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The NSFCD Chatté

Started by Super, March 11, 2014, 04:28:16 AM

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I'm pretty sure it's been over 9 years.


I thought the year mark was more towards the end of September, but yeah 9 years. 9 more years, 9 more years, here's to 9 more years.


That's a pretty big chunk of our lives. Shit's crazy.


Quote from: Link1487 on September 23, 2007, 10:51:01 PM
For a few minutes, everyone had modding powers? Like I locked a thread for a second just to see if it worked XD but then I unlocked it :P

I didn't want them to notice, so I wasn't gonna abuse...actually it woulda been funny in the future to have the powers, and when no mods are on a spammer shows up. Then, BAM, thread is deleted :P
That's weird.
Dude .


Just renewed the domain for another year. LET'S GO FOR TEN


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on September 22, 2016, 04:00:57 AM
Just renewed the domain for another year. LET'S GO FOR TEN

Oh god. 10 years.


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on September 22, 2016, 04:00:57 AM
Just renewed the domain for another year. LET'S GO FOR TEN

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I mean, I'm happy you did. I still visit once in a blue moon.
I honestly don't know why I'm happy this place still exists.
Nostalgia I guess.
90's peeps be super nostalgiiiiiic.
Dude .


What are we gonna do for NSFCD's tenth anniversary?
Should we all meet up somewhere and get intercourse ing wasted?


Quote from: Doodle on October 01, 2016, 12:14:06 AM
What are we gonna do for NSFCD's tenth anniversary?
Should we all meet up somewhere and get intercourse ing wasted?
We should take the day off and have an all-day-long gaming session. Could set up private servers and whatnot for poops and giggles, and post our antics on YouTube.


Meeting up could be cool. But not as cool as me.
In California.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude on October 01, 2016, 01:59:39 AM
Meeting up could be cool. But not as cool as me.
In California.
dont try any funny stuff


Quote from: whatwewishfor on October 04, 2016, 10:04:46 PM
dont try any funny stuff
No comedy clubs, got it.
Though I may touch your butt.
Dude .


Saw Jeffery Ross at The Improv in Irvine, wasn't terrible.


I've never been terribly active here, but decided to swing by after Ret unknowingly threw me into a nostalgia trip.

NSider2 is practically dead now. CrowdGather drove it into the ground and struggled to maintain even the most basic aspects of the site. The few of us remaining on staff decided to pack up and start another website. It's doing well enough, but it's still sad to see how fragmented the old community has become.

Swinging by here as well as some of the other old NSider spinoff sites brings back such a rush of memories. So many memorable people, and such a crazy history. It's amusing to see just how much (or how little) some people have changed in this past near-decade.

Crazy to think that I was in middle school when I first joined NSider, and since then I've worked several jobs and I'm soon graduating with my second college/university-level degree. I attribute a large part of who I am to the NSider community and the smaller forums that spawned in its closure.

Keep on keepin' on, everyone.