still blurry. There's nothing in the scenery that makes sense, anyway. It's just muddled debris. Your ears are pounding. Dried crusts of blood surrounding nearly every inch of your skin make it hard to move. You stand up on weak feet and end up on the ground, vomiting. Finally you crawl toward a large pile of crap and use it to help yourself up. You scan your surroundings.

You're in a room that suffered a very bad explosion. You can't tell what it was supposed to be, only that everything recognizable has crumbled and left you in a mess. But, it seems the ceiling has remained intact (although you have no idea how) and the bomb (or whatever it was) was contained in this one room. There is a door in each direction (North, South, East and West), each covered by a steel plate. And then you realize the walls and ceiling are covered by this same lockdown steel plate. That's what kept the explosion contained and left nothing but the objects in this room in ruin.

Your clothes have burned off and besides quite a few cuts that bled and left you the crusty red mess you've become, you seem fine. Dirty and bloody, but alive. You can't remember anything prior to waking up and you can't find anything to ID yourself. All you know is that you're a guy in perhaps your late teens.

And you should probably get out of here.

Where do you go?
- North
- South
- East
- West
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Dude .

Dog Food

You look to your right. That door appears to be the closest to your general area, so you stumble on over to it. The steel frame has been damaged, allowing you to lift it up and barge through the door with only minimal effort. You enter what is apparently a locker room. And the stench of molding socks mingled with sweaty towels quickly enters your nostrils. You gag and cover your nose and mouth from the powerful fumes, but your eyes still sting. It becomes quickly apparent that you won't be able to stay in here long. But you've still got questions to answer.

You glance around. There are some open lockers you can search in for hopeful information. Maybe one of them is yours and has all of your things in it? You notice a bag someone must have left behind in one corner of the room. Perhaps it is filled with valuable items? And on the other side of the room is the entrance to the showers. Well, you do need to take a bath... You only have time to investigate one thing before you pass out from the disgustingness of this place. What do you want to do?

- Search the lockers
- Grab the bag
- Enter the showers
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Enter the showers.

[spoiler] I'm calling a crossed out message before the actual part.[/spoiler]

Dog Food

You sprint through the locker room and enter the showers. Where, you realize, the smell only grows more rancid. You can barely see, your eyes are searing with pain. If you linger another second, you'll most likely pass out and die. But the source of the horrible stench must be coming from this area... With blurred eyes you see the outlines of some things that don't match up with what should be in a shower room. There's a fuzzy white sack on the ground in a puddle of old shower water... and tucked in a corner of the room appears to be some sort of large brown oval. You might have time to investigate one of the blurry shapes and figure out the cause of the smell. But if you guess wrong there could be dire consequences. What risks are you willing to take?

- Check out the white sack
- Check out the brown oval
- Leave the showers/locker room
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


>Check out the oval
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Dog Food

You make a split second decision to check out the oval-like shape. You hurry over, hands covering most of your face to protect from the smell, to get a closer look. As you get closer and your stinging eyes adjust, you realize the brown shape is actually a decaying body. And it's clear that this is what was causing the disgusting smell. Without time to register anything else, you turn on the showers to wash the bones clean. The brown rags that the skeleton was wearing (which could very well be bits of skin - it's hard to tell what's what) washes away and soon you are just left with the bones. The stench is gone and you let out a relieved sigh. You clean yourself while you're in there, too. Wash off all the blood and dirt from the explosion earlier.

You notice that the white sack was a bag of recently cleaned socks. Perhaps this person had cleaned their belongings and was in the middle of a shower when... what? What happened that caused such rapid decay? You look at the bones. Upon closer inspection, they appear broken. Crushed by some sort of hard, blunt object. All over, as if he was trampled on. You feel uneasy. This is starting to look like some sort of serious murder. The search for answers is becoming more crucial. Who are you, where are you, and what the intercourse  are you doing here?

Back in the locker room you grab the bag someone had left behind and rummage through it. Inside is a semi-automatic pistol with a full magazine already loaded and some clothes. You eagerly put the clothes on. Soon you're suited up in a black turtleneck, tight but flexible black pants, with a brown belt that can hold various items. Anxious after what you discovered in the showers, you attach your newly found gun to the belt. You check the lockers, too. They're all empty except for one, which has a wallet inside. It isn't yours. You can tell from the ID inside that it belongs to a "Melanie Swan". The picture shows a smiling girl. Cute, bubbly, innocent. Probably dead now, you think grimly. Could be the body I just found. You do note that the ID seems to be some sort of office ID for the company "ICE-US", and you wonder if that's the building you're currently in. In that case, you could either be an employee of ICE-US, or a customer coming in for whatever reason. You have no idea. There isn't anything else in the wallet, but you still pocket it. Just in case.

You leave the locker room, confident that you're done here. But there are still three other doors to explore, and questions to be answered.

You got...
A gun!
An ID!

Chapter Two
"The Swan Song"

You're back in the explosion room. There are still three doors to explore. Which one do you want to take?

- North
- South
- West
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Fuck yeah oval. Let's try West next.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Dog Food

You decide to try the opposite side of the building - the West door. It opens just as easily as the last one. What you enter is a room with a large, rectangular table that could fit fifty people (you counted the chairs) and an overhead projector. It's some sort of meeting room, you decide. There isn't much to do so you go straight to the projector. It's connected to a laptop that sits on the table, booted up and already opened to a folder marked "ICE-US Confidential". You scan the various files within the folder. They are marked as 'Current_Project', 'Possible_Threats', and 'Latest_Drug'. You note that the laptop battery power is at about 5%. You probably have time to check out one of the files within the folder. But which one do you choose?

- Current_Project
- Possible_Threats
- Latest_Drug
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Dude .

Dog Food

You decide to check out the 'Latest_Drug' file. Maybe it will shed some light on what the company did and why the place seems to be deserted and in ruins. You click on it and and a document pops up. It's very tech savvy, with a lot of chemical words you don't understand and graphs that make no sense. But you see the picture of a pill that is clearly the new drug. It's yellow on top and white on bottom and looks rather large. Five inches long and three inches thick, according to the diagram. You're just starting to ponder how one would even consume this drug when you scroll down to another picture that almost makes you vomit. It shows a diagram of a human anus and the correct way to insert the pill up the poop hole. A note at the bottom even adds that the pill should take one to three days to dissolve and while it is up there the subject can not use any of the functions of its poop hole. It's a dangerous pill, you decide. And painful, in more ways than one.

You continue to scroll down, hoping to find out why anyone would even dream of trying out this pill. And then you see an image that intrigues you. The first picture is of a scrawny, pale test subject before they were inserted with the pill. The second picture is the aftereffects of the pill. It's the same guy, only it isn't the same guy. You lean in closer for a better look, trying to find discrepancies to prove the picture was photoshopped... There's no way...

But it looked clean. The second picture showed the same guy, only he was ripped and tall, with a deathly gaze. Whatever ICE-US was, it had found a way to take an ordinary person and turn them into some sort of super soldier, in the time of one to three days (if they survived the insertion of the pill and the painful dissolving process - which, notes indicated, there was at least one death in the initial tests).

Just as you're pondering how this is even possible and what ICE-US would do with this information, the computer shuts down. You look at yourself, pat yourself down... But you aren't buff. In fact, you're a lot more like the scrawny kid in the 'before' photo. So, is that why you're here? Were you supposed to become the 'after' image? But the people of ICE-US never got the chance... because... something happened. The question is, what?

You walk back out into the explosion room. This time you're more cautious. There's a dead body, an organization making super soldiers, and a building that seems completely devoid of life. Something happened and you want to know why you're alive, here, and can't remember a darn thing. There are still two more doors left... Maybe one of them holds the answer you need?

You hear a ticking noise before you can choose a door. You look around, searching, trying to find the sound... And then you see it. Inside a vending machine that has fallen onto its side from the explosion but otherwise remains intact. A bomb. It shows that there are thirty seconds left on its clock. It hasn't been there forever - someone just put it there. But who? And why? This room has already been compromised... does that mean there's still something in here that someone doesn't want getting out? You look around quickly, but all you can see is debris. You know you'll be safe from the bomb if you enter the North or South door, but there might be enough time to search the explosion room for possible secrets. Are you willing to risk your life for a maybe?

- Enter North room
- Enter South room
- Attempt to disable the bomb
- Quick room sweep (20 seconds)
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Dog Food

You decide that your best chance is to get rid of the bomb. You run toward the vending machine. It's stuck about halfway up. How the hell did it get in there? You try reaching for it, but your hand gets stuck. As you struggle to pull your hand back out, you watch as the clock ticks down to fifteen seconds. You check your pocket for some money, including that wallet that you found, but there's nothing. You start banging on the machine - which does nothing - until you remember that you have a gun. You take your gun out and move a couple paces back. Aim... and... you fire at the vending machine!

And the bullet goes straight through and hits the bomb, causing an explosion that knocks you off your feet. Debris flies everywhere, you can't hear a thing... and then your body pierces a pole and you stop moving. Skewered and bloody on an American flag. Your eyes are open, but they are empty and unseeing.

You died.

You can try again by starting at the previous post.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Dude .

Dog Food

Quote from: JrDude 益 on June 13, 2012, 11:59:10 PM
Sweep Room
You run frantically through the room, searching for some clue, any clue... And that's when you find it. A tear of fabric from the same black suit you're wearing. But it isn't from yours... Which means, it must be from another member of this ICE-US. What you're wearing is their design, after all. Along with it, you notice a single strand of blond hair. Someone was here... someone put this bomb here... Someone from the very company their bombing.

You definitely don't have time to disable the bomb now. You pocket the evidence and look between the North and South door. You're directly between them. What do you choose?

- North door
- South door
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.